I wanna play too!
Round 1 predictions:
Vert (Esper Control) vs. Pure (Black Vehicles)
Vert 2, Pure 1
This match could go either way and I think it will be very interesting to watch. Pure has a lot of ways to make counterspells and removals useless (possibly one of the most difficult matchups for Vert). But Vert's playing a deck he knows like the back of his hand and is a very savvy player. For this reason alone I'm giving the nod to Vert. Won't be shocked if Pure sweeps tho.
heebee (Izzet Burn) v. Natasha (Orzhov Control)
Natasha 2, Heebee 1
I'm inclined to say the creature light deck with burn will beat the creature light deck without burn, but Izzet list is comboey (Drakes) and Orzhov list has combo breakers in instant speed removal. Plus lifegain to counteract the burn plan and plenty of Planeswalker power. The good thing for Izzet list is the glut of Orzhov list sorcery speed removals that are useless against the Drake + Battlement haste combo. Heebs could take this (a nice burn heavy draw and visions, if Orzhov list gets stuck with a fat hand of removals with no targets), but I'm leaning towards N6 having Grasps/Push-Wilds/Anguished to nope the combo and win the long game. If Heebs plan involved Flings that need to be countered to combo break, then I might feel more inclined to predict a round win for him here.
VT2WA (Rakdos Vehicles) v. Reshfuu (Orzhov Zombies)
VT2WA 2, Reshfuu 1
I'm not very high on Orzombies. Sure they did well in the pro-tour, but we're several
-drops short of recreating those lists. It's rare that I lose to Orzombies on the ladder, so I don't really understand why people think it's a top tier archetype in Duels (I get that people have fun with zombies and why they're around the ladder, but not why peeps think they're particularly legit). Binding Mummies suck vs aggro decks that don't want to play defense anyways. Not sure why this Rakdos Vehicles list doesn't run Skysovereign, which would def be a huge problem for Orzombies. As is, Push/Grasp on Copters/Hearts could help Orzombies pull off a win - but my money's on Rakdos Vehicles hitting too hard and fast for Orzombies to keep up.
DCG (Jeskai Control) v. The1Dude (Grixis Control)
DCG 1, the1dude 2
This game should be one of the more interestingly boring AF matches this round. Practically guaranteed to last 2 hours. I'm giving the edge to Grixis because it runs more hard counters, more Planeswalkers, Disciple, and intimations which can be a backbreaker in this type of matchup. I'll be shocked if Enigma Drakes ever get to attack in these games. I'll also be shocked if either player gets to cast a sweeper for any value. Grixis can't answer a resolved tutelage tho, so if Jeskai can find and cast its only copy that could take a game.
GodAmongMen (Temur Drake) v. CGB (Izzet Control)
CGB 2, GodAmongMen 0
Even as just a general rule, who's going to bet against CGB? I'd love to see the goofy combo deck do well in this tourney, but CGBs running a lot of counters and Temur only has a handful of spells that absolutely need to be answered. Being so creature light, I could see magma spray being comboed with another burn spell to exile Temurs win cons. God, I want to see you succeed, but I'm not liking your chances at all this round.
Will (Jund Midrange) v. Ninja (Gruul Aggro)
Ninja 2, Will 1
If Gruul gets a good aggressive start, I don't think Jund survives long enough to start dropping bombs. I don't think I like the Towers in Jund list either. If Jund can get to delirium Ishkanah with Grapples back up, I think it can clog up the board enough for Jund to pull through. I think that happens in one game, but Gruul too fast in the others.
Sleep (RB Vehicles) v. Jam (Gruul Aggro)
Jam 2, Sleep 1
Another Rakdos Vehicles lost without Skysovereign. What's up ewe guise? I don't buy WWs argument that Glorybringer is trash, but Skysovereign is legit and with Thopter Engineers to give haste, I'd def run The Good Ship Lollipop with a single Dragon over 2 dragon 0 skyship. Anyways, this matchup looks very hard to predict. Both lists running a nice amount of haste creatures and are looking to hit hard and fast. I'm thinking Blossomings will blank UD at least once leading to a blowout. Also that Sleep seemed to fall into his list at the last minute rather than being a list he knows well and loves playing will tip this round in Jam's favor.
Frostang (Gruul Aggro) v. Gem (Bant Tempo)
Frostang 1, Gem 2
Already commented on this. I'm granting Frost can win a match with the wealth of hastey creatures if Gem can't draw/hold up Thalias/unsubs/Quellers, but my money's on Gem to take the set. I've played games against his list and I know how much of a pain it is. Suspect it's more or less the same list that rocked out in CGBs end of season best deck playoffs before AKH release. Idk how well it will do vs control decks, but folks running creature decks ought to respect it.