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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:34 pm 
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Shrill Howler and Terrain Elemental should be cut for Matter Reshaper and Reality Smasher and you should tweak your mana to be able to play the colorless cards, I'm almost positive of it. Plus it makes it easier to turn on the Obligator which you are already playing.


I'd go

-1 Forest
+1 Wastes

-2 Terrain Elemental
-2 Shrill Howler
+2 Reality Smasher
+2 Matter Reshaper

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:44 pm 
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divinevert wrote:
Shrill Howler and Terrain Elemental should be cut for Matter Reshaper and Reality Smasher and you should tweak your mana to be able to play the colorless cards, I'm almost positive of it. Plus it makes it easier to turn on the Obligator which you are already playing.


I'd go

-1 Forest
+1 Wastes

-2 Terrain Elemental
-2 Shrill Howler
+2 Reality Smasher
+2 Matter Reshaper

I think I already have too many 5CC plays to add the Smashers, tho they are very tempting, I must admit I can be wrong, above all with the Mist there, I have to try to decide...t4 Mist t5 Smasher is sick.

Maybe the couple Smashers instead of the Verdurous and the Flagship, or probably even better, the Hydras

Howler is so good here that I added the 3º, evasion 3 power is better than another card from the Reshaper, imo...and late game he combs with Bonds

T5-6 Obligator is almost always win, so you are right with adding a Waste for him, I'm gonna do that right now

Edit: yep, Smashers better than Hydras, among other things mainly for tempo resons...t4 I usually want to cast a couple removal, or removal and a creature, better than one Hydra, it seems 90% of times...but t5 I want my gamewinning play, be it Smashers, Obligators, Flagship or Verdurous. Good call.

Last edited by callmemaggit on Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:30 pm 

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Love the direction this deck is do you feel about a garrison for some added haste?

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:32 pm 
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stahlster wrote:
Love the direction this deck is do you feel about a garrison for some added haste?

Ummm...I can't believe I overlooked that, and the mana still easily allows one utility land more, now even better without the Hydras...garrison battlements!! (you got me confused for a moment, lol) is in

We now must be pretty close to it's final build, if not there. Tnx guys :)

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:51 pm 

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Haha....battlements yes! Posting from work = mistakes

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:13 pm 
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I must say I definitely love Mist here...just a VB and the Mist is a nightmare

Also, Howler keeps performing...for example, becomes basically unblockable after a Verdurous hits him. Good with t5 Obligator too. Flipping being at instant speed, too.

Abbey out, very fringe and slow here. Mountain in...I find myself wanting to cast a creature and hold red mana open for the Blast or HL in opponents turn

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:42 pm 
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Normally I'd be excited about this kind of thread. That's my pet card. But I'm just too disinterested in this season.

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:41 pm 
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Normally I'd be excited about this kind of thread. That's my pet card. But I'm just too disinterested in this season.

I know right?!? This season is so irritating...nothing but vehicle aggro...matches are over by t5 most games. Not. Fun.

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:59 pm 
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Better than the Superfriends Kool Klub that was past season, if only for the change...also, the meta is already adapting, we can see in this very subforum competitive builds that aren't agro: Grixis, Jeskay, Jund...what is true is that cheap red early removal is almost a must now...that, or maybe gainlife...

This very deck isn't pure agro, but more like fast midrange, and it's quite functional

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:47 pm 

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Maggit, We are now running basically the same decks....but I'm having a tough time with choosing galvanic over blossoming defense. The deck wants to push hard, and keep its creatures on the board to keep the pressure on. Blossoming can act as both protection and removal. Especially if the opponent believes you are pushing tempo and attacking each turn to squeak damage through...but maybe I'm off and not seeing how galvanic can be more useful. Are we worried about other agro decks with flyers?

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:26 am 
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Still #sad to not see Matter Reshaper in the deck.

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:18 pm 
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stahlster wrote:
Are we worried about other agro decks with flyers?

There :)

And Freighters/Cruisers are problematic too... to stop a Freighter, which are a pain at 5 trample/t, you need to not attack/not pilot and then use the Bloss on the blocker, who probably still die...not optimal. And a Copter and a Freighter, or 2 of those, or early Toolcrafts etc can race us.

