Day 6: Skittles! *with artifacts and land in every bag!
Ahn-Crop Champion - 0.5
If exert.deck becomes a thing in the future, this guy will be an imprortant part of it. Only 2 Always Watchings means you'll need other ways to keep your exerters untapped so they don't completely suck. Outside that deck, he's competing with
Heron's Grace Champion for a spot in the other deck that might want him, and he's not the Champion who will win that battle.
Aven Wing Guide - 1.25
Not every token deck needs to give their tokens flying and vigilance. Some will, and this is a nice way to finish the game quickly, letting your army fly over head while remaining upright to block on the backswing. Embalm makes it better than it otherwise would be, as it can chill in GY until you're ready to embalm it back for a lethal strike.
Bounty of the Luxa - 0.75
I can't even this card. Just don't know what to make of it until I can play with it. Both of its effects are things you'd like to have, but the whole alternating turns thing makes it difficult to predict how good it will be in practice. I could see it simply being too schizophrenic to see serious play, or getting broken in a Simic/Temur rampy-something build. I'm down to party with 4CMC do nothing enchantments if I understand what I'm getting into, but that's not the case with this.
Decimator Beetle - 0.5
I think the BG -/- counters wants to be faster than this guy. Good ability for what that deck is doing, but a 4/5 for 5 is very underwhelming - especially considering the stats for CMC you're getting with other options in that build. If it was 4 mana I'd give it more consideration. He could feel a little better if the next set gives us cards to make a more midrange version where Nest of Scarabs really shines.
Enigma Drake - 1.75
Izzet spells has a new toy to play with! 4 on the butt is nice for dodging burn spells, and helps block Copters/Harvesters. One thing I worry about is actually being able to attack with it - it'll be in creature light decks so opps probably chilling on removal when this drops. Maybe best in versions with counterspells to back it up on cast. Really dig that art tho, even if it ends up being meh.
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons - 1.5
Deathtouch snake generating ability is pretty sick for a -/- counters deck. You're not triggering her damage ability more than once in a blue moon tho. I think she's ok for the aggro version of the deck, but prob better if a midrange version appears.
Honored Crop-Champion - 3.0
This is a great card for aggressive Boros decks (or Naya, if you can work out the mana). Human subtype is extra good. This card is going straight in to some decks that are already pretty decent.
Khenra Charioteer - 3.0
Gruul beatdown is about to get real. I think this card even slots in to Gruul/Jund energy decks. How would you like it if your 8/8 cubs had trample?
Zendikar Incarnate is pissed we didn't have this back when people still played with him.
Merciless Javelineer - 0.25
A 4 mana card that dies to shock better pack a pretty boss ability to compensate. Paying
and a discard to put a -1/-1 counter on a creature and make it unable to block for a turn isn't going to cut it. If did the same thing without mana cost involved, maybe we could talk about hellbent/madness fits - but as is, not really. She's kinda hot tho.
Neheb, the Worthy - 1.5
One of the rare lords that doesn't need to be in a tribal deck to be playable, since his buff hits him too. Really only has one type of deck that wants him tho. Not sure he makes the cut in it, but worth testing out.
Nissa, Steward of Elements - 5.0
Every deck with Simic colors will have to think of reasons not to run her. Conviently
costed in a set that gives Simic a bunch of ramp. You will see her come down and toss 10 damage in the air at your face at least once. Her other abilities are dirty together, and Planeswalkers that +2 are a pain.
Samut, Voice of Dissent - 4.0
Holy keywords, Batman! Flash, Haste, Vigilance, Doublestrike, give your other creatures haste, pay
to untap another dood - this girl is bananas! So much utility packed into 1 card. If there's a deck running green and red and it has creatures in it, there's a good chance you'll see her there.
Shadowstorm Vizier - 1.0
I'm not super high on this card, but at worst you get a 1/3 flyer for 2 mana. As a mechanic twist on
Stormchaser Mage, she really needs another keyword like flash or menace or something. She doesn't go into a lot of decks, but being a cheap creature that synergizes with a set mechanic, she'll likely see
some play. I just don't know if the decks that could pump her hardest even want her in the end. She'll get tested, we'll see if she sticks at all. I imagine if she does, it'll be as a support piece and not a driver of decks built around her ability.
Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun - 1.5
I'm excited to play with this guy, but he's very narrow in the decks he can go in. If you're in those decks, giving one of your token creatures +1 buff and unblockable is pretty nice. You'll want to have some meatier token creatures than just 1/1s tho. Having embalm attached is helpful.
Wayward Servant - 2.0
This dood is a big reason why we're talking about Orzhov Zombies (and some talk of Esper) instead of Dimir Zombies.
Kalastria Healer is the only reason we saw allies around past Origins season, and zombies are already better than allies ever where.
Weaver of Currents - 2.0
Simic rrramp y'all. Not helping you with colors at all, but 2 colorless a pop and potential for untap effect abuse makes her a real driver for ramp decks. Maybe we need a 1CMC mana dork more than we needed this, but this'll do fine in its own right.
Start // Finish - 0.5
So an
Oath of Gideon without the Planeswalker buff (aka an overpriced
Dragon Fodder, and no, the vigilance doesn't change that), with an even more overpriced
Bone Splinters attached for aftermath. If they weren't bundled into one card slot, you'd never ever play these. Since they are, maybe you'll want to work it in somewhere. Or not.
