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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:45 am 
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Currently testing a Version of Izzet Mill with Expulsion and Unsubstantiate instead of TiTi and Imprisoned in the Moon (and Part the Waterveil). So far I like it; adds a lot of stability to the deck.
Current underperformer is Pore Over the Pages, it might get the Axe in a future Version.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:14 am 
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Why not Bedlam Reveler over Pore over the pages? It's another draw 3 and can be a relevant blocker.

By the way, this deck in modern isn't similar to what izzet burn can do in duels, but man oh man does it showcase Reveler well :)
Also Fateful Showdown, if we do get it, would be quite the addition to this deck in duels :)

This is my current list btw:

2 x Lightning Axe
4 x Galvanic Bombardment

1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
3 x Telling Time
2 x Compellng Deterrence
4 x Take Inventory
1 x Avacyn's Judgment

2 x Oath of Jace
3 x Sphinx's Tutelage
2 x Fevered Visions
3 x Geistblast
2 x Collective Defiance

1 x Brutal Expulsion
1 x Talent of the Telepath

1 x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets

1 x Part the Waterveil
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller

2 x Bedlam Reveler

1 x Geier reach sanitarium
2 x Wandering Fumarole
2 x Sulfur Falls
4 x Highland Lake
7 x Mountain
8 x Island

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:24 pm 
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Reveler is in the deck (over Oath of Jace). However, the deck's current performances leave something to be desired; maybe Pore gets the axe again for both Oaths and Part the Waterveil.

I agree that Fateful Showdown will be in if we get it; no questions asked. That card is pretty much a Collective Defiance with the first and either the second or third mode; which is great.

Your take on it is definitely interesting. There have been quite some times where I wished Unsubstantiate were Disperse to deal with resolved noncreature permanents; also it could be used to replay Oath of Jace or save a Tutelage from enchant removal. The one thing I find strange is that you run a 1-of Avacyn's Judgment as the only Madness card in your list; while you do have some outlets for it I don't think it's great here. Most of the time I see it as a sorcery-speed Twin Bolt, when you discard it it's Rolling Thunder but the deck is too fast for it to really shine I believe.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:13 pm 
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Yes I prefer a disperse effect here because it is better to play catchup or to protect your key enchantments. And as you said, dispersing an Oath is a cheap way to get more mill in. It's close though.

I play oath over Pore just because its cheaper. The deck has alot of stuff to discard, and planning your turns is often more important than getting value. Izzet can't be a full control deck like Jeskai mill can, you need to be proactive, waiting for t5 draw power is a bit late, even if you get 2 mana back.
Part the Waterveil is often just discarded, but with the card selection this deck has you can afford to run this I think. It is perfectly able to close out a game out of nowhere even without any ramp in the deck if your opponent is playing some control variant and didn't play around it, and at worst you are basically playing explore + mill 2 :p

I'm biased towards Judgment. The deck has the axes, chandra, defiance, oath, reveler, sanitarium, and to hand discard as a way to get it off. it doesn't truly 'shine', but it's hardly ever a truly bad card, I'd say on average I manage to discard it for value and burn for 3; and in my opinion its polyvalency makes up for the mediocre payoff you sometimes get. I can ping small dudes, spread some love if my bombardment or axe can't quite kill a dude, I can chaingun a big board, I can hit walkers whilst getting value back; it's like the other 1 offs. This deck has alot of card selection and the geistblast package makes me want to have access to alot of different effects. Geistblasting Judgment isn't a thing, but the other 1 offs do get forked often, and having access to another unique effect in my wheelhouse is something I enjoy greatly.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:16 am 
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3 spontaneous mutation
4 galvanic bombardment

1 jace, vryn's prodigy
2 nagging thoughts
2 unsubstantiate
3 disperse
4 take inventory

2 imprisoned in the moon
3 sphinx's tutelage
2 scatter to the winds
2 collective defiance

2 brutal expulsion
2 comparative analysis

1 disciple of the ring
1 confirm suspicions

1 chandra, flamecaller
2 bedlam reveler

8 island
6 mountain
2 wandering fumarole
2 sulfur falls
1 Geier reach sanitarium
4 evolving wilds

This is the deck I used against vert for king of the hill.
Hyper-focused on comboing out with tutelage.

Spontaneous mutation doesn't pop up in many lists, but it does a great job at stopping threats with etb or yard effects. The yard fills up quickly and this thing costs 1 mana and has flash. It's obv. competition is axe, but in the end mutation does way more for this list.

