Pre-testing Analysis: So, another madness deck... This time Grixis. The first thing that comes to mind is that this version has more land (yes!), so hopefully I'll be less mana screwed and then the other big difference is take inventory. Flaky's deck lacked draw, this one has a little bit more and TI certainly works well with Cathartic reunion, so the blue splash may just work. I also love the idea of dispel. EVery meta-deck is packing instant speed removal and like I said with Flaky's deck, the creatures are just too vulnerable, so dispel is a very cheap and interesting option. On the down side, 3 colors will make color-screw more probable, so let's hope the shuffler doesn't kick me in the groin. The rest? Well, the same difficulties with big creatures but it gains some versatility. I wonder if the pyre hounds can justify being a 4-of, they synergize, but seem slow as f@ck... So, onto the testing!
Game 1 AI - (Dimir Artifacts)
On the play. Keep a 3 lander (Mountain, mountain, swamp, 2x dragoon, alchemist, take inventory) with no blue land. T1 Swamp Hub T2 Draw Alms. Drop a mountain and cast Alchemist. BU tapland T3 Draw another TI. Drop mountain, play dragoon and pass. Another BU tapland. Plays merchant dockhand (AI loves that card too). T4 I draw cathartic (Gas!). I ping with alchemist and cathartic ditching a TI and an alms (madness to face), pinging an extra time. And I draw 3 lands (:\\ evoWilds, BR dual and BU dual). I play the BU one and attack with the dragoon. AI doesn't block. AI plays esperzoa (another AI classic card) and then an island. I ping EOT. T5 I draw a mountain. I play the RB dual, and ping with alchemist. I cast TI for 2, drawind dispel and shock. I play the second Dragoon, think a bit and shock the dockhand (pinging again), so esperzoa will return to hand and keep the AI busy replaying it. I skip attacking. AI plays heart of kiran and esperzoa. I ping EOT and AI responds by crewing the heart with esperzoa (Great move!) T6 I draw shock, so I ping, shock, ping and attack and its all over.
That was easy. The AI has some real piloting skillz! WIN
Game 2 AI - (Orzhov Artifacts)
On the Play. Keep a 3 lander (swamp, RB dual, BU dual, Pire Hound, shock, cathartic, Take Inventory) T1 BU dual BW tapland T2 I draw temper. I play RB dual and TI, drawing another Hound. AI plays and plains and underhanded designs. T3 I draw a dragoon. Play the swamp and drop the dragoon. AI plays a swamp and Foundry inspector. I shock it. T4 I draw an island, drop it and play pire hound. Attack for 2. AI plays defiant Salvager. T5 I draw another dragoon. I attack with all, AI trades the Salvager for my dragoon... (Fine by me, saves me some burn). I play the other Hound. AI plays implement of Malice, pings me with the designs then sacs it. I discard the dragoon. T6 I draw TI. I play TI, Drawing evoWilds and yet another hound and pumping the 2 hounds. I drop and sac the wilds, getting a mountain. Attack for 6. AI drops a plains, then plays angel of invention. (Yawn...) T7 I draw an alchemist. I cast cathartic, dumping the temper and hounds (pumping my bad boys up twice). Temper to the angel. I draw shock, void and another cathartic. I attack with my hounds and AI double blocks to only take 8 damage. AI untaps, draws and does nothing. T8 I have so many ways to win this... I decide to cast cathartic, dumping temper and void, temper to face.
So the decks stomps the AI and shows what it can do. It certainly has the drawing power Flaky's deck lacked, but I guess I've been drawing really well vs AI with all the decks so far.