I love Blossoming...but more in decks still faster than this one, or with key cretures to protect...this deck is somewhat of an hybrid between an all out agro and the typical momentum-gain midrange, imo...anyways, you can always put 3 Impulse and a BS (lol...that's BS, man! haha) if you want, why not?

Talking about speed, I'm very tempted to cut a Howler, which is good but maybe not that good as to have 3 in, and a Forest, going 24 lands now that there are just 2 Bonds, and add 2 Geier Reach Bandit to push even more the haste theme

He's easy on the mana (and combs a bit with the remaining couple Howlers as bonus, btw)

divinevert wrote:
Still #sad to not see Matter Reshaper in the deck.

I can't, I'm only 8 Colorless sources, t5 Smashers are already problematic to hit the 90% chance I like, I should have 10 sources, I'm already a couple short...for t3 Reshapers, is still worse (12 is the target number then)

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:45 pm 
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I played for a while with this deck and I agree that galvanic is better here than BS. Sure it would help better with controls but we already have tools to deal with it. Which by the way reminds of funny situation I had today. My opponent cleared the board and had Big Chandra and Gideon attacking me while I had no cards in hand. He had 14 life and left me with around 5 life after his attack so it looked like pretty much the game. I had Blood Mist and Hanweir Battlements though and got Gearhulk next round :)

Scrapscreap Scrounger + Elemental Bound is also pretty much game stabilizer.

I prefer Mather Reshaper to Howler though. Nothing better when he drops Elemental Bound after being killed :)

Oh and Eldrazi Obligator is great when dealing with deployed Disciple of Ring with untapped lands. Even if opponent cancel your spell you getting the Disciple :)

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:20 am 
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thekryan wrote:

I prefer Mather Reshaper to Howler though. Nothing better when he drops Elemental Bound after being killed

Reashaper is great, no doubt...but as mentioned, even with numbers and all :P I had to change the mana quite a bit to make them consistent...I would need 3 more colorless sources, at least

Going there, I probably would include TKS and Contortions, and make the deck 3 color instead of splashed's a possibility

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:31 pm 
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I threw together an elemental bond deck trying to get stupid with Cascade effects, and it ended up being surprisingly solid. It's a total blast to play. Deckbuilder trying to say synergy is around 2 stars, but in reality it's over 9000

This what I got:

:b::g::u::c:Cascading Bond :b::g::u::c:

8 Removal (can Cascade into 6 of them)
3x Fatal Push - deck revolts easily. Cascading off deathtrigger is Revolt too
3x Grasp of Darkness - can Cascade into it
2x Never // Return[/deck] - no Cascade, but good utility

4 Vehicles (can Cascade into 3 of them)
1x Heart of Kiran - everything crews it beat stick
2x Smuggler's Copter - loot through floods, find what you need while beating
1x Skysoverign, Consul Flagship - everything crews it beat stick w/ removal

3 Enchantments (can Cascade into)
3x Elemental Bond - the draw engine

21 Creatures (can Cascade into 17 of them)
2x Greenbelt Rampager - repeatable draw with bond, energy play for hubs
2x Syndicate Trafficker - cheap 3 power creature with upside. Plays well with Trackers, Scrounger, and Treasure Keeper.
2x Scrapheap Scrounger - cheap 3 power creature that recurs, and makes loops with Traffickers
1x Kefnet the Mindful - which engine going, hand is frequently full. Activated ability synergizes with Trackers. Otherwise a crew chief that turns on Rhonas.
2x Plague Belcher - lot of creatures that Cascade or cantrip, like to put the counters on them to keep Belcher a beefy menace threat
1x Rhonas the Indomitable - ability to help push through damage. Not hard to keep her attacking
2x Tireless Tracker - clue value. Draw cards or swell Traffickers, get big
3x Rogue Refiner - cantrip. Refules hubs, draw 2 with bond. Keeps the flood coming
2x Matter Reshaper - Cascade on death. Value in, value out
1x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - **** you, embalm. Zombie synergy with Returns and Belchers
3x Treasure Keeper - Cascade on death. Value in, value out

