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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 9:14 am 
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Here's another deck that I just put together and went undefeated (4-0) on the ladder.
The idea started out with a suicide rakdos deck to do the "10 creatures leave the Cemetery quest", but this version gained a life of its own and branched out independantly from the original idea. So what's it all about? Recurring undead.
Almond-cat has got plenty of Discard outlets and madness cards are all very well and good, but discarding them is a 1-time opportunity for value/card advantage, but discarding stuff like Scrounger... That's long-term value. Almond-cat happens to give us a new extra scrounger 1 drop, Add in the usual restless dead suspects and voilá! All you need now is some agressive Discard outlets, the awesome rakdos removal suite and lilly.

The walking dead
1 x Sanitarium Skeleton
2 x Dread Wanderer
2 x Scrapheap Scrounger
2 x Asylum Visitor
2 x Miasmic Mummy
3 x Bloodrage Brawler
2 x Plague Belcher
2 x Prized Amalgam
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
1 x Olivia, Mobilized for War
2 x Haunted Dead
2 x Bloodhall Priest
1 x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
1 x Hazoret the Fervent

3 x Fatal Push
3 x Fiery Temper
2 x Unlicensed Disintegration

1 x Cut

1 x Liliana, the Last Hope

2 x Key to the City
2 x Smuggler's Copter

2 x Smoldering Marsh
7 x Swamp
7 x Mountain
2 x Dragonskull Summit
2 x Cinder Barrens
2 x Aether Hub

To view this deck go to: ... 08b3aaf799

Created using Magic Duels Helper:

Unfortunately, Almond-cat has the answer to this deck with the graveyard exile stuff, but those cards aren't very popular atm. The deck won against izzet Burn (who said fire is good versus the undead?) , selesnya humans (too much good removal), zombie tokens (removal + removal-resistant dudes pulled it off) and Gruul ramp (deck can go very fast and is a beast in top-decking mode).

Cards that stand out: Plague Belcher. Dropping this T2 can really ruin your opponent's day. Against the selesnya deck, my opponent had to ditch always Watching (yes!) and it totally messed up his game plan, where I just ditched a Scrounger without a care. This is a very strong hand-hate card and good early against most decks. I had a full set initially, but had to cut something for the goodstuff... Later on it can still be good if your opponent is holding up removal or sweepers, but it can be a madness freebie for him too, still at least you get to choose when.

The amalgams are only hard castable with the hubs, so you may need to use your energy sparingly. But with 6 undead, who don't like staying dead... No worries! I'm actually thinking about splashing a little more blue and adding good ol' forgotten Gisa and Geralf for some more added graveyard shenanigans (including at least 1 fleshbag)

Plague Belcher is a mini sub-theme in that there is moderation zombie synergy, but the real idea is to give the tokens to a recurrable guy and beatdown with a 3cc 5/4 menace.

Cut to ribbons is removal and a finisher. Hasn't come up yet, but its an ok card to Discard now to use later.

Btw, the Skeleton is an awesome Copter pilot! He just won't stay dead...


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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 10:12 am 
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+1 fiery temper
+1 big lili

-2 miasmic mummy

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 10:52 am 
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divinevert wrote:
+1 fiery temper
+1 big lili

-2 miasmic mummy

So your saying play all 4 against you huh? :p

The mummy really messes with your opponent's game plan, I really like the disruption.

Actually, I think I need the Discard outlet and the expendable bodies for the Scrounger and Belcher are useful.

I actually cut a temper for a lilly, but playing with all 3... I don't think I like the idea of drawing all 3.

If I went with a 5 drop, I think Skysovereign would probably be my choice...

Thanks for the input. :)

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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 7:02 am 
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For 5-drops, I would suggest Archfiend of Ifnir. With all those discard outlets, why not make it hurt?

Sshhh! I'm two goblins in a trenchcoat!

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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:18 am 
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You can exchange your 2 Dread Wanderers for Miasmic Mummy. The Aftermath effect being a sorcery hurts it. Costs 3 is a lot and comes into pay tapped. Last requirement of almost empty hand is easy for this deck to accomplish. But there is simply too many requirements. Its a zombie though. Would Diregraf Colossus work in the way you cast your zombies? If it does, it might make a better card for you. Can enter the game as big zombie or make zombie tokens for you.

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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:57 pm 
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Dread Wanderers are fantastic. They're black's best 1-drop by far. Sorcery speed or the cost to bring them back hasn't ever been a problem, because when your hellbent you usually don't have a lot to do with your mana anyway and they can't be countered. Dropping them T1 is usually some guaranteed damage. They also revive the amalgams, so its extra value.

The other suggestions are valid and I'll try them out, but currently I've switched back to the suicide rakdos or Rakdicide build, which has a lot in Common but is faster and totally kamikaze. Such a blast to play.
Also I've just discovered incredible synergies and tricks with the (imo) best combat trick in Duels that everyone is sleeping on: Supernatural Stamina.
Try it out on a Lathnu Hellion when you've got no energy left. Bang, 2 extra damage and the Hellion has fuel for another 2 turns.
The card is awesome for stuff you sacrifice too and in a removal heavy meta, its the greatest F-U card. Rage quit guaranteed!

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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