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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:22 pm 
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you can make the physical media yourself except for when DRM prevents it which was a lot of why steam made me nervous but GoG has risen as a good DRM-light alternative so there's that.

"That winter, the fireplace was never without a crackling blaze in its belly. The boiled wine we drank was undoubtedly middling and cheap, but she said, with a smile, "I've never had wine this good before." And though I didn't say anything, I felt the same way."

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:25 pm 
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Barinellos wrote:
I really hate the push against physical media. I love owning actual copies of things, so the idea that vaporware digital only media is king of the future disgusts me.

100% Agreed.

While I agree it is very nice to own books, I also love the idea of getting a book for two or three dollars and being able to access my library from my phone.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:44 pm 
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printing and binding a book yourself and whatnot probably isn't that feasible but you could at least store the book data itself on a physical medium and keep it somewhere which is something that appeals to me. If I'm ever rich I'd like to buy a lot of digital storage space just to keep a large archive of books, games, videos, website archives, and w/e else on.

"That winter, the fireplace was never without a crackling blaze in its belly. The boiled wine we drank was undoubtedly middling and cheap, but she said, with a smile, "I've never had wine this good before." And though I didn't say anything, I felt the same way."

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:49 pm 
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So, priorities.

- Either I finish Fallen Máni within a few days and publish my first novel

- Either I focus on Aethersworn

- Either I finish my MTG fanfic "The Chronicle of Matahouroa", which has been on hiatus for over a month and I've promised to finish soon

These choices, they drive me insane.

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:13 am 
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'Either' is used to denote two mutually-exclusive choices.

also you totally should choose option 3, whatever that ends up being.

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you're like the kind of person who would cast Necropotence irl

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2017 7:50 pm 
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Ugh why did SU have to do that to me again.

altimis wrote:
I never take anytihng Lily says seriously, except for when I take it personally. Then it's personal.
WotC_Ethan wrote:
People, buy more stuff.


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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2017 8:05 pm 
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According to Master Roshi, all wickedness comes from the anus.

Mordred: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

Flagg: Nani?

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 3:50 am 

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There's an odd sort of feeling that comes from being, seemingly, the only person that remembers a piece of media.
Does anyone remember the MIB cartoon, for example? (genuine question, because nobody else around me seems to)

At twilight's end, the shadow's crossed / a new world birthed, the elder lost.
Yet on the morn we wake to find / that mem'ry left so far behind.
To deafened ears we ask, unseen / "Which is life and which the dream?"

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:24 am 
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I certainly remember it exists, but I don't think I've seen it. I think there was another MIB cartoon series a few years later, though, and I remember watching that one.

"Enchant me with your tale-telling. Tell about Tree, Grass, River, and Wind.
Tell why Truth must fight with Falsehood, and why Truth will always win."
—Love Song of Night and Day

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 6:24 am 
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I remember watching it.

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:28 am 
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I remember. It was J and that girl from tye end of the movie who I guess he made quit by tye start of the second movie.

altimis wrote:
I never take anytihng Lily says seriously, except for when I take it personally. Then it's personal.
WotC_Ethan wrote:
People, buy more stuff.


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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:53 am 
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K was also involved.

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:24 am 

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Remember Butt-Ugly Martians?

It was really bad lmao

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:27 am 
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Oh god oh god i just remebered that. It was always at weird times so I only watched a few episodes when i was sick from school and stuff. I never understood the theme song because they were always saying letters that didnt seem to correspond with their name or something.

altimis wrote:
I never take anytihng Lily says seriously, except for when I take it personally. Then it's personal.
WotC_Ethan wrote:
People, buy more stuff.


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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 6:26 pm 
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I wanted to make a video about a world without Christianity, but I might have to wait a while. Here's the highlights:

- Two timelines with the replacement religions: one for Buddhism and another for Asetism (Isis worship)

- Europe under Buddhism

- Europe under Asetism and syncretism with germanic and western european goddesses.

- The place of Judaism in either timeline

- The absence of Islam in both timelines.

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 7:58 pm 

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Wouldn't the Olympian pantheon be the logical replacement given the large Roman expansion being the thing that drove christianity?

At twilight's end, the shadow's crossed / a new world birthed, the elder lost.
Yet on the morn we wake to find / that mem'ry left so far behind.
To deafened ears we ask, unseen / "Which is life and which the dream?"

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 8:06 pm 
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Barinellos wrote:
Wouldn't the Olympian pantheon be the logical replacement given the large Roman expansion being the thing that drove christianity?

