Okay, so the results are finally in (sorry for the delay)... I went 9-1 overall with just a single loss due to mana screw, against the worst possible mana screw opponent - PWers. Even in the loss I was able to buy a lot of time, but the mana just never came, and I was stuck with no red and tons of red spells. (Note: I should have mulliganed the hand, obviously - so maybe the whole loss was just a misplay in the first place). I'm this deck is way better than 50% against that kind of crap.
I declare this deck playable in our current meta. Enjoy.
@BB this is probably worth a spin. Read the notes first, as there are some hints, but I'd rather - if you test it - that you figure out your own way to play. Only major tip, this deck is designed around having a t2 2 drop, mulligan any hands that don't fit the requirement. Also, in case it wasn't clear, you want to see RU, then B for your mana. So UB opener may be a loss before you even start, and is often better to mulligan away.
Tip2: we are basically only interested in playing Picker as a 1 drop, unless we have no board at all, we probably prefer to wait to play the card. Untapped U mana means something in this deck, leave it untapped unless absolutely necessary. Whereas UD + Picker is a massive blowout... do that when possible.
Tip3: vehicles is probably the better deck, but this is still spiky.
I should mention, I'm considering replacing Jace and the 2 abbots. Not sure for what yet, but it will be creatures. Suggestions are certainly welcome. They just don't feel needed, or helpful. (Likely replacement -
Forerunner of Slaughter intended mostly as a hasted 3 drop, but playable for 2.)