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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:53 am 
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Joined: Nov 15, 2013
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Location: Roaming Dominaria
When you think about it, the plane of Ravnica has accumulated quite a few dangling threads and open mini-endings over the years. Your mileage may vary on what you count among them, but let's try to get an overview about the open plot hooks that have been seeded at some point and could potentially be revisited. I haven't read The Secretist because it's a friggin' e-book, so I might have missed a few things from there. The following points come to my mind:

-Gideon has been tasked with taking care of Vraska's latest activities
-Apparently Vraska planeswalked into some sort of hidden spot or planar void in last week's story?
-Lazav having Krenko steal Feather's feather and a few other items for unknown reasons
-Krenko keeping one of Feather's feathers just in case
-A feud between Krenko and the last of the Shattergang Brothers (?)
-Feather beeing freed from prison and flying away
-Ludmilla, the last of the Sisters of Stone Death, is still out there somewhere
-Lazav has been rumoured to be in contact with or possessed by Szadek's ghost
-Agrus Kos becoming a ghost officer in Agyrem to keep Szadek's ghost in check
-The status of Agyrem in general
-Teysa and Tajic planning to somehow destroy the Ghost Council, then failing for unknown reasons and being confronted by Uncle Karlov
-The Guildpact having no power in that Orzhov crypt for unknown reasons
-The powerful solifuge-shaped golem guarding Uncle Karlov's manor is waiting to be free and take revenge (it'll take ages for the contract to expire, but you never know)
-Jarad's son Myc was last seen riding into a future of endless possibilities in a guildless Ravnica. It is unclear what he has been up to since and how the restoration of the Guilds affected him
-The Cult of Yore worshipping Nephilim, which might come back and wreak havoc in the city again
-Rumours or prophecies about the old Gruul gods returning
-Yeva, Nature's Herald planning to destroy the city (?)
-The Gateless doing anything

What did I miss? Which threads do you think are likely/unlikely to be revisited? Which ones would you like to be picked up?

"Enchant me with your tale-telling. Tell about Tree, Grass, River, and Wind.
Tell why Truth must fight with Falsehood, and why Truth will always win."
—Love Song of Night and Day

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:13 am 
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Cult of Yore is the hook I'm most interested in. After that it would be the continuing Szadek vs Kos thing.

Mordred: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:53 pm 
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I'd really like to see a 'civilisation vs. nature' conflict on Ravnica, and I think I'd just throw everything that fits in there, like the Cult of Yore, Yeva and maybe even the Gruul gods, if they even exist. Just one big faction of people who want to tear down the city and make room for nature. Maybe they could manipulate the Gateless into helping them before they realise the nature guys are going to destroy their entire city, not just the Guilds. Or maybe some of the Gateless are joining them anyway because they'd rather live a simple and independent life in the remains of the city rather than being oppressed by the Guilds. That's all not very likely to happen, though.

I'd love to see Szadek's comeback. All he needs to do is take over Lazav's body and shapeshift back into his own self, though he probably wouldn't reveal himself before the big showdown. Maybe Kos can follow him out of Agyrem somehow and/or contact someone to get help?

I think Feather coming back and taking over as Guildmaster is a thing everybody wants. I want my damn Feather card already! Wait, maybe Feather could be the one Kos asks for help?! She told him an angel always hears when she's being addressed after all, no matter how long the distance, and who said that doesn't work from Agyrem? The thing basically writes itself :P

Apart from that, I think not bringing back Ludmilla would be a damn waste. She'd make an excellent right hand for Vraska if nothing else, and she probably still has ambitions to reclaim the position of Guildmaster from Jarad. She'd be relatively easy to include in the story and as a card, so it's not impossible. And I'm sure Jarad's son has grown into a complete badass, I already missed him in RtR. He's probably out there in some backwater district and might come back to help if **** is going sideways in the inner city or if something happens to his dad. Including him as a card might be tricky, though, depending on the circumstances, and Creative probably doesn't even care that he exists. I really loved reading about those gobling gang wars, too, but we'll see where that goes. Would be amazing if we could have another novel trilogy like the first one so there would be more room to cover those things...

A thought on the cards: I wonder what kind of cycles they'll come up with for the legends now that they only have two sets to work with. They could squeeze twenty two-colour legends into that, but maybe they'll shake things up a bit. I think I'd go for one legend for each guild, plus a cycle of five mono-colour legends. That way we could get a new Krenko and maybe mono-green Myczil Zunich. I think Myc would work best as :w::g::b:, but three-colour legends would be hard to fit into the block. Maybe they'll go for it if they can find enough fitting characters, the Nephilim were an oddball cycle as well.

"Enchant me with your tale-telling. Tell about Tree, Grass, River, and Wind.
Tell why Truth must fight with Falsehood, and why Truth will always win."
—Love Song of Night and Day

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:53 pm 
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Posts: 1659
How closely did Ral tie himself to the Izzet? Like, would be bow and scrape to Niv-Mizzet, or would he eliminate the Firemind at the first chance he got?

Mordred: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

Flagg: Nani?

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:08 pm 

Joined: Sep 22, 2013
Posts: 12284
How closely did Ral tie himself to the Izzet? Like, would be bow and scrape to Niv-Mizzet, or would he eliminate the Firemind at the first chance he got?

Somewhere between. He'd work to subvert the dragon, but he's equally terrified of him.
I also think he holds great esteem for what the dragon is capable of and wouldn't want to destroy him for that alone.

At twilight's end, the shadow's crossed / a new world birthed, the elder lost.
Yet on the morn we wake to find / that mem'ry left so far behind.
To deafened ears we ask, unseen / "Which is life and which the dream?"

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