Time to break out the Beast...sorry...the DJ argument again. In the decks (outside of GB countersmatter) that COULD run this card, what are you NOT running to include it, and does it really improve those decks that much?
- Control straight up doesn't want this.
- Aggro has faster ways to use the mana.
- Ramp wants to spend itself on big threats like Ulamog or Gaea's Revenge, and it recently had to find even more room to include 4x Druid.
You're mixing the two
Are you running bad cards to make it work? - DJ
What would you cut (from a current working deck) to fit it in? - Beast
Invoke mine to state that running 4 Bone Saw, just to make Improvise work is probably a mistake. (My original argument was dealing with revolt, which has a similar set of problems).
Invoke beast when you state RG Aggro doesn't have room for this card, or shouldn't make room for this card.
Since WB is non-colored you could for example argue: "would you cut thriving grubs for it?" And then most people would say no... hence, not in RG Aggro (this is not a complete argument, but whatever). - this is Beast if you really care to distinguish them.
For mine, you could say Scrounging Bandar is a pretty awful card, are you really willing to put it in you deck, just because WB is in? and then some would say Winding Constrictor makes it worth it, other would say it doesn't.
Beast's is: the deck ain't broken, so does this card improve it?
Mine is: did you just put a bunch of garbage into the deck, just to support it?
On the subject of WB, I think it's better than you guys are all saying it is. For one thing, it totally hoses any deck with 1 toughness creatures. It's a nice addition to decks that seek sac outlets. And I think it could even be good as a 2 drop in ramp, but we'll see. It's definitely NOT smugglers copter level, but it doesn't require bad card support the way Bastion Inventor does (I love Bastion decks, btw, so don't take this the wrong way).