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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:56 pm 
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Mill seems to be on the decline, and I've been feeling the lack of removal. I'm currently testing with:

-1 Woodland Bellower
-2 Fleetwheel Cruiser
-1 Reclamation Sage
+2 Exquisite Firecraft
+2 [+] Collective Defiance

We're not really an instant speed deck, so sorcery speed removal is fine. These can hit creatures, walkers, and face if we need some burn.

Also considering whether I'd prefer 2x Blighted Gorge to 2x Foundry of the Consuls. It's a little bit harder to interact with, but a little worse in a long game.

For those interested, a link to some of my better decks.

If I ever built an Esper Control deck, it would still somehow contain 2x Sylvan Advocate, 2x Tireless Tracker, 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer, 1x Reclamation Sage, 1x Nissa, Vital Force, and 1x Woodland Bellower.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:53 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:04 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:20 am 
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Last edited by InFaMoUsGeMiNi on Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:46 am 

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I hope someone can help me improve my ramp deck. I'm 61 cards because i don't really know what to cut except for lands.

Creatures (10):

2x Sylvan Advocate
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2x Tireless Tracker
2x Zendikar Incarnate
1x Plated Crusher (this over Gaia's Revenge because it works with ignition)
1x Omnath, Locus of Rage
1x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

Spells (19):

4x Galvanic Bombardment
3x Harnessed Lightning
1x Kozilek's Return
2x Collective Defiance
4x Nissa's Pilgrimage
3x Zendikar's Roil
2x Chandra's Ignition

Planeswalkers (2):

1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1x Nissa, Vital Force

Lands (30):

10x Mountain
10x Forest
2x Cinder Glade
2x Rootbound Crag
1x Foundry of the Consuls
1x Rogue's Passage
4x Evolving Wilds

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:18 am 
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My ideas for this list:

30 lands is way too many. Most Ramp decks want somewhere between 23 and 25 lands, depending on how many lands they can fetch from the deck. Definitely cut the non-basics except for Evolving Wilds as well as maybe the 1-of Rogue's Passage. (The fixing will be done with ramp spells). Personally, I'm not too fond of Zendikar Incarnate either, but it's not completely terrible.
I'd definitely include 3-4 Explosive Vegetation; especially when running as many landfall payoffs as you do. Woodland Bellower is a very nice payoff as he can find your Advocates and Trackers (as well as maybe a 1- or 2-of Reclamation Sage).
If you have her, Chandra, Flamecaller is also amazing doubling down as pretty much anything you need. Some other decent payoffs would be Combustible Gearhulk or Ulvenwald Hydra, which can find your Passage.

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:05 pm 
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DMaster2 wrote:

-2x Zendikar Incarnate
-1x Zendikar's Roil
-3x Forest
-3x Mountain
-2x Nissa's Pilgrimage
-1x Kozilek's Return

+1x Chandra, Flamecaller
+4x Explosive Vegetaion
+2x Rolling Thunder
+1x Woodland Bellower
+1x Greenwarden of Murasa
+1x Plated Crusher
+1x Reclamation Sage


This is just a jist that I suggest.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:51 pm 

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Thank you guys for the imput, i've made a few changes and i'm testing it right now.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:41 pm 
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First time posting in decklists forum so I'll leave this tourney deck here for record.

1 x Blossoming Defense

3 x Longtusk Cub
3 x Voltaic Brawler
3 x Duskwatch Recruiter
2 x Smuggler's Copter
3 x Harnessed Lightning
2 x Scrapheap Scrounger

2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Lathnu Hellion
2 x Collective Defiance
2 x Pia Nalaar

1 x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1 x Arlinn Kord
2 x Fleetwheel Cruiser
2 x Bristling Hydra

1 x Verdurous Gearhulk
1 x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
1 x Nissa, Vital Force

1 x Chandra, Flamecaller

1 x Swamp
7 x Forest
6 x Mountain
3 x Aether Hub
4 x Evolving Wilds
2 x Rootbound Crag
2 x Cinder Glade

Meta is fast. Sweepers don't answer vehicles. Control is risky and too often kills itself due to mana and consistency issues. I wanted to make a deck that is both consistent, fast and also durable in a longer stretch.