Disciple of the ring didn't come out in the match, but it is the most powerful thing this deck does, really. Ungodly every time.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:33 pm 

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Turbo Mill

1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2x Thing in the Ice
2x Unsubstantiate
4x Take Inventory
4x cathartic Reunion

2x Oath of Jace
3x sphinx's tutelage
2x Fevered Visions
3x Hydrolash
2x Collective defiance

2x Forgotten creation
2x Fateful Showdown
2x Talent of the telepath

1x Torrential gearhulk
1x Combustible gearhulk
1x Crush of tentacles
2x Bedlam reveler

Lands (24)
11x island
6x Mountain
2x wandering fumarole
2x sulfur falls
3x aether hub

Plan is to get a Sphinx's Tutelage into play as soon as possible. Basically everything in the deck cycles for you, so unless you are really unlucky, you should see a tutelage by turn 4 or 5 at least. Forgotten creation, fateful showdown and collective defiance allow you to quickly burn through your deck. cathartic reunion is insane and take inventory is excellent to discard when you don't have the mana to play it. flipping a thing in the ice will probably save you the game. I also bounces your gearhulks, but not your revelers or creations.

The bad:
talent of the telepath feels really weak, and having crush of tentacles bounce my tutelages is heartbreaking.
Also, while hydrolash is amazing, this deck needs more disruption.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:57 am 
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Quick notes:

Combustible Gearhulk doesn't fit a pure mill deck. Your opponent will always choose damage and you have not much else to win via damage. Only good in a deck with lots of face burn.
Hydrolash is basically a "gain x life, cantrip" here and I think you can play better stuff.
Forgotten Creation is the most unreliable of the hand replacers and I think it should go. 4 of those effects are enough. You wanna save them until you have Tutelage and then you don't need more than 1-2 to finish the game.
Talent of the Telepath is too random for my taste. If you want more mill, add card draw. If you need more answers, add them directly and don't rely on a gamble.
Thing in the Ice is too unreliable as one of your only creatures.

In general: Think about madness as you play lots of cards that discard your hand.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:46 am 

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This is my deck I gained rank 40 and am aiming for it again. It's a version of the RU mill I came up myself.

This is the deck breakdown.

2 x lightning axe
4 x fiery impulse
4 x galvanic bombardment
2 x exquisite firecraft
2 x Dynavolt tower
14 x x

2 x Thing in the ice
1 x torrential gearhulk
3 x x

3 x Glimmer of Genius
4 x Take inventory
2 x Fevered visions

1 x Jace, unraveler of secrets
1 x Part the waterveil
1 x Crush of tentacles

2 x Collective defiance
3 x Sphinx's tutelage
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller
1 x fateful showdown

11 x Island
11 x Mountain
2 x Sulfur falls

My strat is actually a bit different to others I read here. Essentially, I don't drop the Tutelage as soon as I can. I'd rather just draw myself to my win/cons while controlling the board with removals. I had an around 90% win rate with this deck. If anyone has an idea on how to improve it, please do not hesitate. If you have questions regarding it, also please do not hesitate :)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:28 pm 
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Decklist for KOTH against Vert. This is an update on the mill I posted last season earlier on this page. It was the best feeling going through the list to update. Every card in the deck that needed to get stronger, did.

3 spontaneous mutation
4 galvanic bombardment

1 jace, vryn's prodigy
2 unsubstantiate
3 disperse
4 take inventory
2 cathartic reunion
1 bedlam reveler

2 imprisoned in the moon
3 sphinx's tutelage
2 scatter to the winds

2 collective defiance
2 fateful showdown
2 brutal expulsion
1 chandra, torch of defiance

1 disciple of the ring
1 confirm suspicions

1 chandra, flamecaller

8 island
6 mountain
2 wandering fumarole
2 sulfur falls
1 Geier reach sanitarium
4 evolving wilds

Changes are -2 nagging thoughts, +2 cathartic reunion, -2 comparative analysis, +2 fateful showdown, and -1 bedlam reveler, +1 chandra, torch of defiance

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:08 pm 
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The closest thing we can make compared to the actual pro tour top 8 deck...with some Origins spice of course.

UR Energy Combo-Control
1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

3 x Lightning Axe
4 x Galvanic Bombardment
4 x Fiery Temper

4 x Cathartic Reunion
4 x Take Inventory
3 x Harnessed Lightning
3 x Telling Time

2 x Dynavolt Tower
2 x Fevered Visions
4 x Spell Shrivel
3 x Sphinx's Tutelage

3 x Glimmer of Genius

3 x Aether Hub
1 x Geier Reach Sanitarium
4 x Highland Lake
2 x Sulfur Falls
6 x Mountain
4 x Island

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:46 am 
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Gem, that's almost card for card how I rebuilt the top8 deck with the difference in counters:

1x Scatter to the Wind instead of 1x Spell Shrivel - i prefer the unconditional counter
3x Broken Concentration instead of 3x Spell Shrivel - i prefer the unconditional counter and there's a tiny possibility to madness it out with lightning axe killing something on the field.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:27 am 
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That looks like that Mill deck I faced on the ladder that used all 4 Fiery Impulse, 2 Galvanic Bombardment and 3 Fiery tempers in the same game. He managed to Mill me out with 2 life left. Nasty stuff.

