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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:24 am 
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I am starting to wish this was a true swiss setting. It would give me more entertainment for my money and also give me more of a chance to learn. Mostly I have gotten beaten around on Time Spiral with every time being a 1 to 0 game win. Not match, but game. I know I did well before when they did this as a flash back but probably at this point I have gotten worse, the competition has gotten better, or both.

Is Time Spiral suppose to be a 3+ color format? Seems I am getting bashed around by that. While I try to stay in two colors I face 4 color thalid sliver stuff decks.

Part of that is bad beats, but mostly it is a valid question. Should I just run 3, 4, or 5 color?

Draft? Sealed? Sealed, you are really up to the mercy of your packs. But even bad packs can lead to wins. Maybe post a list of what you had? Building more than 2 colors in limited usually requires a reliable fixing scheme. Either via ramp cards or color fixing/changing permanents. Building 4 color decks without those is just asking to get bad draws.

Winter.Wolf and Telir on MTGO, Paul Leicht on and Telir on the soon to be defunct MTGO forums.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:51 am 
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These are the flash back drafts so it is all drafts no sealed. I would have to look up later what I had. There was probably many bad choices but I felt it was decent enough to get out of the first round.

What I am saying is that I keep getting ousted in the first round by some 3+ color deck. The last one that beat me was a 4 color sliver thalid mix. First game he seemed to draw all his slivers and all 4 colors (maybe there was 5 but I didn't see a 5th color). The last game he drew all his thalids and eventually I couldn't keep up. I noticed white seemed to have a heavy color commitment but a lot of other colors were a little looser with only 1 colored mana requirement. So these hand full of experiences got me wondering if I was just being too conservative on myself to try and stay 2 color.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:34 am 
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So possibly my favorite block just ended in the flash back drafts in Scars block. Even though I have been playing a long time this is the point where I made a huge jump in my play and understanding of the game. Also the point where I really got into drafting. It certainly showed in my play in this block as well as I was able to hit the ground running and had the most success. I also noticed a lot of people new to at least the format drafting this.

How have other people been doing in the flash backs?

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:34 am 
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I have been spending too much time EMN drafting for flashbacks. Because of a string of luck, I'm having trouble consuming all my packs. They are pretty worthless (<$2), so selling them seems a waste. Plus, there's still a few mythics I need.

Even though they weren't well designed for drafting, I preferred the pre-modern Flashback drafts. Perhaps because all of my paper-play was from that era.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:43 am 
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Is there still vintage cube?

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:04 pm 
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miss_bun wrote:
Is there still vintage cube?

I don't really do the cube draft. I believe there was one going on but it ended with the pre-release from my understanding.

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