I evaluated a few options - Bant tempo, RW vehicles, UR burn etc.

Bant, being 3 colors, can often have mana issues. It is decent against mid speed decks but fails against creatureless control or full speed aggro if no reflector mage T3.

RW vehicles, is fast and ok with consistency. It runs out of gas when a sweeper is cast, or vehicles get removed. When nut draw happens, Toolcraft into Copter or Scrounger is almost unstoppable. However, in case UR burn gets something like a lightning axe, harnessed lightning, Fiery Temper and a bunch of Bombardments the deck is almost dead.

UR burn, very good against both full speed aggro as well as creatureless aggro. The draw spells are superb with take inventory and glimmer. The deck has a few weaknesses - Scrounger, Bristling Hydra, Woodland Wanderer, Green hulk, and resolved planeswalkers. They don't show up very often but when they show up, UR burn is dead.

Finally I picked this RG energy deck I liked so much from the beginning of the season. The deck has bigger threats on curve than RW aggro (Brawler vs Motorist, Hellion vs Thalia etc) so 1. beatdown can happen faster vs control 2. vs aggro it can transform into a defensive midrange deck and grind them out. It can include most of those things that UR burn hates to see Scrounger Hydra Hulk and walkers. It has more gas / mana sinks thanks to tracker and recruiter. The energy synergy makes it more consistently taking advantage of harnessed lightning removal, Aether Hub for the scrounger splash and bunch of others hellion, hydra etc. The vehicles package copter cruiser skyship are nightmares to tapped out control and walkers.

So, as you see, the deck is so all-around in tourney that has almost nothing to fear. From the experience, the MVP cards are

Brawler - The energy source, the beater, the winner.
Hellion - When I draw them I never lose. No better beater than these. Similar to Brawlers, can attack into the toughest defensive creatures Thing in the Ice / Thermo Alchemist / Sylvan Advocate.
Harnessed Lightning - Removal for pretty much anything with energy support. (Round 2 against Batman's Elder Deep-Fiend + Round 4 against Giocher's Torrential Gearhulk were both game winning plays.)
Hydra - Many decks simply don't have answer to it.
Pia - The abilities are very versatile and aggressive. Pia to some extent represents the whole deck's idea. It is balanced. It can go aggressive by going wide (thopter token), going tall (+1/+0), unblockable, mana sink in late game (+1/+0), board stabilizing if needed. It's one card people don't realize how good it is until they play with it - exactly like this entire deck.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 7:43 am 

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Posts: 41
I've been playing it for a few days and that's a great list Woodland. Tks for sharing. Only switched the swamp for a red/green tapland.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:49 am 
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one swamp is for scrounger activation. with help from the 4 evolving wilds, we can get 1+4+3 = 8 black sources in total. Once we've got double G and double R, evo wilds can fetch the swamp. We've got 17R and 18G sources. Don't really need a RG tap land. If you swap out the swamp, an untapped mountain would be my preference so you get 18R 18G

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:32 pm 

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one swamp is for scrounger activation.

Lol I've played more than 20 games and didn't get that. :teach:

The times the swamp appeared when I needed a forest or a mountain made me change.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:47 pm 
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Scrounger activation is not that irrelevant, actually. However, I can see why you shy away from Swamp; you want to be able to keep some 2-landers but you can almost never keep 2 lands if one of them is a swamp.
If you want to go a middle-ground route, I'd consider Smoldering Marsh; still gives you Red and has a good chance to enter untapped (especially with Evolving Wilds). Gives you 5 sources, which might be enough. Think I'd definitely like it better than the GR tapland.

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:13 pm 

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I actually thought about including Hanweir Battlements for Haste ability but colorless mana idk...

