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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:25 pm 
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Thanks for the link!

Your list is a bit slower than what I would've thought. Seeing your list I'd keep as well.

For reference, here's where I'm at. Not final by any stretch, but hasn't done horribly:

Creatures (19):
4 x Reckless Fireweaver
2 x Scrapheap Scrounger

2 x Pia Nalaar
3 x Thopter Engineer
3 x Chief of the Foundry

3 x Whirler Rogue
2 x Pia and Kieran Nalaar

Non-creature spells (16):
4 x Galvanic Bombardment

2 x Smuggler's Copter

1 x Saheeli Rai
3 x Unlicensed Disintegration
2 x Cultivator's Caravan

2 x Thopter Spy Network
1 x Chandra, Torch of Defiance

1 x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

Lands (25):
3 x Island
1 x Swamp
3 x Mountain
2 x Wandering Fumarole
1 x Sunken Hollow
1 x Smoldering Marsh
2 x Sulfur Falls
1 x Dragonskull Summit
1 x Drowned Catacombs
3 x Foundry of the Consules
3 x Aether Hub
4 x Evolving Wilds

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 10:33 pm 

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Sup gang. This list has changed a few times, here's the most recent version:

Grixis Emerge / Cost Matters

=== Bodies ==
Pilgrim's Eye x3
Filigree Familiar x3
Possessed Skaab x1
Combustible Gearhulk
Elder Deep-Fiend x2
Distended Mindbender x2
Drownyard Behemoth x2

== Spells ==
Telling Time x3
Harnessed Lightning x3
Displacement Wave x2
Whispers of Emrakul x3
Reave Soul x2
Murder x2
Kozilek's Return
Unlicensed Disintegration x1
Glimmer of Genius x1
Confiscation Coup x1
Necromantic Summons x1
Chandra's Ignition x2

== Guest Star ==
Liliana, the Last Hope

== Lands ==
Island x4
Swamp x5
Mountain x3
Wandering Fumarole x1
Smoldering Marsh x1
Sunken Hollow x1
Drowned Catacomb x1
Sulfur Falls x1
Dragonskull Summit x1
Aether Hub x3
Evolving Wilds x2

Summary: The deck uses the power of the high-cost, high-power emerging Eldrazi to create assymetrical plays. It's primarily a test bed for various little combos.

Great game: Big Eldrazi on field by turn 4, combine answers and shenanigans to punish the opponent.
Okay game: Plays out like a grindy control deck that succeeds only because of all the answers.
Awful games: I ever mulligan out of a hand with 2 lands that also has Telling Time. Also sometimes has trouble with WB life drain. Also I had 2 games where I failed to see any of my Eldrazi lul wut.

Tested between ranks 7-18 (not in a row). Across its various tweaks, I won 14 games, lost 10.

Some changes I may try:
Fit 2nd Glimmer
Go for 1x Murder, 3x Unlic. Dis.
Replace Possessed Skaab with The Best Blue Artifact
Try to make 2x Languish fit
Replace one or both Drownyard Behemoth with Vexing Scuttler, or Wretched Gryff for death-from-above angle

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:10 pm 

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:43 pm 

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currently rank 40
can be improved a lot

Non-rank-40 person here, I took this bait.
I tried to retune this into something that 1) looked up answers, 2) kept scraping off the field with said answers, 3) had gearhulks, 4) sometimes could copy gearhulks.
I've played 6 games with it in the 10-something ranks, won 4. Lost one game due to getting over 20 cards deep and not one sweeper sadface.

--- Creatures ---
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Magus of the Ring
Gilt-Leaf Winnower x2 (as pretend Nox Gulks)
Torrential Gearhulk
Combustible Gearhulk
Noxious Gearhulk

--- Looks ---
Telling Time x3
Take Inventory x4
Glimmer of Genius x2

--- Support ---
Harnessed Lightning x3
Whispers of Emrakul x3
Reave Soul x1
Murder x1
Unlicensed Disintegration x3
Radiant Flames x2
Languish x2
Saheeli's Artistry x2
Saheeli Rai
Chandra, Flamecaller

--- Dirt ---
Island x5
Swamp x4
Mountain x4
Wandering Fumerole x1
Drowned Catacomb x2
Sulfur Falls x2
Dragonskull Summit x2
Aether Hub x3
Evolving Wilds x2

--- Grixis Emerge Update ---
I retooled it to incorporate Insolent Neonate and Incorrigible Youths as additional cheated fat/emerge fodder. Deck ended up having no room for Murder-style "point-and-kill" answers so it has too many silly weaknesses. I may mess with it some more later.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:27 pm 
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Here is the Grixis Control list I have been playing recently.