Now onto the ladder. I wonder how this deck does... Game 3 R35 (Esper Control)
On the Play. I keep a 4 lander. (RB dual, 3xBU duals, Alchemist, shock, temper) T1 BU dual. BU dual (mirror match?) T2 I draw dragoon. Drop RB dual and alchemist. (Probably should have dropped the dragoon to bait removal, but I didn't know what I was up against at this point...) BU Dual. Grasp on my alchemist (:( boohoo) T3 I draw fumarole. I think a bit, then drop fumarole and dragoon. He thinks forever, drops a BW dual and passes... T4 I draw dispel (Oh yeah!). I drop a BU dual and attack for 2. He does nothing. I pass. He drops a WU dual and passes. (Holding up them counters huh?) T5 I draw a mountain and drop it. Attack for 2. He does nothing... (No removal huh?). Then he glimmers at my eot (I suddenly have an art of waresque brainstorm, so I decide to cut-off his supply line of cards and dispel his glimmer. I can only imagine how miffed he must have been. It was a risky play, because dispel could be useful for countering removal, but I decided on a more active approach that he probably wasn't expecting.) He drops another WU dual and does nothing again (either his hand is full of high cc stuff, counters or just land) T6 I draw another dispel (This is gonna come in handy). I drop a BU dual, activate fumarole and attack with it and dragoon, making it a 4/1 (I left an untapped just to mind-screw him as I was expecting removal right about now). He... does nothing. (sweeper now?) He thinks forever and decides to drop big Jace. (I can live with that, he tapped out so I can play freely and get another hit in). He pluses Jace and passes. T7 I draw alchemist. I activate fumarole and attack face for another 6 ignoring Jace. (Now that leaves him at 4... I have shock, temper and dispel in hand so next turn should be lethal with burn) He thinks for a really long time and bounces dragoon with Jace. (Fine). T8 I draw another dragoon. So... Bait time: I drop dragoon. He lets it through. I shock to face. He pauses and thinks again for a while and... casts telling time. (Gotcha!) Then lets it through (2 life). Here I nearly screw up with my excitement and hard cast temper, tapping out (oops, luckily I could still cancel). I then discard to dragoon and temper to face. He tries to shrivel it and the almighty DISPEL FTW!
Yeah! Damn right! Grixis Pauper ownz you, you R35 esper-playing control-freak spike! (The only way this win would have been any more gratifying would be if it was vert piloting the esper deck... )
Game 4 R34 (Bant Tempo)
On the play. I mull a hand with 2 BU duals and red cards. I mull a no lander. I think about keeping a 1 lander with a dual and 3 black cards, but mull it. I keep a 5 card hand with (Mountain, swamp, 2x shock and pire hound) (So my mull to 5 saga continues...) T1 mountain, pass EvoWilds int o plains T2 I draw temper. Play swamp He drops a plains and does nothing (color screw?) T3 I draw a swamp and play it (At least I'm not totally mana screwed) and pass. He drops knight of the white orchid (that's why he did nothing T2... What a bad play, against someone who mulled to 5, he got really lucky I didn't miss a landrop for that payoff... Then again he could have just top-decked it, but I doubt it). He gets a dual, drops a forest and plays duskwatch recruiter, which I promptly shock. T4 I draw a Mountain, play it and drop the hound. He plays a dual, thinks a lot then passes. (5 untapped land I'm guessing avacyn...) T5 I draw TI. (Sh|t... No ) I could have used the draw... Looking at my hand and not seeing a way to deal with avacyn, I pass. He plays a forest and seems to be flooding heavily. Then passes. I shock the knight at eot, pumping my hounds. T6 I draws alms. (This is were I lost the game) I think what the hell, get aggressive with a fat trampling dog and alms to face. He responds by dropping Krasis and tapping my 4/5 hound. (I look at my temper, at think, no sweat... At least there's no avancyn...) Then he plays collective effort (This card just wrecked me... killed my doggie and pumped his Krasis beyond temper-reach). If I'd held out to temper instant-speed, I could have avoided the blow-out... He then dropped another Evowilds and got an island. T7 I draw another TI... Still no He drops another forest, hits me for 4 with krasis (he's at 8 land now, because of the knight and very flooded) and plays big Jace. He pluses him and I know I'm screwed and past the point of no return... T8 I draw alms. I'm thinking, screw it, I've lost so do as much damage as possible... Alms to face. (nothing better to do anyway) He pluses Jace and drops a plains (9 land). Hits for another 4 with Krasis. Then drops bygone bishop (oh great, more draw...) and lambholt pacifist. T9 I draw a dual... (Where's my at?)Play the dual and I temper his face so as to not flip pacifist and it would attack anyway, but flipped would be worse... He pluses Jace. Drops a dual (ulamog?) then lifecrafter's beastiary (Yeah, more draw is what this guy needs...) Then plays heron's grace... ( Is it just me or is this band deck really bad?) Then he plays Kytheon's tactics... (So it wasn't just me, this is a really bad bant deck...) Then attacks, gaining some life but fails to finish me off... T10 I finally draw a dual. I play it, cast TI and getting wandering fumarole. (I should have conceded here) (The guy shows me exactly how much of a dick he is, playing a terrible bant deck and doing a bunch of needless things to beat the mulled-to-5 pauper deck, instead of just killing me) I sat there watching him masturbate for 5 minutes... Geez: 1st: Ultimates Jace. (Yeah that emblem is really necessary) 2nd: Sacs a clue. 3rd: Plays Thalia's lieutenant. (bad deck is bad) 4th: Pops another clue. (why not draw cards with the beastiary? its cheaper?) 5th: Plays another Thalia's lieutenant. (very nesseary to do 2 damage) Then attacks, but leaves pacifist out... (why?)
