It's easy to dismiss Ballista as bad 2-drop, a bad 4-drop, a bad 6-drop etc. The thing is, the card IS a 2-drop, IS a 4-drop, IS a 6-drop etc, which most cards aren't. Flexibility is easy to overlook, but it's the biggest asset of the card (both on casting cost and color). The card is better than a 6-drop early in the game and better than a 2-drop as a lategame topdeck. Regarding Beast's list...
Why put counters on it when you could put them on:
Green: Sylvan Advocate, Bristling Hydra, a bunch of Timmy six drops
Red: Kari Zev, the Phoenix, I got nothing for red at 6 mana
White: 25 different good two drops, Gisella, Linvalla
Blue: Nothing here is even worth it.. maybe that's where it goes.
Black: Aetherborn, Kalitas, Gearhulk
Colorless: Eldrazi Mimic, Thought Knot, you get the idea
Vehicles: Copter, Fleetwheel, yeah... yeah.
Let's start by saying that I rather put +1/+1 counters in Ballista than like in 70% of those cards, because when the removal spell comes (and you can count on it comming), I rather turn those counters into damage than waste them. Besides, Ballista can go in more decks than let's say Kari Zev simply because Kari Zev can only go in decks than run Red and are super aggressive. It's a more versatile card while still being good, and that's why it gets a better grade. I never said Ballista is better than Kari Zev or any other card, and that's what you and other people are not understanding. A 3.0 is a card that is good in one type of deck, a 4.0 is a card that is good in two or more types of decks. I'm not grading power, I'm grading usability.
Another thing that is being done here that I think is very unwise is comparing cards that got the same grade. Cards that got the same grade are going to vary in power and that is a result of using round grades like 4.0s and 3.0s. Some cards are going to be much closer to one side of the grade. I'm rounding my grade, but you can easily have cards that are like 4.5 and 3.8 receiving the same grade. Again, Don't give much weight to the actual numbers and understand what I'm trying to say, both in the scale and in the article.
One more thing:
Well he's not inFelable.. he's still human. We all get stuff wrong.
Hey, that's a pretty bad pun. Maybe you have a bright future in set reviews