Fatal Push x3

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy x1
Telling Time x3
Harnessed Lightning x3

Spell Shrivel x2
Dynavolt Tower x2
Liliana, the Last Hope x1
Unlicensed Disintegration x3

Glimmer of Genius x3
Languish x2
Yahenni's Expertise x2
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet x1

Confirm Suspicions x2
Disciple of the Ring x1
Dark Intimations x2
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets x1
Ob Nixilis Reignited x1

Torrential Gearhulk x1
Chandra, Flamecaller x1

Aether Hub x3
Dragonskull Summit x2
Drowned Catacomb x2
Evolving Wilds x4
Smoldering Marsh x2
Sulfur Falls x2
Sunken Hollow x2
Wandering Fumarole x1
Island x2
Swamp x3
Mountain x2

Been working pretty well so far. Even with the tight mana requirements on a lot of the stuff it generally isn't too much of a problem. Hitting the colors we need early for Push/Lightning/TT/ baby Jace hasn't been a problem so far. Hitting :b: :b: for T3 Liliana or T4 sweepers hasn't been too difficult to accomplish most of the time either.

I can't believe it took me this long to start messing with Dark Intimations. The card is just flat out value town and many games end up being won by abusing PW's with Dark Intimations to just bury your opponents in value.

Currently Spell Shrivel is the card I am most iffy on. The deck can generally answer creatures and PW's all day long but has a limited number of answers to non-creature artifacts and enchantments. Spell Shrivel helps to shore up that weakness while also acting as a catchall answer to certain other annoying threats (Plated Crusher, Ulamog, etc) and being removal protection for yours threats. On the other hand, the fact that Spell Shrivel does nothing to answer a threat that is already on the table can be very annoying, especially with the limited number of counterspells the deck runs to shore up that particular weakness.

I really hope that Almond Cat gives us some tri-lands, because this deck would absolutely love to splash white (which would open up Nahiri, Sorin, Anguished Unmaking, Blessed Alliance, artifact/enchantment removal, etc).

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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 4:29 pm 

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My latest deck, own creation:

Grixis Tutelage

Creatures (1)

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy x1

Instants (11)

Fatal Push x3
Censor x3
Disperse x3
Spell Shrivel x1
Pull from Tomorrow x1

Sorceries (15)

Take Inventory x4
Cathartic Reunion x4
Read the Bones x1
Talent of the Telepath x2
Radiant Flames x2
Languish x2

Enchantments (7)

Oath of Jace x2
Fevered Visions x2
Sphinx's Tutelage x3

Planeswalkers (2)

Ob Nixilis Reignited x1
Chandra, Flamecaller x1

Lands (24)

Island x5
Swamp x3
Mountain x4
Wandering Fumarole x1
Sunken Hollow x1
Drowned Catacomb x2
Sulfur Falls x2
Dragonskull Summit x2
Geier Reach Sanitarium x1
Evolving Wilds x3

Only tested against AI. Excellent against fast white weenie, fairly well against midrange. I accept suggestions to improve it.

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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 2:37 am 
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Going three-colour, huh... Interesting. Not sure if Black adds enough, but maybe there's something here?

I would consider adding Insidious Will. If there is a deck that can use it as something other than only a counterspell, it's this one (copying Take Inventory/Cathartic Reunion mainly). It's definitely better than Spell Shrivel here IMO.
I'm very confident the deck wants the second Pull from Tomorrow.
Finally, Commit // Memory and Thing in the Ice could be worth having a look at.