So I lost against a really bad, but flooded bant tempo/humans something or rather deck after mulling to 5 yet again... That's Life.
Game 5 R33 (Mono-White Humans)
On the play. Kept an interesting but greedy hand. (fumarole, dual, dual, 3x temper, cathartic) T1 fumarole plains T2 Draw swamp. PLay swamp Plains. Hanweir Militia captain. :\\ T3 draw alms. (oooohh!) Big mistake, played dual instead of dual. (Don't know why I did that...) Attacks for 2, plains + thalia (My impulse was to temper it, but... oh no, I only have 1 red mana mana and now my dual is coming into play tapped! Sh|t!) T4 I draw another alms. Drop my dual tapped and alms to face to keep my life total a little higher. Plains + angelic blessing on the captain (Damn, He's really rubbing my nose in that screw up with the lands...) Attacks for 9 T5 If I can draw another source, I may still have a chance. I draw a hound. I think about playing the hound and racing with the +3/+3 from the cathartic + 2x madness spells, but I can't really afford to take 9 more damage and the hound would probably just eat declaration of skywhaler's. I cast cathartic ditching a temper (to thalia) and alms (to face). I draw: Shock, void and another cathartic (no source ) He plays another plains and another thalia... And hits me for another 6 (great!). T6 I draw an alchemist. I didn't really do the math but just hoped that I could do massive damage with a big cathartic and alchemist, so I played it... tapped. I shocked thalia to take less damage, but wasted some burn... He drops a 6th plains and attacks for 6 (I'm left at 3) T7 I draw take inventory. I do the math and there's no way to do 6 damage without an extra source and I bet he's got some white combat trick to save his bear-with-angelwings. So, I just cast cathartic ditching temper and TI to see what came next. I drew alchemist, mountain, island... Dropped a the mountain and played Alchemist. (He could always misclick or something...) He just attacks and wins, not like the other douche... (thanks for making it quick!)
Should have won this one, but I didn't...
Final verdict:
2-0 / 1-2
So all 3 tested decks are tied in results... Odd.
This deck pulled off the most satisfying win yet, which will make me have a soft spot for it. I think its more consistent than flaky's and works pretty well for a pauper deck. The hounds did not convince me at all. I might have liked neonates maybe, but something with a little more beef is necessary, so I get what the hounds are for... Still, the 2 losses on the ladder were due to opponents going too tall for my burn, just like I predicted in the pre-test analysis, so there's that. Maybe murderous instinct could have worked here for the critters with big butts, but that card seems to always show up when creatures with vigilance are beating on me... oh well.
I think it's the deck I liked the most so far, so congrats Sleep...
I'll give scores only at the end when I test all the decks so I can make a more global assessment of the submissions.
Just got around to catching up and read this play through of my deck. That esper game sounds so epic, glad you pulled it off. I like making decks that screw over control.
I had hoped the hounds would live long enough to get big and deal finishing damage and possibly be able to deal with taller creatures but maybe 4 of was a mistake. Probably should have cut a hound and added 4th dispel, thought about murderous compulsion but I wanted to focus on face hitting cards that may also do removal. I didn't expect this deck to do well but I felt it was more fun than my other ideas.
I am glad someone had some fun with it. I think these decks prove the luck aspect of this game more than anything. Any deck can win if the opponent isn't drawing well but you are.