Or potentially the Pagan and/or Norse belief system, which by definition would not have been actively subjugated and turned to Christian purposes, such as the Winter Solstice and Vernal Equinox celebrations becoming Christmas and Easter respectively.

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 8:21 pm 

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Barinellos wrote:
Wouldn't the Olympian pantheon be the logical replacement given the large Roman expansion being the thing that drove christianity?

Or potentially the Pagan and/or Norse belief system, which by definition would not have been actively subjugated and turned to Christian purposes, such as the Winter Solstice and Vernal Equinox celebrations becoming Christmas and Easter respectively.

I'd think, if enough if the belief could weather the Roman occupation, we'd be seeing an ascendant Celtic pantheon in the rise of the British empire. The Saxons could potentially sway such, but...

At twilight's end, the shadow's crossed / a new world birthed, the elder lost.
Yet on the morn we wake to find / that mem'ry left so far behind.
To deafened ears we ask, unseen / "Which is life and which the dream?"

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:29 pm 
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Barinellos wrote:
Barinellos wrote:
Wouldn't the Olympian pantheon be the logical replacement given the large Roman expansion being the thing that drove christianity?

Or potentially the Pagan and/or Norse belief system, which by definition would not have been actively subjugated and turned to Christian purposes, such as the Winter Solstice and Vernal Equinox celebrations becoming Christmas and Easter respectively.

I'd think, if enough if the belief could weather the Roman occupation, we'd be seeing an ascendant Celtic pantheon in the rise of the British empire. The Saxons could potentially sway such, but...

It's an interesting hypothetical that encompasses a lot. For instance, the Roman Catholic church was one of the major reasons that reading and writing survived through the Dark Ages. Without Catholic monks transcribing the Bible and various church documents, and frankly without the Bible itself, which formed the basis of the academic canon, does the written word even continue to exist in Medieval Europe? Obviously, it can always be re-introduced from the East, but what consequences come from a potentially writing-less Dark Age?

Then again, does Europe even go through a Dark Age? I mean, I have no reason to suspect that the Dark Ages were directly or even indirectly caused by the Church. The only thing I can think of is the basically mandatory masses, which could have possibly contributed to spreading disease. Some of the church-fostered superstitions may have contributed, although people would have come up with their own share of superstitions without the Church.

What becomes very interesting then is the lack of the Crusades. Without Christianity and later Islam, Jerusalem is either never taken, or, if it is, it is an event that Europeans have no reason to care about. Of course, most Europeans, or at least the nobles, joined less out of religious conviction and more out of a desire for plunder. But of course, we don't have the Templars or the Teutonic Knights or any of the religious military orders, which changes a lot in Europe.

I wonder also what becomes of the Jewish people in Europe. While Jews have been traditionally persecuted across the world, the two largest contributing factors to anti-Semitism were Christians blaming them for the death of Jesus (which is really stupid when you look at the theology) and the fact that during the Middle Ages, Christians were forbidden by religious doctrine to charge interest, and thus could not realistically own banks, a niche that the Jewish people were able to fill. So it's an interesting theoretical question as to whether the Jewish people become more accepted in a non-Christian Europe, or if losing the advantage of niche banking, while helping them socially, stops them from surviving into the modern day.

I wonder if the Normans invade England in a non-Christian Europe. Again, I don't see why they wouldn't, given the fact that William the Conqueror's invasion did not seem to be religiously motivated, but then again, are the Normans even in power in what is modern-day France? Much of what established the power of the Normans was Charlemagne establishing the rule of the Franks, which he likely could not have done without the pre-existing support of the Roman Catholic Church. It makes me wonder if it would actually be the Eastern Germanic tribes like the Vandals or the Visigoths who take control of Europe. Or then again, does Rome even fall if Constantine doesn't lead them down the path toward Christianity? I suspect it still does, but who knows?

Anyway, that's my twenty-two cents on alternate-reality history.

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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 5:54 am 
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Late Antiquity was dominated by a variety of new religious movements due to dissatisfaction with traditional religion. So, I'm guessing another of these religious would have risen to power if Christianity did not exist.

In Buddhist world the local greco-roman, celtic and germanic pantheons would be preserved just as polytheistic pantheons were preserved in Asia, with the added bonus of monks recording things.

In Asetism reality, probably the same, but with Isis (and whatever goddesses syncretized with her) at the helm. Probably no monk tradition to record things, though.

I'm working on how Judaism would have worked, and I think there would be no reasons for anti-semetism. Maybe we could see Judaism assimilating into the European Buddhist traditions. But there would be some serious resistance to Asetism.

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