Btw, he did use broken concentration discarded to a Lightning Axe too.

Didn't see the towers though...

I get the feeling only a counter heavy deck Can stop this deck, anything creature based will just keel over against it.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:54 am 
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The problems I've noticed with this deck:
1. you don't hit tutelage early and face a go-wide aggro deck
2. Cathartic Reunion relies on you having other draw spells early to keep your hand full. If you have to cast a lot of removal early and top deck cathartic reunion with nothing to discard you just sit there and pray for more cards.
3. Cathartic Reunion getting countered - you just discarded 3 cards.

I'm also testing and Izzet burn deck with Geistblast which you can easily discard with CR or Lightning Axe.

Both versions are A LOT of fun though :-)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:18 am 
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I'm running Cathartic in a Reanimator deck and it works pretty well. Started off throwing in all the cards you want in your gy or to discard (madness stuff), but its better to just fill the gy with some fatties.
I guess any deck with Cathartic Reunion should have a set of dispels in the sideboard...
I believe beast made a rakdos/Orrery burn deck with it that was really good in 2Hg.

Btw, with hubs, you can use Radiant Flames for 3 and that should take the pressure off against go wide aggro. Savage Alliance is another less effective, but Instant speed option (probably sideboard only)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:44 am 
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Don't get me wrong, this deck works great and rewards tight play, just listed the situations which you have to get out of, others are fairly managable ;-)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:59 am 
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Are you sure little Jace should be in there ? Why give value to your opponents removal cards?

Would love to hear Winter's views on it

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:53 pm 
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Are you sure little Jace should be in there ? Why give value to your opponents removal cards?

Would love to hear Winter's views on it

From the guy who runs a deck with only 3 creatures, Jace is massive. And it's never automatic that people have creature removal.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:44 pm 
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Modulo wrote:
Currently testing a Version of Izzet Mill with Expulsion and Unsubstantiate instead of TiTi and Imprisoned in the Moon (and Part the Waterveil). So far I like it; adds a lot of stability to the deck.
Current underperformer is Pore Over the Pages, it might get the Axe in a future Version.

I'm loving Unsub & Brutal too.

Also, I'm falling out of love with these "wheeling" effects like Collective Defiance & Fateful Showdown. They are only good when you've got a hand full of cards to cycle. I'm trying out the "draw 3" spells like Oath of Jace & Bedlam Reveler in their place to better compliment Cathartic Reunion.

What is your land count btw?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:52 am 
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Had to dig a bit; this is the list that I was referring to atop of the page.
Please keep in mind the list is an EMN list and not optimized at all for the current meta; I didn't play Mill during KLD.

Creatures (3):
1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2 x Bedlam Reveler

Planeswalkers (2):
1 x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller

Enchantments (5):
3 x Sphinx's Tutelage
2 x Fevered Visions

Instants and Sorceries (22):
4 x Galvanic Bombardement
4 x Take Inventory
3 x Telling Time
3 x Unsubstantiate
3 x Geistblast
2 x Collective Defiance
2 x Talent of the Telepath
2 x Brutal Expulsion
3 x Pore over the Pages

Lands (24):
6 x Island
5 x Mountain
2 x Wandering Fumarole
2 x Sulfur Falls
1 x Geier Reach Sanitarium
4 x Highland Lake
4 x Evolving Wilds

I found 24 lands to be just fine; you generally have enough to play your early spells and are rarely screwed or flooded.
If I were to rebuild this for KLD, I definitely would make some chances. I found Fevered Visions to be pretty bad due to the increase number of Aggro decks, Defiance being sorcery-speed removal doesn't cut it either and I don't have any experience with Talent this season (I'm inclined to believe it's rather bad though). We definitely need Harnessed Lightning to deal with Copter, maybe we also need Thing in the Ice as a boardwipe.
I also think Pore over the Pages got very slow; maybe Cathartic Reunion is correct but that would mean the deck completely folds to counterspells and require a minimal hand size similar to Collective Defiance/Fateful Showdown. Maybe the answer is to just run Glimmer...

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:58 pm 
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Tried making a mill deck myself that looks a bit like this. Try removing Brutal Expulsion and replace it with Blessed Alliance. Can kill anything and gives you a bit of life for that extra staying power.

Talent of the telepath doesn't work well with the current meta. I suggest a counter spell or a board wipe, harbringer of tides or thing in the ice

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