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:37 pm 
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My experience with colorless in this deck - I used to play 2x reality smasher with 2 hanweir battlements + 1 wastes. Mana was not very reliable. Joly suggested me putting a couple utility lands but I still prefer the slighty more consistency.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:20 am 
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Since I've just joined the Steam party I don't yet have all the cards on this account. I managed to grind out the SOI set with the starter box from which I was able to build this RG Werewolf deck from. I built other decks but they didn't live up to my expectations. I hit rank 40 lastnight with this on steam so it must be good! ***Built only from Starter Box & SOI***

3 x Duskwatch Recruiter
3 x Kessig Forgemaster
3 x Lambholt Pacifist
3 x Breakneck Rider
2 x Spirit of the Hunt
2 x Silverfur Partisan
3 x Pack Guardian
1 x Ulrich of the Krallenhorde

3 x Lightning Axe
4 x Twin Bolt
4 x Fiery Temper
3 x Howlpack Resurgence
1 x Arlinn Kord

9 x Mountain
8 x Forest
2 x Rootbound Crag
4 x Timber Gorge
2 x Drownyard Temple

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:08 pm 

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Since I've just joined the Steam party I don't yet have all the cards on this account. I managed to grind out the SOI set with the starter box from which I was able to build this RG Werewolf deck from. I built other decks but they didn't live up to my expectations. I hit rank 40 lastnight with this on steam so it must be good! ***Built only from Starter Box & SOI***

High five! I also just switched over from Xbox a couple weeks ago. I can never find opponents anymore on Xbox. Steam I find an opponent every time in less than 20 secs. It sucks starting over. I built Socur's deck with budget replacements and made it all the way to 40 upgrading with actual pieces as I went. Finally just got the deck 100% yesterday.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:26 pm 

Joined: Aug 05, 2015
Posts: 11
I have been playing this list since forever with decent results (climb is slow, but present), sadly I don't seem to be able to sneak anything new in the list, see if you have any tips:

Gruul Midrange

2x Longtusk Cub
2x Sylvan Advocate
3x Voltaic Brawler
2x Lathnu Hellion
3x Thopter Engineer
1x Reclamation Sage
1x Tireless Tracker
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2x Bristling Hydra
1x Pia and Kiran Nalaar
1x Verdurous Gearhulk
1x Woodland Bellower
1x Ulvenwald Hydra

3x Harnessed Lightning
3x Fiery Temper

1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1x Nissa, Vital Force
1x Chandra, Flamecaller

2x Smuggler's Copter
2x Fleetwheel Cruiser
1x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

6x Mountain
2x Cinder Glade
6x Forest
2x Rootbound Crag
2x Rogue's Passage
3x Aether Hub
4x Evolving Wilds

To view this deck go to: ... 7d41fab30c

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:30 am 

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R/G Aggro

2x Greenbelt Rampager
3x Terrain Elemental
3x Voltaic Brawler
2x Hanweir Garrison
2x Lathnu Hellion
3x Ahn-Crop Crasher
1x Rhonas the Indomitable
1x Hazoret the Fervent
2x Glorybringer

2x Shock
2x Invigorated Rampage

2x Kari Zev's Expertise
2x Exquisite Firecraft

2x Cartouche of Zeal
2x Infectious Bloodlust

1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1x Arlinn Kord
1x Chandra, Flamecaller

2x Fleetwheel Cruiser
1x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

2x Cinder Glade
8x Mountain
6x Forest
2x Rootbound Crag
3x Aether Hub
2x Hanweir Battlements

To view this deck go to: ... c2c83f9674

Created using Magic Duels Helper:

Played this deck and stayed on rank 40 for a while, it quite easy to use and very efficient.
Only problem is, it's very weak against heavy control decks with a lot of counter/kill/wrath etc. But it still have chance, do as much damage as you can before being wiped and use Exquisite Firecraft to finish the game.

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