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 Post subject: Two Infinite Abilities
PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:08 am 
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It is my opponent's turn. They are attempting to cast a spell and are capable of generating infinite mana. I am capable of generating infinite "counter target spell unless it's controller pays " abilities. What happens?

Also, does it change if it is my turn when the opponent is casting a spell?

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:07 am 
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At some point somebody calls the judge to get the other player in trouble for stalling.

In a casual match: you guys keep playing until one of you gets tired of the other making the game longer for no apparent reason.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:30 am 
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I feel like they should just call it a draw. I thought in tourneys the active player (caster) would have to say something like "I activate this ability 8 million times" and then the other player could respond with "then I'll activate this 8 million and 1 times"...although I guess with a "trigger unless" ability it would just restart the cycle huh?

Edit: What, might you say, is each players optimum play :incognito:

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:23 am 
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the answer depends on apnap and the loop rules (rule 719.3 in particular)

719.3. Sometimes a loop can be fragmented, meaning that each player involved in the loop performs an independent action that results in the same game state being reached multiple times. If that happens, the active player (or, if the active player is not involved in the loop, the first player in turn order who is involved) must then make a different game choice so the loop does not continue.

so in your case the spell would eventually be countered (as the opponent is the active player), but if it were your turn you would eventually have to let the spell resolve

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:14 pm 
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That's pretty much what I expected and it makes sense (well, not as much as just calling it a draw, but...) Ok, thanks.

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:02 pm 

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For curiosity's sake would you mind explaining the specifics of how each of you were going infinite?

I'm asking because I wonder if someone was going infinite "faster" and if maybe if you walked through each iteration one action might eventually run the other one into the ground.

When you have two opposing infinite sequences I don't think you can just say "make 8 million and 1 counterspells" or "generate 8 million and 1 mana", because that's a shortcut that assumes your opponent doesn't do anything in each of the 8 million priorities they receive between each counterspell or mana generation activation (assuming that generating infinite mana has some non-mana ability step somewhere in its sequence).

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:06 pm 
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Its based around a special round rule in 3CM in which a card enters the battlefield with a copy of an Aura of equal CMC attached to it. It basically revolves around two different creatures with False Demise attached to them which can sacrifice themselves for some effect. One is an effect which generates mana, the other is a Force Spike type effect. I don't want to get too into the weeds, so as not to reveal the specific tech (although it isn't hard to find) :P...but basically I wanted to playtest the decks against one another to see which would win out.

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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