1 Planeswalker
1x Ob Nixilis Reignited - card draw and removal

23 Lands
4 x Swamp
4 x Forest
1 x Island
1 x Wastes
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Drowned Catacomb
2 x Hinterland Harbor
3 x Aether Hub
4 x Evolving Wilds

It's not bad for a 4c deck. Hubs suffice for :u::c: requirements, Refiners refill the energy they consumed on cast. Only 4 spells need :u: and 2 needing :c:

Deck generates so much value and card advantage it's ridiculous. Very difficult to stop the train when it's rolling.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:54 am 
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I have been playing around with your deck TIMH and made a few changes. My main mode of choice is 2HG so my changes reflect what I feel is more effective in that format. The deck can get run over 1v1 by fast decks because ideally we aren't playing our creatures until turn 4. I think the extra control pieces your version runs could help there.

-3x Grasp of Darkness
+3x Vengeful Rebel
Since we are playing bond why not kill a creature and draw a card. Losing instant speed and only killing 3 toughness creatures is significant but so far i have been able to deal with glory bringer and other 4 toughness creatures with fatal push or help from sky boat. Thought about adding Liliana to this deck for her extra -1 to creatures and her -2 but decided i want it aggressive as possible plus we don't need specific creatures in this deck since all of them will draw off bond. If you cascade into him you have revolt. Greenbelt helps but we we need a little more help with revolt...

-1 forest, -1 swamp
+2 renegade map
Just a couple more revolt enablers, i don't want to slow down the mana base any more than that plus we aren't doing much turn 1 and 2 most of the time. Gives a little more flexibility on keeps as we are 3.5 colors. I will leave a map on the table if i don't need the mana for when I do need revolt (this may drive a dumb 2HG partner crazy). Makes fatal push more consistent when we need it plus make rebel that nice 2 for 1.

-2x Plague Belcher
I like this guy so it was a difficult cut. Scary creature but he neuters or kills a creat on board. Matter reshaper is ideal but he isn't always the one getting stepped on. As mentioned not totally against the card but I wanted more options and a real i win card so he had to go.
+1 Rec sage
He doesn't fit with bond but he is just so useful. Many games I have been in can be unwinable if an enchantment isn't dealt with and it gives us a way to break one or destroy even a 2 drop vehicle that needs to go that needs instant removal. I have played 2 bonds then rec saged one later after stabilizing and not trying to deck myself.
+1 ManBearPig aka Decimator of the Provinces
This card wins games. Totally neutered by a fog but outside of that most of the time if you just cast him it's GG. Triple G isn't easy but it's likely you won't want to cast him till turn 7 or 8 and having triple green by then is easy.

-2x Syndicate Trafficker
Seems like a cool idea and synergy but every time i played him I was going to have to sac a looter scooter and that's not a trade i wanted to make. Just not enough artifacts laying around in this deck that I want to sac. If we could make more clues maybe...
+2 Supernatural Stamina This card was made for this deck. I want to go 3x but there isn't any more cuts I want to make. Super good when you can target a cascade creature, draws a card on re-entry from bond and you get a free play. Can give 2 extra reach and nice to have as an option on so many of the cards in this deck especially this next card...

-1 Ob nix
Ob/Removal is great but I want to go this route instead
+1 Woodland Bellower
Playing him with bond out potentially draws 2 cards (3 if you select refiner). Allows us to tutor rec sage or a tracker or a kill card with rebel(gotta be green). Slapping down Stamina on him after he is targeted with removal is backbreaking for most opponents. Manbearpig coming down the turn after he came down is a GG (8/7 with trample just for his stats).

I am also working on a bant version just to see which is better. Jury is still out on that one.