Reduce // Rubble - 0.75
Calculated Dismissal without spellmastery with a quasi-DeepFiend-ultralight tacked on as aftermath. Sucks you have to wait for opp to tap the lands first, but at least that's the gravy side. Just not sure that gravy tastes good enough to make the main course more palatable when
Spell Shrivels around for decks that might want it. I guess part of the upside is if opp can tap 3 to pay the cost and get their spell through, you can take those land away for their next turn and hope they don't simply have enough mana to do what they want to anyways.
Destined // Lead - 0.75
As the norm with most of these, you're paying a bit more for each effect in exchange for 2 spells in 1 card slot. Lure effect can help you get in a lethal attack, so it's not complete garbage. So long as it's our only lure effect, it could see some play.
Onward // Victory - 0.5
If both sides were instant speed, this would be way better. Opps just going to chump that telegraphed double striker all day tho. Effects aren't terrible to cast on an evasive creature, but costs are a bit pricey. Doesn't scream PLAY ME to me.
Spring // Mind - 0.75
This wants to go in a ramp deck to ramp early and draw gas late. When you have Rishkar's, big Nissa's emblem, little Nissa's ultimate, flip Nissa's +1, Tracker clues, and Kozy for draw that all have a reasonable chance of being in your deck list anyways, I'm not sure you bother making room for this in place of better ramp spells. Not bad, just not sure it'll be wanted.
Prepare // Fight - 1.0
Potentially 2 removal spells packed into one card. That potential has a lot of context dependencies, so idk how many decks make room for it. But I think the allure of a 2 for 1 is strong enough that some will.
Rags // Riches - 0.15
Maaaybe if the aftermath side let YOU pick the creature it'd be playable. I ain't tryna pay 7 mana so you can give me a servo tho.
Cut // Ribbons - 2.75
Now we're talking. Sorcery speed sucks, but 4 damage kills a lot of things and 2 mana is a fine deal. The aftermath side is inevitablity just chilling in your graveyard playing mind games with your opponent. Yes please.
Heaven // Earth - 2.75
Two in a row, here we go. Ramp has a legit answer to one of their biggest weaknesses. Instant speed to make sure you hit those pesky flying vehicles. Heaven is a tastey enough slab of meat on its own you don't even need the gravy aftermath side - but Gruul ramp will happily cast it lower
to sweep the clutter in front of their beaters, and Temur creatureless (Geistramp/turbofog type stuff) will happily cast maximum
to wrath. Maybe you even toss one into Grixis reanimator engine decks just for the aftermath side (prob not, but the possibilities tho).
Luxa River Shrine - 0.15
I guess if you REALLY want to gain some life of a 3 mana non-creature permanent and aren't running green for
Retreat to Kazandu, then MAYBE you want this? You really don't tho.
Oracle's Vault - 0.75
I want to like this, but it costs 4 mana and at it'll take a few more turns before you're casting your top card for free off it. In the mean time you better have built low to the ground if you want to cast off the
, but if you built low to the ground why are you using this in the 4 spot? Someone might figure out a way to make it good in some deck (something with untap effects so you can start jamming out spells asap and several per turn) so I'm not giving it a complete trash rating. It's just not a deck I'm interested in investing time to build.
Pyramid of the Pantheon - 0.5
The bottom side reminds me of the good old days playing with Urza's lands. It's a card I think a lot of people will try to make work. I just don't think it will. If it mana prismed for
I'd be all over it, but setting yourself back a land for 3 turns while you brick it up doesn't sound great, and there are more efficient ways to ramp.
Throne of the God-Pharaoh - 1.0
I'll be trying to make this work in some decks. It helps that it's cheap to cast and it's reach in a deck where you're tapping a lot anyways (crewing vehicles, attacking, generating mana, entering play tapped, etc). In the end I'm not sure it'll be good enough. Would be a lot better if it checked at the end of opps turn instead, but then It'd prob just be broken.
Watchers of the Dead - 0.15
I guess maybe if you're building a cat.deck and looking for a colorless bear option, or maybe if you're the type of sadist who wants to pull off the exile + Memory combo in a mill deck, then this is a card you'll use. Otherwise it doesn't even do it's one job that competently. Only "worth" it vs embalm.deck, and they're keeping their best 2 anyways. You're certainly not hitting Scroungers or the most bothersome aftermaths.
Cradle of the Accursed - 0.5
Maybe you want to try this in a zombie deck to convert extra lands into zombies late in the game, but you can only spare so much room for colorless lands and
Westvale Abbey is a thing that exists, and wants to eat zombies to become a game ending demon. Should run that instead, frankly. But if you do a mono black version, maybe you have room for both, idk.
Grasping Dunes - 0.5
A cheap source for a -/- counter that you can tap for mana until you have the right pieces out to profit from it. Not bad, but not super exciting either. If running in a deck with Hapatra, you'll have a similar problem as with Cradle, where colorless land spots in your mana base should go to Abbey instead.
Sunscorched Sands - 0.15
Top 5 Multicolored/Artifacts/Lands1) Nissa, Steward of Elements
2) Samut, Voice of Dissent
3) Khenra Charioteer
4) Honored Crop-Champion
5) Rags // Riches / Heaven // Earth
@Psychatog - Sorry for dropping this before your OP update! Not my fault tho; Samut has flash and haste.
(also was home all day with a sick kid and wanted something to do)