I'm no expert at the archetype, but here are my thoughts :
It needs more mana sources. Your only cantrips are the implements of combustion, and your main wincon needs 4 mana on the same turn. I goldfished this type of deck even previous season vs AI, and the Idea of having 10 artifacts on the field + 4 mana + intruder + fling, is just not going to hold up in our removal heavy format online. I think you can play this deck vs the AI, but there are too many tools missing (strong manarocks, cantrips, GOOD EGGS basically) and too many cards that 'seem' to fit (husks, insult) but are just too mana heavy for what the deck tries to do for it to be playable. It's fun to kill the AI with, but I don't think it's viable online.
Also, if you type [ deck ] then the card names, then finish the code by [ /deck ] (without spaces) all the cards get hotlinked
CheatyfaceI agree completely this is a rank 15 deck at the most, the thing is that when fling got spoiled I though that would be cool on an Aggro deck... the reality is that this deck needs to buy quite some time before it goes lethal.
The "seem to fit" cards synergies well enough, but on the long run they just aren´t powerful enough and if you sac your pump outlets before lethal damage is online you can basically just concede the game.
I also try a GR agrro energy with Pummeler, but I´m quite convinced that aggro is not the strategy for fling with our card pool.
I think maybe mid range is the way to go with fling, hold the board while you set the pieces of the combo.
what do you guys think?