x4 Galvanic Bombardment is the draw back of requiring you to run all 4 copies to be effective which limits the flexibility of your deck. Also, you MUST do 2 damage first, so unless you have a way to discard the 1st copy (Cathartic Reunion), then the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th can become "good" removal. I wouldn't necessarily play it just to deal with 5 toughness Vehicles...for that I'd rather have Lightning Axe + Fiery Temper.
x3 Fiery Impulse has the beauty of having a higher chance of dealing 3 dmg the 1st time. You don't need 4 copies for 3 copies seems fine. With 4 copies you can of course double up to kill something with 6 toughness.
x2 Magma Stray is better for control decks than Shock which is mainly only for aggro builds. I would stay at x1 or x2 Magma Spray as they're are really only 2 creatures in the format that destroy control decks (Scrapheap Scrounger).
So, if I were you and I were to build a Jeskai or UR control list for example, x3 Fiery Impulse + x1 Magma Spray w/ flashback or x3 Impulse + x2 Magma Spray without Jace would be a nice start. x1 Dispel or x1 Fragmentize seem cool in the main but those are mainly sideboard material.
Fiery Impulse + x1
Magma Spray +
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy (As the 4th Impulse or 2nd Magma Spray)