I'm not sure about my position here, but I think Fevered Visions is not a good card right now; the symmetrical draw effect benefits your opponent too much and you don't really care about the damage done to them.
Not sure about Oath of Jace; it just feels like a one mana more expensive Cathartic Reunion in your shell. Soure, there's shenanigans with Disperse, but I doubt these are worth it.
Finally, I'm not sure whether you need 4 sweepers; if you think you do I'd strongly consider Yahenni's Expertise or Baral's Expertise over Languish. Playing one of your carddraw spells or your Tutelages for free is too good to pass up IMO.

Regarding the manabase, you want the fourth Evolving Wilds before you want the first Fumarole IMO; and I'd cut one Basic each for the second Sunken Hollow and both copies of Smoldering Marsh. If you decide to cut Languish and not add Yahenni's Expertise, you can also consider running Jace, Unraveler of Secrets over Ob Nixilis, which would allow you to cut an additional Swamp.

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:55 pm 

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Hi friends,

If someone is still playing Magic Duels, I would ask you for help to build a decent and competitive Grixis Burn deck. Notice I said Grixis Burn, not Grixis Control. The idea is to use different cards I usually play in control decks and I am a bit tired of them. This is the best decklist I have at this moment:


1 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2 Thing in the ice
1 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh


3 Lightning Axe
2 Avacyn's Judgment
4 Cathartic Reunion
2 Dynavolt Tower
2 Catalog
3 Geistblast
4 Fiery Temper
3 Unlicensed Disintegration
4 Alms of the Vein
2 Collective Defiance
2 Insult // Injury


2 Fevered Visions


3 Island
3 Swamp
6 Mountain
2 Wandering Fumarole
2 Sulfur Falls
2 Dragonskull Summit
3 Aether Hub
2 Evolving Wilds

I would like to play Geistblast and Insult / Injury for the first time, but I need to "optimize" this deck to make it more competitive. I only played some games against AI, I can't play in versus because I am not sure about how will perform. Ideas / suggestions?

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:15 pm 
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I’d consider running Renegade Map in place of some lands. They compare to Evolving Wilds. Some trade off in needing to pay (1) to get them out, but they fix when you need it and make Unlicensed Disintegration better when you don’t. Also works to thin your deck a bit (flooding with this type of list is lethal) - I have a rakdos burn list that runs them - not unusual to crack one to bring a land to hand that I can pitch to Cathartic Reunion or Lightning Axe (really helpful when you draw those spells in top deck mode). I get a bit of extra mileage from them by running Abbot of Keral Keep for prowess trigger and cheap surge trigger on Fall of the Titans, but I think they’d be good in your list that needs 3 colors and wants more ways to trigger Disintegration’s damage clause.

I’d only run 1 or 2 Geistblasts at most for the memes. I don’t think it’s that good outside big mana decks like geistramp. 3 mana for 2 damage just isn’t good enough for this style of burn deck imo. Same with insult // injury. You’re in a creature light deck so you can’t expect good value for 3 mana. Realistically, in this deck it’s a 6+ mana spell that’s doubling one additional spell if you’re lucky. If really wanting to run it for fun value, I’d consider Thermo-Alchemist so you can get more damage out of it when casting. Hungry Flames prob offers more practical value than geist or insult here, but I don’t even think that is amazing.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:04 pm 

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There are still people playing Magic Duels! Thank you for your reply. I will replace Thing in the ice with Thermo-Alchemist because as I said, I am tired of playing the same cards, I am using Thing in the ice in my Grixis Control and Jeskai Control decks yet. I cut Geistblast to 2 copies instead of 3 but I still have 2 copies of Insult // Injury. I really like both cards, but I feel they are pretty mana costly for a deck of this nature. Should I consider to cut to just 1 copy for any of those cards? which one?

Another interesting fact I forgot to mention is that there is a Madness subtheme in this deck. I think madness is very mana efficient and I would like to take the most advantage possible of it.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:51 pm 
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I built your list to see how it works before talking any more about changes. Only changes I made to the original were -2 Evolving Wilds, -3 Hubs, +1 Smoldering Marsh, +4 Renegade Map. Figured your energy subtheme wasn’t strong enough to justify hubs. Only way to refill is the 2 towers, but that better spent activating the tower. More important to have colors fixed and support Disintegrations. Went with Marsh over keeping a single Wilds since maps address color fixing blue and the Marsh will enter play untapped sometimes.

