I have all the sets unlocked on Steam so I've been spending most of my time grinding and consequently brewing on iOS. At this point I have most of the cards unlocked - I just need about 20% each of AKH and ORI, most of OGW, and a few packs each of AER and BFZ. Since iOS 2HG pits you against AI, its prolly the easiest way to grind (95+% win rate, 30 gold, but longer games) so I have a lot of 2HG oriented builds that are geared toward crushing the AI. But also some good 1v1 builds and a few builds that should be good for either, I think.
1V1 Builds
All 4 of these decks have worked well for me on the iOS ladder. They are all pretty aggressive, but they pack a fair bit of interaction, too. Barney should love them. Listed in order of effectiveness.
So called because it's and comes out ahead without much effort...
6 * Swamp 7 * Forest 2 * Woodland Cemetery 3 * Aether Hub 4 * Evolving Wilds // I Don't have Quagmires yet or I'd prolly run one less Swamp and Forest for them. // OGW Nissa would be a good fit, too - prolly for a Narham Renegade
Notes: Play this one on your opponent's turn as much as possible. Surprise them by using Lightning Axe to clear their only blocker and drop a Bloodmad Vampire at the same time on their end of turn phase, etc.
2HG Grinding Builds
This is where the fun stuff is IMO. Building goofy decks that are optimized for 2HG and fun to play is what I'm best at.
Aggressive Builds
Prolly my fastest and most consistent grinding build. Almost never loses, even when carrying D-Card scrubs.
2 * Key to the City // This may seem stupid, but remember that this is for 2HG. You will be using this to cast madness spells and cycle dead cards but it also makes your partner's beaters unblockable!
Notes: Don't hesitate to discard cards to Reunion early on, even if you don't get value out of them, if you need to dig for land. The massive amount of draw in the deck is what makes it so consistent. 2 landers usually work out fine. Take Inventory is a great discard fodder early on - better than paying 2 mana just to draw 1 card. Try to hold the Fogs till as late as possible, but remember the AI uses Cut//Ribbons so beware of letting your life drop too low of the AI is playing Rakdos/Grixis. Ornamental Courage is a good combat trick that can be used on your ally's creatures, too.
"Thopter Bomb"
This is the first deck I built that successfully utilizes Reckless Fireweaver and Throne of the God-Pharaoh. Sometimes it has mana issues tho.
2 * Merchant's Dockhand // cheap spell. In theory, it lets you tap your tokens for Throne while giving card selection, but I rarely end up without better things to do with my mana.
2 * Smuggler's Copter // in addition to being simply stupid good, it can act as a tapdown for Throne late game. 2 * Throne of the God-Pharaoh // capable of monster damage in 2HG 3 * Servo Schematic // bomb with Fireweaver, great Improvise enabler, and sac fodder for the Nalaars.
2 * Aethersphere Harvester // Like Smuggler's but more defensive. 2 * Whir of Invention // I keep wanting to use this card but the triple cost is hard to deal with. This is the best home I've found for it thus far. 1 * Saheeli Rai // all around awesome. Did you know that when you copy a Fireweaver with her minus ability, the token Weaver triggers off of its own ETB?
3 * Whirler Rogue // another tap source. Don't forget you can target your pard's creeps with his ability, too. 2 * Pia and Kiran Nalaar
This is my favorite Fireweaver build. It can get degenerate quite quickly.
2 * Walking Ballista // this can be cast for mana, but often it acts as a lynchpin for some of the other combo pieces in the deck, getting recast multiple times for free in a single turn.
