Ok, the first two I tried to avoide using decimals. But it kinda bugs me when I give 2 cards the same ranking but they're not close to equal, and one just barely squeaked in while the other just barely missed out on the next level. This time I'm .x-ing to greater accuracy.
Day 3 :
BlackArchfiend of Ifnir - 2.99999
This is a serious bomb. If you're playing against a deck that discards stuff and this hits the table, you better have an answer right now, or this dood will wreck you. I can't quite give it a 3 because it's limited in the type of deck that can make use of its ability. But it's the type of card that will draw people to build those decks for it.
Baleful Ammit - 1.0
It's basically Bloodcursed Knight that goes into different types of decks. BK is just ok, and sees some fringe play in enchantment.decks. This will basically be that in decks that care about -/- counters. It'll go in some versions and you won't hate casting it.
Bone Picker - 1.25
I'm not very high on this card. You only ever want to cast it for its conditional cost; if you pay full price you will feel bad. Realistically, you're never playing this T1, maybe T2 if you're super lucky, T3 if you're a little lucky, or T4 more likely but alongside removal. Once you start getting past T4, it's cheap cast ability hits a downslide where it's less and less relevant each turn. Because it can trade with pesky flying vehicles, it will get consideration in some decks. Because it has potential to be a 1 mana 3/2 flying deathtouch, it is playable. Because it's conditional 1 mana, it's not going to beat out other options that are unconditionally good and see widespread play. I know some peeps are stoked about it and looking at it in its best light, but we saw how reliable Revolt was, so I'm tempering expectations.
Bontu the Glorified - 2.1
Like I'll be doing for all the gods, this is getting the "God Bonus" on its rating. Menace is good, butt that dodges Languish is good. Having to have a creature on your side die (not any old creature, but your control) to turn him on, he's not going to go into a ton of decks. He could see play in crats or token decks, but that's about it. I'm giving him a slight (.1) edge in rating over the blue god, because he's easier to turn on in decks that would want him.
Cartouche of Ambition - 0.25
I see it buffs +1 p/t and think, "alright". I see it puts a -1 p/t on opps creature and think, "that's nice". I see it gives lifelink and think, "ok that's good". I see it synergizes with Trials (black having an attractive one) and think, "ok let's do this!" Then I look at the casting cost and think, "nah, I'll pass".
Cruel Reality - 1.0
If you don't answer this card, it will end you. But it costs 7 mana and ends slowly, giving time to draw outs. There's a good chance you will lose a game to this on the ladder, but there's also a good chance you'll see it played and think "no prob bob, thanks for tapping out!", and then untap and attack for lethal. It's not garbage, but it's expensive and slow - so it's not very good either.
Cursed Minotaur - 0.25
Meh, a 3/2 menace isn't the worst thing you could spend 3 mana on. But that doesn't mean you should. Maybe worth considering if you're building a tribal Minotaur deck, or if you dont have everything unlocked. If neither of those things apply to you, this is not a card you will play with.
Dune Beetle - 0.25
Meh, it's not a terrible defensive play if you don't have everything unlocked. Otherwise, pass.
Doomed Dissenter - 1
Kind of an inverse Carrier Thrall. Crats has a new friend to party with. -/- counters decks could make use of him too. That's about it tho.
Dread Wanderer - 2.0
Zombies want him. Recursion decks can use him. Hellbent decks could use him. He has homes and will see play.
Festering Mummy - 0.75
Worth considering in zombies, -/- counters decks, and
maybe crats. Prob won't make the cut very often tho.
Grim Strider - 0.5
I'm not high on this card. He wants to go in hellbent, but you're looking for curve toppers at 4CMC in hellbent, and there are better options than a big dumb body. Think we'll see it around as some peeps test with him early, but ends up relegated to fringe play after that. Dig the art tho.
Horror of the Broken Lands - 0.25
Cycling on a card that cares about cycling might get this guy in a few decks, but they prob won't be very good. Needs trample or menace to really be worth playing. As is, he isn't. Dig the art tho.
Liliana, Death's Majesty - 4
Feel like this is the Lili that belonged in Innestrad. Not that it's better than Last Hope Lili (she's so boss on curve it's hard to be better than that), but it's the zombie tribal machine we wanted then. She'll go in a lot of decks - in some (zombies, reanimator, delerium) she'll be great. In others (some types of midrange and superfriends) she'll just be pretty good. But the fact her -3 needs you to play with creatures, and her ultimate doesn't win you the game will keep her off the highest tiers of Planeswalkers.
Liliana's Mastery - 3
This card will be all over zombie decks. A pair of 3/3s for 5 mana is already pretty good, add the +1/+1 buff to all your zombies makes it really good. Like Archfiend, it's narrow in the types of decks that want it. But it's harder to kill than Archfiend, and you can get more out of it the turn you cast it, so it gets a little better rating.
Lord of the Accursed - 3.1
Another card that will be all over zombie decks, but won't get played outside them. What this card could do for zombies is pretty darn good tho. If not for this, zombie.deck buzz would be a whole lot quieter. Smidge higher rating than LM because there might be some super aggro versions that run him but don't use a high enough curve for 5 mana plays.