Tested 4 games. 1st game vs BG midrange I landed Chandra T4 and protected her with burn spells till she ultimated. 2nd game vs mono green stompy I lost to flood - no sweeper effects and only 2 creatures that can reasonably block makes flooding particularly brutal. 3rd game vs Rakdos Aggro I got tower in play and flipped TITI with Insult // Injury, hit for 14 and tapped tower to deal the last 6. I had been doubting Tower (feel it’s more a control deck win con than a card that should be in a burn deck - it’s on the slow side and your 3 mana spells in a burn deck should offer something when you cast them), insult // injury (feel it’s better for a deck with more creatures - a la gruul stompy or rakdos aggro), and TITI (good when it flips but offers no damage output before then), but the 3 cards were beautiful and fun this game so I see why you had them in. 4th game vs simic something (?) I won to opponents land screw.

In 2 of the games, the maps allowed Unlicensed Disintegration to burn face. In another, tower did the trick (in the flood loss game I never drew it). I think maps are right for the deck. No games punished me for running fewer total lands in place of them (happy to have in opening hand since not a lot to do T1 or T2).

Geistblast had a couple moments. I copied Alms of the Vein in one game for a respectable life swing, and Catalog in another. The catalog play probably won me that game. I was pretty even with opp, and drawing 4 cards let me trade a couple lands I didn’t need for more gas. I’d still cut that down to 1 or 2 copies tho. I’d never played with Catalog before. I don’t love that it costs 3, but instant speed discard has some value here. 2 copies prob ok.

Avacyn’s Judgment underperformed. It’s expensive to madness a significant amount of damage (no free discard effects, most costing 2+, meaning it doesn’t get better than baseline until you’re 6+ mana (5+ off the axe). I used it as a 2 mana spell a couple times, but couldn’t get madness value off it. Even at 5 (axe), 6 (reunion), or 7 (catalog) mana, you’re only getting 3 damage over 2 for the effort. Thinking this card slot could be better served by something else.

Early thoughts are - do maps change, lower curve if possible. Real glut of 3 mana spells, and all the fun stuff (geistcasting, insulting, judgmenting, etc) costs a lot of mana. If opp playing Aggro and drops creatures T1-3, hard to stabilize with almost all spells trading 1 for 1, two 0/4 creatures, and the bulk of your spells costing 3 mana with several not immediately improving your board state. Need to get some more games in tho.

Idea is fun. I reeeeaaally enjoyed that game I won with big insult//injury play. I don’t think it’s a bad deck, but see why you’re looking to improve as it does have some notable weaknesses.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:40 pm 
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Got some more games in. Went 2-2, with another loss to flood (stupid since I’m at 19 land with 4 maps and lost 2 of 8 games to flooding out) and a loss to mono white aggro that was on the play and dropped creatures every turn. Unless you have TITI in opening hand, I don’t know how this deck ever beats a good aggro deck. You have essentially nothing to block with, your spells trade 1-1 (save for a Christmas cast Judgment late game), and you have few ways to kill things before T3. If opp is dropping creatures every turn you just can’t keep up.

I’ll test more over the weekend. The deck does some fun stuff. Much as I poo-poo’d insult//injury and geistblast (and Tower), I can see why you were running them. They make for some really fun plays and spectacular turns. If you don’t want to lose that aspect and just accept the trade off that some matchups will basically be auto loses, then the only change I’d make is the trade of lands for maps. They’ve mattered in over 50% of games I played, turning on Disintegration before I’ve found a tower. If you want to spike it out, you should prob put in thermo-alchemists in alongside TITI to help survive aggro and put a constant source of damage on board to ping when your burn has to point at creatures. Prob should also work in 6 mana Chandra for emergency sweeper effect.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:29 am 

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I gave up on going to Rank 40. I finally end up playing Duels for fun, too much stress for me to try reaching Rank 40, and I am only able to set up a position between 32 and 37. Moreover, I was only playing 4 or 5 decks and got bored. Currently I have 30 decks, the maximum, and all cards of the game. Those are all my decks:

Control: Esper Control, Jeskai Control, Grixis Control, 4C Superfriends, Mardu Control, UW Control, UB Cycling, Grixis Burn?
Midrange: Abzan Midrange, UW Skies, Abzan Trials, Izzet Prowess, Temur Emerge, Esper Trials, Simic Colorless, Bant Tempo
Aggro: BG Delirium, Bant Humans, Mardu Vehicles, Temur Energy, Boros Vehicles, Jund Energy, Boros Humans, Sultai Energy, BG Evolutions, Rakdos Orrery
Combo: UR Tutelage, UG Turbo Fog, UB Artifacts, UB Improvise

I'll probably put my UG Turbo Fog decklist later because is one of my favourites. If you want to laugh and have a funny moment with Magic Duels, I strongly recommend this video from a guy in the UK:

I had literally stomac ache after watching the last match, couldn't stop crying and laughing.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:30 am 

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Now speaking about the Grixis Burn deck, this is the decklist I am running now:

Creatures / Planeswalkers:

1 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Thermo-Alchemist
1 Chandra, Flamecaller


3 Lightning Axe
2 Avacyn's Judgment
2 Shock
4 Cathartic Reunion
3 Catalog
1 Twin Bolt
2 Exquisite Firecraft
1 Geistblast
4 Fiery Temper
4 Alms of the Vein
2 Collective Defiance
1 Insult // Injury


2 Fevered Visions


3 Island
1 Swamp
6 Mountain
2 Wandering Fumarole
1 Smoldering Marsh
1 Sunken Hollow
2 Sulfur Falls
1 Drowned Catacomb
2 Dragonskull Summit
4 Evolving Wilds

Probably the Legenvd decklist is better than this one since runs 3 Stormchaser Mage. Another solution would be convert to Izzet but I don't want to lose Madness triggers.

Legenvd decklist:

*Edited: You were right, I needed to add Chandra, Flamecaller because can do lots of things in this deck: (1) put 2 3/1 elementals that would double the damage with Insult // Injury, (2) discard your hand, that can trigger madness effects, (3) efficient massive removal. I think Chandra is better than Radiant Flames.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:12 pm 
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Re: big Chandra in your burn list - I agree. I think that’s a good add. I run her in my Rakdos burn list for all the positive reasons you mentioned (I don’t run insult, but get extra elementals damage off Embermaw Hellions, which also pair extremely well with Thermo-Alchemists).

I gave up on going to Rank 40. I finally end up playing Duels for fun, too much stress for me to try reaching Rank 40, and I am only able to set up a position between 32 and 37. Moreover, I was only playing 4 or 5 decks and got bored. Currently I have 30 decks, the maximum, and all cards of the game. Those are all my decks:

Control: Esper Control, Jeskai Control, Grixis Control, 4C Superfriends, Mardu Control, UW Control, UB Cycling, Grixis Burn?
Midrange: Abzan Midrange, UW Skies, Abzan Trials, Izzet Prowess, Temur Emerge, Esper Trials, Simic Colorless, Bant Tempo
Aggro: BG Delirium, Bant Humans, Mardu Vehicles, Temur Energy, Boros Vehicles, Jund Energy, Boros Humans, Sultai Energy, BG Evolutions, Rakdos Orrery
Combo: UR Tutelage, UG Turbo Fog, UB Artifacts, UB Improvise

Which 4c superfriends list are you running? LVDs final RGBW version?

I recently made a UGBW version based off his control and mana fixing template on that deck. I really wanted to use some of the U walkers in a superfriends build. Gave up Chandras, her Oath, Nahiri, and Arlinn - but gained a ton of scry and card draw. I actually like the U version more. Problems with LVDs version I find are the sometimes clunky hands with a T2 Chandra Oath and T3 or T4 sweeper. I want to be mana efficient but it’s wasteful when a sweeper is coming in a turn or two. Also floods are difficult to power through. Nahiri and Ajani are basically all you have to deal with that. The U version adds scry effects to help with that. If it’s not a better superfriends deck, it’s at least a comparable alternative.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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