3 * Efficient Construction // so... I got this out in 1v1 playtesting with AI and it worked. Haven't seen it once in 2HG, but I think it should be good, esp with Throne. 3 * Reverse Engineer
Notes: Foundry Inspector opens up a lot of fun combos. I've had games where I was able to chain free Ballista, free Implement/Map, sac Implement/Map to Intruder and get back Ballista via Trawler, cast Servo Schematic for 1, sac it to get back Implement/Map, free Implement/Map, free Ballista, sac Implement/Map to get back Ballista... with Fireweaver out. I've also had games where the AI has stupidly opted to return Implement/Map to hand rather than take damage off of Pia's Revolution when I have Inspector and Fireweaver out. My only qualm about running that combo is that it can be slow with all the triggers and boring as hell for my partner so I try not to overdo it.
Synergy Builds Technically the Eggs build is synergy, but its so fast I put it in the aggressive category. These builds are slower but really fun to play.
I have tried many different builds to break Kalastria Healer in 2HG and this is the first one that really works well. It takes a little time to set up, but is really fun to play. It also is quite consistent because of the draw and search power.
1 * Lifecrafter's Bestiary // secondary draw engine - should be the first Trophy Mage target if EvoLeap isn't in play. 1 * Bontu's Monument // pings both heads for every creature cast and this deck casts a LOT of creatures. 1 * Rhonas's Monument // reduces casting cost of most of the creeps and can push some damage through via trample.
2 * Languish 2 * Yahenni's Expertise // these may seem really odd in a creature packed deck like this but they are crucial to keeping the aggro-oriented AI in check and this deck really doesn't care about building up a big board state so much as cycling creatures in and out of play. Healers are the only card we care about keeping on the table and we can always get them back with Waltz.
Notes: Having an engine is critical to getting this deck going. The AI doesn't run arti/enchant hate so 1 copy of each of the artifacts is sufficient - handy since 2 of them are legendary. If you are lucky enough to have a Evo Leap early on, then Bontu's is the best card to search for with Trophy Mage, otherwise, get Bestiary first and Bontu's next. Rhonas's is usually 3rd priority since its main function is just to speed up the creature casting by making the green creeps cheaper. Supernatural Stamina is always value on your own creatures but your pard will always appreciate it if you rescue his high value creatures, too. And it also is a nifty combat trick. Anyway, the game plan is to stall the AI with chumpers and sweepers until you get an engine and Bontu's online. Then just keep playing creeps and digging for Healers. Don't hesitate to sac a Healer since you can always use Waltz to get it back later.
2 * Key to the City // this card serves several purposes - making you or your pard's creeps unblockable, cycling dead cards for fresh ones, and helping ditch fat cards to achieve hellbent for Orrery.
3 * Retreat to Hagra // primarily for the life leach, but the deathtouch ability can be important and is especially good with Ballista. If you are well situated with mana, consider holding EWs to crack mid combat as a combat trick 3 * Retreat to Kazandu // can always buff your pard's creeps if you don't have any. Especially nice with Walking Ballista 4 * Read the Bones 1 * Liliana, the Last Hope
1 * The Gitrog Monster // extra land drop, mini land drop combo with Drownyard Temple, draw engine, and all around hefty beatstick. 1 * Ob Nixilis Reignited // draw, murder on a stick, potential wincon (but not really) 1 * Nissa, Vital Force // ranm, defense, mini combo with Drownyard Temple (best awakening target because you can always recur it if it takes lethal damage), potential draw engine, and can grab a card from the yard in a pinch.
1 * Ulvenwald Hydra // usually digs for a Drownyard Temple. Evolving Wilds is the next best target.
8 * Swamp* 7 * Forest * 2 * Woodland Cemetery 2 * Drownyard Temple 2 * Foul Orchard // Quagmires! *I might try cutting one of each basic and adding a pair of Warped Landscape. Fetchlands are double the triggers and Landscape is kinda nice in that it can provide mana early and then be cracked as a trick later.
Notes: Getting both Retreats out with a Ballista is a really fun combo. Basically, every land becomes a free Murder! This deck plays more like a support deck, but is plenty capable of closing games on its own - it just takes a while. Orrery hellbent is really powerful if you can get it online, but can be hard to accomplish. Keys really help with this. As mentioned above, holding fetchlands to crack mid combat is quite effective - can give a creature a little buff or deathtouch after the AI has assigned attackers or blockers.