Miasmic Mummy - 0.75
Zombie decks might consider him, and hellbent decks might too. Not an autoinclude tho, and won't get played in anything other than those or the occasional goofy handhate.deck.
Nest of Scarabs - 2.0
This card is oozing with potential. It will see play as people test to see what they can do with it. The main problem (and a reason why 2 might be too generous) is the bulk of cards that distribute -/- counters want you to build an aggro deck. Scarabs' effect is better suited for midrange. The cards that would play well with it either aren't that amazing (i.e. Ruthless Sniper) or don't go in decks that otherwise synergize with it (i.e. Archfiend). I'm thinking it won't be very boss this season, but new cards next season could change that in a hurry.
Never // Return - 4.0
This card will see a lot of play. We all hate the difficulty establishing a boardstate that can deal with a 3 mana Planeswalker on curve (looking at you, Lili!). Now those games where Lili hits T3 on the play and kills your only creature won't be automatic losses! Aftermath side is pretty decent too - at worst you get a 2/2 zombie, at best you exile an annoying Scrounger too while doing it.
Painful Lesson - 0.5
This will not replace Read the Bones, or even Live Fast in any deck except perhaps one where you plan to be able to also target your opponent with it. Maybe something goofy with Fevered Visions, where you're making sure they're taking 2 damage from Visions and also taking 2 from this. Maybe in some Orzhov lifedrain build. Worth running if you don't have RtB or LF, but just has some super fringe uses otherwise.
Plague Belcher - 2.5
EDIT: adding this in late as I just realized it wasn't on the OP master list. Nice menacey beater option for zombie decks, and it packs reach with zombie death triggers. Not as important to zombie decks as the lord (as in if we got this but not new lords, zombie hype wouldn't be as loud as now), but still has much to offer them. Should see play in -/- counters decks too.
Ruthless Sniper - 1.0
This guy could do some work in a discard deck. Maybe you toss him into the same deck as Archfiend. If there were a few more cards that synergized -/- counters with the discard them, you could toss NoS in too for tons of fun. As it stands he's kinda meh. Very narrow with decks that could use him, and not an autoinclude in those. At least he's a 1/2 for
Scarab Feast - 1.0
Idk how much I like this. It wrecks reanimator decks, and hurts anything with Scrounger. If you're really desperate to answer Scrounger in black, maybe you should just run Complete Disregard, since it still has targets in many decks that don't (and opp doesn't have the option to recur it in response)? Value vs reanimator is great, but I don't see those enough to care that much. The fact that it cycles is the only reason I don't see it as garbage. It's a sideboard card that cycling makes not 100% bad to maindeck. Is that enough tho? Thinking most will say no. Maybe embalm and awaken are prolific enough that this becomes more attractive, idk.
Soulstinger - 1.0
Card that could do work in a -/- counters deck. Keep piling -/- counters on him until you finally have a grouped trigger that kills him, and you can cripple opps board. Problem is he's a higher end play in a deck with creatures that'll want to go aggro, so I don't think he'll be as valuable as he could be. And he won't get played in any other decks than -/-.
Splendid Agony 0.15
Hard to feel excited about this. Cost is just too much - maybe if it cost 1 mana like Dead Weight, it'd get played in some decks (mostly just -/- ones). At 3 mana it mostly won't, outside of someone looking for a synergistic combat trick and maybe trying 1-2 copies of it.
Stir the Sands - 0.15
We have From Under the Floorboards, do we really care enough about having those zombies enter play untapped that we'd give up the lifegain and pay an extra mana for it? Even if it has an expensive cycling option tacked on that produces 1 zombie token? Probably not.
Supernatural Stamina - 1.25
A neat little combat trick that you can repeat ETB effects with. If we had that flicker deck challenge again, I'd add a copy or two for pseudo-flicker. It could go into a variety of decks (i.e. any deck that could use a combat trick), so I think it's a smudge better than 1.
Trial of Ambition - 2.0
One of the better Trials. Probably a better option than Oath of Liliana in control decks that don't run many Planeswalkers. The abuse potential is pretty high, but unfortunately black's cartouche is pretty bad.
Unburden - 2.0
Card that will get some people to take another crack at bad handhate.decks. Gets around the worst part of playing with hand hate spells by having cycling. Hits 2 cards. Some non-goofy control decks will consider this too.
Nearly Black:
Bontu's Monument - 1.0
Lifedrain.decks might want this. Nobody else cares that much tho.
Top 5 Black Cards1) Never // Return
2) Liliana, Death's Majesty
3) Lord of the Accursed
4) Liliana's Mastery
5) Archfiend of Ifnir
*) Trial of Ambition
*) Dread Wanderer
*I think zombies will be good and played widely. They were all over the ladder during Innestrad, and they weren't even good then. I'm sure we'll see a repeat of proliferation, but believe they'll be much improved. The zombie lord and tribal buff enchantment won't belong in the top 5 if I'm wrong about zombies. I've padded the top 5 with 2 additional cards, If that ends up being the case.