The Last Fight Club Champion
"If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever." —Koth of the Hammer
Joined: Feb 29, 2016 Posts: 2899 Location: Portugal
So then, my scores:
Its interesting that for me all of the decks managed to pull off wins on the ladder, which shows that the power level is probably pretty close. I didn't nearly as many copters and harvesters as I was expecting, maybe people are just sick of vehicles already. I'm guessing that zombies will probably be really popular when the new sets drops and I wondering if it will get a consistent T1 build, since WotC certainly are pushing the concept hard. There was actually a lot of variety on the ladder, which was nice. Games were also pretty fast, except for maggit's deck, most went for a quick win rather than a long game. I guess that's understandable, given that in a long game power cards will out-value a pauper deck most of the time. Still, we do have plenty of strong commons. One card that really shined for me was Welding Sparks in an Artifact deck, pretty damn good. I guess it only doesn't see more play because Unlicensed Disintegration occupies the same slot in those decks and is undeniably better. Dispel also seems like cool tech against removal in a beatdown strategy. We'll see if the meta shifts back to Sorcery speed with the new set (I'm not convinced it will yet). Token strategies look like a thing too, so I'm guessing Borrowed Grace will be showing up in a couple of builds. Madness cards have gains some value with all the Discard/hellbent effects in the new set, it's a shame they don't revisit that mechanic because it's one of my favourites.
Joined: Nov 25, 2015 Posts: 1431
Preferred Pronoun Set: Xhir/xhim, depending on Moon phase
Finished El Loco
What a weird one...I played a game against the AI, to get the gist of it, and after making it drop to 2 life, I got completely blocked and then stomped over by Expresses, so loss against the AI, what a dire start...if I just had a Shock...
But in this contest, I'm taking in account just the ladder, and there, funnily enough, pulled a 2-0 WIN haha...against something R29 Simic ramp...never meet the finishers, I just saw Nissa. And one IotM, lol. Lotsa EVs tho Not much to say, fast and boring game.
And then R30 Gruul...which was somehow manascrewed at 3 lands for most of the game. Still, OP at least droped a couple of Recruiters and a couple of Advocates, and HLed my creatures also a comendable display of consistency, lol...and for this particular deck, that's too little to stop it...I just exchanged creatures until I droped a Vildin...which I'd swear OP didn't know/remember can be pumped to 7 From that 7 damage attack to the win it was easy pie, ragequit included, satisfactory game.
El Loco pulled 2 wins, but I must say it was lucky with the competition...I think that pre-Amonkhet, errybody is trying their janky builds haha that must be helping us a lot with the contest, for sure
So it's gonna be this one and Scions the winners, I'm not gonna play mine to screw the classification
My thoughs on the winners.
El Loco has a serious problem, has like half the removal it needs. I get it gambles that for full speed rush, but still...I'd clearly swap 3-4 creatures/freighters for 3-4 more removal, like Shocks, Fieries or GB, that go really well with Chasers too
For the rest, I like it...both Makindi and Grubs have their strenghts, often overlooked with our already big pool. And Vildin's are hilarious, if just for the surprise factor, more so with Tamperings.
Also, many Freighters is a good idea, and Spires played better than I remembered them. Overall, I found the build risky and vulnerable to big blockers/sweepers/ballista etc, but fun and ballsy at it
Scions was better than I though, mainly because I tried that very same archetype in the initial brewings out of the I see I was a bit too eager to discard it, but if I remember right, I was Radiant Flamed or something like that in the first game on the ladder, and that sealed its fate, lol
Certainly, this deck manages to get games out of nowhere...mainly for the Op, I mean. Still, I see this deck gets good result by the surprise factor, in a huge part.
Same as the Insolvent Neonates one, with the full suite of was telling that with that one, I played twice against the same guy, and while the first game was easy, once the dude knew the drill, it was easy for him to null my game with big passive blockers.
But one thing that must be conceded is that with the mix of team and lone pump, it's quite difficult to play against it, unless you have a sweeper, which is its obvious bane.
