Giocher's list might be, but honesty compels me that I did put Giocher's list in his hands through a gauntlet and he won 1 game vs a midrange creature deck, and (very narrowly) lost to both control and aggro decks.
In my defense, against control Disciple shifted completely the advantage bar, it's a card i cannot do much about since mine is a >50% spells deck. The only chance is to aggressively make you run out of gas in the gy, hoping that you have not a stacked hand too. Against aggro it was weird, Pieces of the Puzzle whiffed, i should calculate the probability. (Edit: if i calculated it well the probability is 0.0084, not saying it should not happen, but not against you
the only other true combodeck (anointed displacer)
I have another one
Anyway here's further feedback. Baral is in definitely. I want velocity? Baral is velocity, only 1 turn with Baral it's like 3 turns without. I won against a good gb energy/counters aggro deck (not in ladder) because of Baral. Without him i would have lost because i needed 2 more turns and 2 more fogs to play all the spells i played with him. It's also good turn 4/5, not only turn 2, and if he dies it still bought some time and a removal and if there is not big pressure we can bring it back.
About the rest, as discussed with Rabs, some of the spells are situational and since aggro is the main problem we should tune this deck for the aggro matchup. Titi is a possibility that i should consider more, but having also Baral i'm trying to not put too many creatures.
Changes that i'm testing from the original list.
-1 Blossoming Defense, +1 Pulse of Murasa. In general Defense is good, sometimes a bit narrow, and maybe we dont need too much protection, so i prefer to leave only 2 Dispels to protect Fling. Pulse is never a dead card, 3 mana is ok also being a 1 of, and sometimes the lifegain is useful, against burn or ballista or other kind of stuff.
-3 Censor, +3 Telling Time. Censor was always an ok card, sometimes you leave mana for Grapple and Censor on turn 2 and sometimes you counter something. After turn 2 you only cycle it, that is not a bad thing in this deck because it's essentially the way you want to use mana in this deck. Censor could be also better against aggro, but now i'm testing Telling Time that can smooth a bit your early game.
-2 Commencement, +2 Baral. The problem is the lack of space, so i cut 2 fogs effect to add Baral, and as i said before if he sticks at least one turn it gives you value as one more turn and a fog. Also i'm using Pulse, that is a pseudo fog, but i can see adding a 5th fog, not a 6th.
Further testing will be about Titi, i think i tried it too fast and if we care more about aggro we should find a place for it. Also not sure about Censor/Telling Time.
Edit: some speculation. What about +2 Titi -2 Dispel? In general we have more grapples and drakes than the opponent removals. It makes the control matchup worse, but we could try to be more aggressive in that matchup, winning by attacking with early drake and maybe flipped titi, trying to make them run out of gas, using fling only as a counter for removal but not as main plan. Only speculation.