Control Builds
"Grixis CTRL"
This is a fun take on Grixis that seeks to get as much use out of the GY as from the hand. Aftermath aplenty!
1 * Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 2 * Baral, Chief of Compliance // Given that Aftermath spells tend to be a bit pricy, Baral is really good in this build. 4 * Thermo-Alchemist // The AI seems to prioritize by Rarity and P/T so this guy is usually at the bottom of the list for any spot removal, and left alone he wins games.
2 * Commit // Memory 1 * Rags // Riches // maybe should be land #25? The deck has decent draw/filter so 24 might be good enough. Seems to be working well so far...
This is the goofiest of all the control builds. It tries to pair all those silly Pyramid cards with things that give bonus counters (Snek and Skyship Plunderer). Plunderer is awesome if the enemy is light on air or if you are lucky enough to have a pard that can help it get through every turn - there are no shortage of things it can manipulate.
2 * Walking Ballista // Good with Snek. Good with Plunderer. Great with both.
3 * Skyship Plunderer // this card works so well when unopposed that I almost want to add Keys or something to help push it through. I can't tho - not enough room. 3 * Winding Constrictor // speed up those Pyramids. 1 * Heart of Kiran // lots of friends in this build, so Heart is a great include 1 * Nissa, Steward of Elements
2 * Oracle's Vault 2 * Bounty of the Luxa // Plunderer can even double the tide counters on this card for a big mana boost. 2 * Languish 2 * Yahennis's Expertise // *sniff* these kill out little pump dudes, but they are often necessary to keep the hoards in check while our walkers take over the game
This is my most recent build and prolly still needs a little work, but it has been performing well so far and is fun to play so I'm listing it. I don't have Drake Haven yet or I might have tried a Grix build - as it is, Rakdos seems to be the best fit for it.
2 * Molten Vortex // this card finally has a home, and it really, really shines here.
2 * Key to the City // you prolly won't be using this on your own creeps very often, but it still serves several potent roles and can always help your pard out. 4 * Cathartic Reunion // I rarely end up casting this late game, but early on it helps cycle excess lands (we're running 26 here!) into playable cards
4 * Fiery Temper // best madness card in Duels and, oddly enough, the only one in this deck. 3 * Unlicensed Disintegration // only 4 artis in deck to activate the damage, but its still the best instant removal card in Rakdos. 1 * Liliana, the Last Hope // wincon, control card, and can let you get back an Archfiend that you cycled earlier if necessary.
1 * Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet // with all the removal, this guy rocks 1 * Avaricious Dragon // another crappy card that actually works in this build? It's especially good with Orrery since its draw triggers in the draw step - after Orrery triggers. 2 * Ghirapur Orrery // speaking of Orrery... 2 * Languish 2 * Yahenni's Expertise 2 * Cut // Ribbons // with 26 lands and Orrery, Ribbons can be massive here. Just beware AIs with mana. Leave a spare mana if Censor is a possibility 1 * Chandra, Torch of Defiance // all around useful
2 * Archfiend of Ifnir // speak of the devil er... demon. 3 * Necromantic Summons // what is THIS doing here? Well... If your Archfiend gets Never/Cut/Finished or if you cycled it, then this can put it back on the table. Or you can just use it to bring back one of your opps threats that you killed with all your removal. Its never a dead card. 2 * Never // Return
Notes: So why 26 land? Best odds of hitting 5 mana on turn 5 without ramp, ensures a good stream of ammo for Vortex which is bonkers with Ifnir out, btw, and gives good odds of hitting double land drops with Orrery and maintaining Hellbent. The cycling via Key, Sanitarium, and Reunion helps to manage flood and finally, lots of lands make for very powerful Ribbons.
That's it for now. I have a few other decks that I might add later, after I consider them tuned enough to share. Lemme know if you try any of these and how they work out for you.