Gonna copy your way of scoring, guize ;P
Liked the build, so to the point. 4 Acts is risky...awesome upon 70% of the field, but oh boy how silly you feel upon PWs or Control drawing those in chain... 0.2 points less (wut?) for the Hijack thing haha but 0.2 more for playing with Fists, nice Srly, it's doesn't score higher mainly because it's as stock as it gets, I'm afraid
I like the concept...and the execution. But one of the main themes, the cathartic sessions of introspection with mom, didn't worked for me as expected, mainly due to the low land count, which is bad in itself, and even worse for CRs to work. I think this build with 2-3 more lands and better lands (Fedora tip for the Barrens, but -0.2 points too haha damn hipsters with their college grads on the walls *homeresque mumblings )
Faced harsh competion, so the lack of win is understandable
I'm not sure at all that going 3 color deserves the pay, and even if you get the correct mana, the loss of speed with so many duals makes it worse. Never managed it to work...and facing spiked builds didn't help either haha
Very similar to Flacky's (have u noticed??!!) just that slower with no real compensation for it. Except way better land count.
The build best adapted to the meta, and the one that always felt like it was playing its game and still having opportunities...if always at the last moment, lol. Of course, it's still a bad version of elves, and in a meta with just some sweepers widely played, it will roll up and die...but that's besides the point, and doesn't lower the score
The only very minor change I'd make it's the EWs...without Trackers or something like that, I don't really think that the thinning effect compensates the loss of versatility of the Duals. Nice, clean build.
Well, as said, I like all besides the little removal...I'd swap maybe 1 Vildin, 1 Freighter and 2 Bullies for 4 GB or Shocks...or probably the 4 bullies, the worst creature of the bunch with the low instant count. The rest is ok, imo.
And that's it.
Last edited by callmemaggit on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
Ey! Why's the poll closed??!! And with people publicly still testing and comenting???
Are we in a hurry to make another contest pre-Amon? Lol, no way
I thought that 8 days for 5 decklists that would lose quickly were enough, but it seems i'm wrong. Since we are not in a hurry for the next one (probably after 3 weeks) and someone is still testing them, i added other 3 days for the poll.
What a weird one...I played a game against the AI, to get the gist of it, and after making it drop to 2 life, I got completely blocked and then stomped over by Expresses, so loss against the AI, what a dire start...if I just had a Shock...
But in this contest, I'm taking in account just the ladder, and there, funnily enough, pulled a 2-0 WIN haha...against something R29 Simic ramp...never meet the finishers, I just saw Nissa. And one IotM, lol. Lotsa EVs tho Not much to say, fast and boring game.
And then R30 Gruul...which was somehow manascrewed at 3 lands for most of the game. Still, OP at least droped a couple of Recruiters and a couple of Advocates, and HLed my creatures also a comendable display of consistency, lol...and for this particular deck, that's too little to stop it...I just exchanged creatures until I droped a Vildin...which I'd swear OP didn't know/remember can be pumped to 7 From that 7 damage attack to the win it was easy pie, ragequit included, satisfactory game.
El Loco pulled 2 wins, but I must say it was lucky with the competition...I think that pre-Amonkhet, errybody is trying their janky builds haha that must be helping us a lot with the contest, for sure
So it's gonna be this one and Scions the winners, I'm not gonna play mine to screw the classification
My thoughs on the winners.
El Loco has a serious problem, has like half the removal it needs. I get it gambles that for full speed rush, but still...I'd clearly swap 3-4 creatures/freighters for 3-4 more removal, like Shocks, Fieries or GB, that go really well with Chasers too
For the rest, I like it...both Makindi and Grubs have their strenghts, often overlooked with our already big pool. And Vildin's are hilarious, if just for the surprise factor, more so with Tamperings.
Also, many Freighters is a good idea, and Spires played better than I remembered them. Overall, I found the build risky and vulnerable to big blockers/sweepers/ballista etc, but fun and ballsy at it
Scions was better than I though, mainly because I tried that very same archetype in the initial brewings out of the I see I was a bit too eager to discard it, but if I remember right, I was Radiant Flamed or something like that in the first game on the ladder, and that sealed its fate, lol
Certainly, this deck manages to get games out of nowhere...mainly for the Op, I mean. Still, I see this deck gets good result by the surprise factor, in a huge part.
Same as the Insolvent Neonates one, with the full suite of was telling that with that one, I played twice against the same guy, and while the first game was easy, once the dude knew the drill, it was easy for him to null my game with big passive blockers.
But one thing that must be conceded is that with the mix of team and lone pump, it's quite difficult to play against it, unless you have a sweeper, which is its obvious bane.
