Oh, thanks for reminding me that this is a thing, Raven -- I haven't done one of these in ages!
Let's spin the wheel, shall we?
Clade has gone missing, and now Ellia the Endbringer goes in search of him. The search takes Ellia from the continent of Corondor to The Celestial Realm and finally to Bolas's Meditation Plane, where she finds that Clade is attempting to uncover the secrets of how to bathe a Cyclops Spellshaper.
Well, I would have lost money betting about that conclusion.
It’s an interplanar game of Tag! Rimarra tags Yeong Eode on Ulgrotha, who tags Maral, Celestial Wright on Ihn Gallad, who tags Sharaka Tharnak on Janhapurh. Sharaka attempts to tag Beryl, the Heart-Scarred on Arbagoth, but Beryl narrowly escapes! Now Sharaka is chasing Beryl across the Multiverse
Good to see that the Generator still has it out for Beryl...
The paths of fate have converged and the Eightfold Lotus trades information with Kimberley Talon because of the machinations of Raiker Venn.
Plausible, and troubling!
Lumina Revelaris arrives unexpectedly on Dammerdall.
That actually seems like a really intriguing premise...
Penelophine planeswalks to Dammerdall.
Ooo -- the plot thickens!
Morgan of Voor arrives unexpectedly on Shandrovol.
Combo breaker.
Lumina Revelaris wants to learn about philosophy, and so joins forces with Denner Fabellian. However, Denner is suffering from a nyxborn viper's bite, and will only help Lumina if she goes to Zent to see Morgan of Voor about a cure. Morgan knows about the cure, but will only give it to Lumina if she can locate the Amulet of the Planeswalkers. Lumina searches for it on Janhapurh, but only finds a pentavite. At this point, Lumina gives up on this side quest.
Man, Denner just can't catch a break.
Nasperge does an Aubedore reading for Lady Nasina in the "Crossroads" pattern.
For the corners, he draws the Magician (inverted), the Merchant (inverted), the Mute, and the Turtle (inverted).
For the spokes, he draws the Peak, the Snake, the Ring (inverted), and the Anvil.
At the Crossroads, he lays the Lost (inverted) vertically as the destination, under the fate card of the Spider, which is horizontal.
Lady Nasina tells Nasperge he's crazy, but she can't help but wonder...
I feel like I just read this?
The Hands of Light and Shadow has resurfaced from the depths of history, and now Morgezka Shanak planeswalks to Regatha in search of it. Can she get to it before Denner Fabellian?
Probably not?
Alessa Rehn chases Donagut to Dammerdall. Upon landing on Dammerdall, she joins forces with the other 'Walker.
Man, it is getting crowded over there!
Aloise Hartley arrives unexpectedly on Adrisar.
Doesn't she know the party's on Dammerdall?
Ygraine of Segovia finds herself in command of a very strange army comprised of Thalakoss, Ogre Archers, Horror Snow Rhino Berserkers, and even Goblins.
Hey, goblins aren't allowed!
A summoning has gone awry, and Denner Fabellian is left with a pincher in his hand.
This actually seems like an improvement for Denner, compared to the usual.
Due to a slight miscalculation, Gale was attacked by Raleris, the Lorekeeper. Now, Gale is seeking revenge.
There's something kind of delightful about how implausible this is.
In a massive blizzard, Rishima, Queen of the Black Sands saves Chardis of the Dual-Walkers's life. This results in a short-lived romantic liaison between the two.
Love hurts.
After an unfortunate incident, Lady Nasina is suffering from a polymorphist's twisted sense of humor and is now a frog. Now, she has to travel to Solphos in search of Kirsh of the Flats in the desperate hope that he can help.
Wait... she was the frog all along?
On a whim, Gale saves Blink's life.
Lady Nasina travels to Thorneau.
Also weirdly plausible?
The Eightfold Lotus planeswalks to the continent of Jamuraa. There, he is deceived by Beryl, the Heart-Scarred.
He shouldn't have bet her that she couldn't walk across the coals.
A summoning has gone awry, and Gale is left with a sand in her hand.
She might like that, actually?
Mel Odrum attempts to tie Daneera to the railroad tracks. It does NOT end well for him...
I bet it does not!