So listed in order of effectiveness means you start with the best or build up to the best? In other words am I building Priveledge or wampies next?
Looks awesome btw, thanks for thinking of my wheelhouse
Most effective first. I almost never lose with any of the first 3 but the delirium build is a bit out of date. That said, I hit a terrible streak right after posting these where I lost the first game (playing energy) vs jund midrange due to a ui issue (tried to cast a spell during combat at the same time as opponent and his went through first. I tried to respond to his but that stupid system busy popup window made it so I couldn't pause the game and by the time I realized it was interfering and dismissed it, his spell had resolved. And it really was a game deciding moment). After that I played a mirror where opp went first with a great hand and I had a meh hand that managed a good fight but never caught up. And then a game where I was crushing a walker control deck to the point my opp dc'd to preserve rank but then the ai somehow topped every perfect answer it needed to turn the game around, etc etc. I finally got my mojo back but it was a rough streak to hit after winning like 14 straight games.
Joined: Nov 10, 2013 Posts: 17753 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hey Flaky, I don't have a mono white anymore in the hopper so I'm really looking forward to trying yours. Looking quickly, I'm questioning the following cards in your deck: Lone Rider - does this make sense in your deck? Shouldn't these be those 2/2 renown vigilant guys? Gideon of the Trials, on its own I would question its inclusion but playing both Kytheon and good Gideon makes this even weaker Collective effort - I don't have much experience with this card but I find it expensive and it has to tap our guys sometimes Angelic Destiny - this stupid card kills my often but I hate auras like poison. Would love to drop this on a lone rider tho Westvale Abbey, yeah I dunno. By the time I have five dudes would I really want to sac them?
Anyway I'll build its Tuesday and take her out. Results are awesome so it's hard to fault the deck
Good questions, all. Rider has always performed well for me. Blessed Alliance alone can flip it but really any buff effect like Always Watching, Gideon, or either Lieutenant goes so well with first strike to make it a menace. That said, I haven't tried the renowneds yet. Having to skip a turn with them plus them being such crappy blockers makes me dubious.
Gideon was a recent swap. I haven't played much with him either, but his ult seems like it would be BETTER with more Gideons floating around. 4/4 indestructible attacker for 3 is always ok even if its vulnerable on the counterattack. Open to suggestions for better cards tho. Edit: actually, I don't have my 3rd anointer of champions unlike cked. If I did, that would be my pick. Its great with all the first strikers and fun with Always Watching, too since you can tap it after declairing it an attacker. Its one of those cards that ppl seem to forget about in their combat calculations.
Collective Effort is good. Very good. No shortages of enchants to take out, the buff is usually worth tapping for, and the kill effect is often important. To have all those functions in one card is amazing.
Destiny. Cool thing about Destiny is that it is more resilient to removal than most auras bc it returns to hand if its target dies (assuming it resolves). Just don't cast it into open mana in bounce/removal colors.
Abbey is more of a why not card. Being mono means I can easily toss in a tech land without messing up the mana base. Most of the tech lands don't do mych for the deck. Abbey poops out tokens which have a little synergy with Hanweir and Lieutenants. And if you ever get a little token hoard, flipping it might help resolve a standoff.
Hard to see all those Lone Riders without any Glory-Bound Initiates, especially with the Always Watchings in here too. I'd swap in the pair for 3cc Gideon (I don't like the potential for dead cards running all 3) and either an Envoy or a Blessed Alliance, depending on how often you feel like you're actually being attacked with mana open.
Hey Barney, where is the cursing, the swearing to the deck builder followed by the destruction of the deck sheet that Elk and I have begun to miss? Where is the trip to valhalla, shinny and chromed?
Joined: Nov 10, 2013 Posts: 17753 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I am awaited.
The swearing is still happening but I only tear the decks on camera. Off camera I just unceremoniously stuff them in the waste paper basket like a failed writer.
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