Gonna copy your way of scoring, guize ;P
Liked the build, so to the point. 4 Acts is risky...awesome upon 70% of the field, but oh boy how silly you feel upon PWs or Control drawing those in chain... 0.2 points less (wut?) for the Hijack thing haha but 0.2 more for playing with Fists, nice Srly, it's doesn't score higher mainly because it's as stock as it gets, I'm afraid
I like the concept...and the execution. But one of the main themes, the cathartic sessions of introspection with mom, didn't worked for me as expected, mainly due to the low land count, which is bad in itself, and even worse for CRs to work. I think this build with 2-3 more lands and better lands (Fedora tip for the Barrens, but -0.2 points too haha damn hipsters with their college grads on the walls *homeresque mumblings )
Faced harsh competion, so the lack of win is understandable
I'm not sure at all that going 3 color deserves the pay, and even if you get the correct mana, the loss of speed with so many duals makes it worse. Never managed it to work...and facing spiked builds didn't help either haha
Very similar to Flacky's (have u noticed??!!) just that slower with no real compensation for it. Except way better land count.
The build best adapted to the meta, and the one that always felt like it was playing its game and still having opportunities...if always at the last moment, lol. Of course, it's still a bad version of elves, and in a meta with just some sweepers widely played, it will roll up and die...but that's besides the point, and doesn't lower the score
The only very minor change I'd make it's the EWs...without Trackers or something like that, I don't really think that the thinning effect compensates the loss of versatility of the Duals. Nice, clean build.
Well, as said, I like all besides the little removal...I'd swap maybe 1 Vildin, 1 Freighter and 2 Bullies for 4 GB or Shocks...or probably the 4 bullies, the worst creature of the bunch with the low instant count. The rest is ok, imo.
And that's it.
I had similar results with my deck, it was the only deck to actually lose vs AI, but performed best on the ladder. I felt shock was kind of bad on the ladder, too much stuff it just can't hit, I'd be Temper to add Welding Sparks as a higher Reach Temper, even if the only artifacts are the Chaser servos and freighter, I definitely gained some respect for the card. Anyway, I would try not to reduce the Creature count and cut a freighter and Maybe a Land, but the idea is to swarm the opponent. Those last points of damage can be tricky, but Destructive Tampering actually turned out to be pretty good for that.
I had similar results with my deck, it was the only deck to actually lose vs AI, but performed best on the ladder.
Yeah, its fun, I was comparing my review and yours, lol...pretty similar. Pity that Ormendahl, I hate those kind of things...another one is when AI plays a Gideon Reproach, for example, and the animation doens't so who is targeting, which can be key if you have i.e. a Defense etc etc
Joined: Nov 25, 2015 Posts: 1431
Preferred Pronoun Set: Xhir/xhim, depending on Moon phase
With the pauper decks, I went 5-5 overall on Steam in the low-mid 30's
Which is more or less as I do usually, and like 4x times better than initially expected...I mean, to dexintoxicate a bit and regain some levels, I tried to play some games with a couple of my most powerful builds (Naya and Mardu PWs, to change the pace) starting at rank 33
An hour later, I'm at rank 32...and that after changing to the tuned Dimir Artifacts (!) build of the last contest and winning 3-4 games in a row with it, cause I droped to R28 or so...
That can imply 3 things:
1º I'm so bad that in fact my chances of winning are higher with crappy but simple brews than with Mythics.deck
2º God, or the FSM, is punishing me for my sins, through an endless row of uber-spiked ops
3º The pairing sub-routine detects the overall power level/rarity of your build and adjust your foes accordingly
Let me check the agenda...Monday I have the new Serbian girls flogging (tends to derive in sexy afterparty till late) ...Tuesday is genocide all day...Wednesday I can make some space for repenting, after dinner, sure.
Idk if other people still have to vote for this round, but if we will have 2 decklists at 3 votes after the deadline i think a match between them could claim the winner. Something like a best of 3 match between the deckbuilders or someone else that joined this poll and could play their decks.
Joined: Nov 10, 2013 Posts: 17753 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
i'd love to pilot one of them (slight preference for Sjok's build). I think Safe and Scion would win that match up but I'm not sure. Too many early blockers to slow down Red.
Joined: Feb 29, 2016 Posts: 2899 Location: Portugal
Looks like modulo's gonna take this one, unless there are some Last minute votes (even then, it's likely they'd include his deck because its a good build).
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