There is a card nobody has really hyped much, but it looks kind of nasty:
throne of the god pharaohThere's a deck waiting to be made right there. Plenty of Artifact tutors, Vehicles to tap stuff at will... The card is 2cc, so its easily cast. Maybe in a token shell or Dimir/rakdos artifacts or even with the Grid...
Btw InfiniThopters can go 3 color now (although that is the jankiest jank can be
Anyway, Vehicles boros/mardu will still be around (if people aren't just sick to death of it...)
Gruul looks good to me, without really needing to go naya, especially if it goes less mid-rangy.
Tokens boros/orzhov/whatever looks like it has potential. Valor decks, with or without Anointed Procession.
I'm gonna be testing various interations of mono-red, got some ideas a cookin'.
Even mono-black mid-range looks like it can work.
Lots of people are gonna try they're heart out to make-control-great-again, we'll see. Control hasn't been up to snuff this Last season imo, but there are some new toys to play with. But control players seem to have a hard time deciding which cards to run without their precious sideboards... Can't really say what version of control will be best, because its not really my thing, but probably something with blue...
Sorcery speed removal will regain some popularity.
There will be a zombie plague.
Humans will still be around, mono/boros/selesnya/naya.
Ramp will probably become popular again, at least to begin with, especially
+ whatever...
Rakdos still looks really strong and I for one am gonna try to make it work, aggro, hellbent and mid-range versions.
So there's my 5 cents worth...