Going to skip all things I don't care about (cards I don't see being good at all any time soon).
Jade Idol is only going to be good if Jade decks are good. At least for quite a long time. There isn't a "best" druid deck that wants to go to fatigue often enough to make it good outside of a jade druid.
Mark of the Lotus is really good in wild but in standard it's meh. It's most of the combos you want from the 2 drop equivalent but a mana cheaper (and thus often a turn earlier). I think 2x Mark of the Lotus and 1x
Power of the Wild might become a thing instead of just 2x
jPower of the Wild.
The jade cards are basically going to be viable in standard if jade decks become one of the best druid decks. I honestly have no idea. It depends how fast the meta ends up.
Kun the Forgotten King absolutely wrecks in multiple matchups. I think it might be the best card Druid got for standard.
Alleycat is just going to get run. It's not spectacular but it's still going to be a 2 of.
Smuggler's Crate is one of those things where in standard I don't think hunters have enough good turn 1 plays and it reads "crazy turn 2" so it might see play.
Trogg Beastrager, Rat Pack, and Knuckles are all going to see play if that deck becomes a thing. I'm not sure on any of them yet, but I think the beastrager will probably just be a 2 drop b/c they don't have anything else and that might push it a bit.
I think Dispatch Kodo is the best card Hunters got.
Kabal Lackey makes it possible to go turn 1 secret turn 2 valet. It also makes turn 10 Alex + Ice Block possible. I have a feeling it will see some play.
Volcanic Potion will at least see play in Reno.
Kabal Crystal Runner has a high chance of seeing play AT SOME POINT. They are going to keep pushing this deck until it's a thing. If not this expansion then probably once flamewanker rotates out.
Greater Arcane Missiles is insane turn 7 on an empty board as an aggro deck. I feel like it's going to be good.
Solia will see play if Kazakus sees play. Kazakus's 10 mana spell feels like the main payoff for playing this.
Getaway Kodo is really really good but I don't know if it has support.
Small-Time Recruits is going to eventually able something stupid.
Like for Priest..... Mana Geode is bad. Definitely the shaman of this expac. Mown should be happy.... er.
Counterfeit Coin is probably the best card of the set. They printed
Lotus Petal but it's a spell in the spell synergy deck.
I don't know if the jade decks will be a thing. My inclination is maybe until the rotation and then know.
Lotus Assassin seems really really good.
I don't know if jade decks will be a thing. For shaman my high inclination is no. Not at all. The cards don't seem like they make sense for shamans.
Finders Keepers may be insane in standard. In Wild it's not going to be.
Jinyu Waterspeaker and White Eyes seem like insane Control Shammy cards, but I don't know if that will be a deck.
For Warlocks I think the potions, abyssal enforcer, and the 6/6 that adds demon to hand eot are all "solid" but I don't know if that's enough.
Hobart, Pawnbroker, and Gadgeteer seem insane on curve but really bad topdecks.
Sleep with Fishes seems like it might work. I think control warrior will play at least one.
Alley Armorsmith seems good unless priests are top class.
For neutrals I like:
Mistress of Mixtures
Dirt Rat
maybe Grimstreet Smuggler
maybe Kabal Courier
Sergeant Sally
maybe the jade golem cards
maybe Kazakus - this one seems massively random to me. It seems insane but the question will be "Is it the right kind of insane for the situation often enough?"
Doppelgangster will definitely work if the buff decks work.
And I like Wrathion
And thus is my informed uninformed opinion on set. Feel free to call me idiot now.