Try it out and hit me back :D

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:40 pm 
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Nice. I don't really play 2HG, but some of your changes look interesting. I'll give it a swing as you have it, but I'm not high on V.Rebel. With how unreliable revolt is, the payoff on Rebel isn't amazeballs and most of the time I think I'd rather just have Grasp. However, I love the idea of Decimator. Having another way to break boardstalls sounds good. Also like the Supernatural Stamina idea. Combat trick that cantrips with bond out *chef kissing fingers*

I'll report back after testing

EDIT: 1 game in and I already love the stamina addition. Hitting a refiner with bond in play to kill a blocker and draw 2 cards for 1 mana is niiiiice

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 12:58 am 
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Ok, got some games in. Not feeling the Vengeful Rebels. Maybe ok when you have help from 2HG partner, but I don't like them here in 1v1. Too many games where I had them in hand waiting for revolt. Maybe moreso because of the map adds to support them. 23 land was already greedy in a 4c deck (even if the colorless requirement is only to support 2 cards), but dropping to 21 was painful in 1v1. Too many games where I muliganned out of the match.

Jury's still out on Bellower and Sage. I see why you added them, but so far I've yet to cast Bellower, and I've discarded Sage to Looter Scooter 3x more often than I've cast him.

What I liked: stamina and pig. Those were great calls. Stamina on refiner or treasure keeper or reshaper - especially with a bond in play - is Value. Feels good, man. Pig is such a blast - every time I cast it, it was GG

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:48 pm 
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Maybe you could work 3 or even 4 copies of supernatural in there instead. Great card in 2HG because unlike blossoming you can target your partners creatures.

1v1 I think staying with the basic lands and Grasp may be the right call. I do like map here because you already have push in the deck and they are like evo wilds 5 and 6 so more color selection but it makes turn 1 and 2 kind of no play turns if in starting hand. In 1v1 you have to be able to react quickly to a looter scooter or heart and can't count on a team mate to help remove them so it's probably the right call.

My experience with 2HG is a lot more of the meta is ramp or control decks. V. reb allows you to keep dropping threats instead of holding onto a removal card vs an empty board (grasp is generally only useful against ramp's dorks). Hopefully you can play him for value but in some situations a low value rebel is still a good clock and hits all the buttons this deck likes. Blocking with rebel and putting supernatural on him allows you to do 5 damage and remove 3 toughness. That will kill most things or even 2 things. maps+evo wilds+Greenbelt = 8 cards that trigger revolt without trying hard. This deck doesn't mind losing it's creatures in combat either so usually I find revolt is easy.

As far as rec sage goes i understand not playing him but I like having him as a one of in most of my green decks. The loss of grasp demands another card to handle must remove vehicles so a little more value with less instants in the deck. Bellower makes playing 1 copy more consistent when you need him.

I tried playing 1 copy of Lifecrafter's Bestiary as a kind of copy 4 of bond but the games i tried it i never drew it. Let me know what you end up with.

You gotta try some 2HG again with me. That one guy wont be in our game i promise lol.

The Last Fight Club Champion
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 Post subject: Re: KLD: Elemental Bond
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:39 pm 
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I considered going above 2 on Stamina, but I really hate hitting it off Treasure Keeper so I decided to not increase chances of that and kept it at 2. I've been happy with that number so far.

I've been ok with Bellower so far. I like the 2 bodies, draw 2/+ when it's come up. So much value casting with one or more bonds in play and fetching a Refiner. Putting 9 power on the board over 2 bodies and refilling your hand for 6 mana is pretty stupid.

I can't remember if I cut Sage or if it's still in. Hasn't come up in the last few days of playing... I know there are matchups where I'd love him, but since he doesn't synergize with the deck in any other way (no bond trigger, no solo piloting Heart or Skyship) I'm still on the fence about having him in 1v1 version.

I thought about Bestiary when building originally, but decided against it. Don't want to cut any removal or vehicles for it, and can't pull a creature for it. Just not on the same level of Bond for what the deck wants to do. Including Treasure Keeper and Matter Reshaper were my ways of gaining extra value without running Bestiary.

I'd try 2HG again, lol. One of the guys playing messaged me afterwords to explain and apologize about what happened. Not sure if it was the same person who did most of the bitching, but I appreciated it. I didn't know there were ground rules about what stuff you should avoid playing and both decks I ran happened to include 'rule breakers'. You'll just have to let me know what to avoid if we do it again.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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