If we need to find room for the extra land the first thing we should be looking to cut would be our most inefficient win-con. Having Pull around means we can run a pretty tight win-con suite.
I actually don't think this is quite correct; we already run a very small number of wincons. Unless our wincon has built-in inevitability (like Elixer of Immortality) we need to have a decent number to avoid the scenario that all of our wincons get answered and we sit there doing nothing. We need at least 5-6 wincons not counting Pull.
That is the thing though, with the correct setup of win-cons and counterspells we should rarely ever run into that situation, specifically because of Pull. Having Pull around not only allows us to more easily draw into a limited number of win-cons, it also keeps our hand fully stocked with ways in which to protect said win-cons.
Pull is the type of card that allows us to spend all day derping around answering our opponents stuff until we can cast it for a bunch and more often than not hit both our win-con and protection for it off the same cast. This is even more so the case with stuff like Disciple and Glyph Keeper
Pull is exactly the type of card that wants us to derp around until we have a million mana, EoT it for a metric ton, then drop a win-con with mana up for one or multiple counterspells to protect it.
I feel like running 4-5 win-cons could work in the right shell. *shrug* Especially if those win-cons are things that can potentially protect themselves without too much outside influence (Disciple, maybe even something like
Glyph Keeper)
Not saying that every build could afford to do this, but I could definitely see it working with the correct shell.
Edit: Milling yourself is a fair point that I didn't consider, which is fair enough, especially since we don't have access to SB's. Commit//Memory is a thing though *shrug*