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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:34 pm 
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Joly wrote:
divinevert wrote:
Joly wrote:
I won the Steam Showdown with this list (undefeated, 7-1 in top 8 games), this deck is absurdly powerfull and my version felt very consistent and carried me despite my poor play ... f5b2e08aa5
The matchup against counterspell based control is rough because your removal and sweepers get stuck in hand. With sideboards (swap in 8 threats for the useless removal and sweepers) you would be heavily favorite. Against everything else I feel very favored

You would not be a heavy favorite against Esper post-board. They'd board, too, bringing in Suppression Bonds and more hard counters for spot removal and Horribly Awry. That matchup is never going to be good for you.

we could test it but stuff like Evolutionary Leap and Gaea's Revenge kind of messes up Esper

Sure, but post-board Esper could deal with those threats, too. Suppression Bonds also helps with Evo Leap and while Gaea's is obviously a big problem, we have Celestial Flare. It's also only a 2-of and 7 CMC.

I'd be willing to test it, but I don't have hardly any cards on Steam so unless you have the Xbox cards unlocked, not sure we'll be able to without a proxy. Like tourney decks with 6 cards available for change (to simulate the ability to board and assuming the entire sideboard isn't dedicated to a single matchup).

KLD Season King of the Hill Winner.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:11 pm 
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I will volunteer to help test. I am sending you a PM Joly. Grats on the win.

I think it is a bit complicated. Having 8 cards in your sideboard dedicated to beating Esper does sound a little silly. If you build a superfriends deck that is completely dedicated to beating control it isn't superfriends any longer.

Basically, you would have a 4 color goodstuff deck with little removal. Due to mana issues inherent to a 4 color deck your tempo would still be slow as molasses. You can't really curve out. You are just more likely to be able to exhaust the Esper player's hand of removal and then hope he gets mana flooded at some point.

My prediction is that Esper would go from being strongly favored against your version of removal-heavy superfriends to still somewhat favored. Esper has card advantage plays you can do nothing about. Confirm Suspicions, Comparative Analysis, plus planeswalkers and wipes will all give Esper and advantage, and you can't interact with any of these except planeswalkers. Meanwhile, you have card advantage too, but it is all vulnerable to counterspells.

My deck is almost completely creatureless. Game 1, you will get punished for having removal. But if you board out all your removal for game 2 you may face additional problems. Boarding out all of your removal is the most common response to facing control. This makes it very attractive for me to board in some more creatures... who are suddenly completely dominant facing a deck with no removal. Archangel Avacyn, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger are all game-winners. You get Gaea's Revenge but mostly you are adding in 2nd tier threats. Rise from the Tides is another finisher that is simply too risky in a meta with board wipes and declaration, but once you board them out it can overwhelm you and seal the game quickly.

I will say that I think superfriends will benefit more from sideboarding overall, but we are talking 5-10% more wins.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:43 pm 

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There's always the possibility of Baby Jace flashing back a Tides too.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:00 am 
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From last season to this, we have seen some changes to my favourite 4 color deck, Super friends. Below is my latest build:

1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Woodland Wanderer
1 x Archangel Avacyn
1 x Livana The Preserver
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa

2 x Oath of Nissa
2 x Oath of Chandra
2 x Declaration in Stone
3 x Fork In The Road
2 x Oath of Gideon
2 x Oath of Liliana
2 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Read The Bones
2 x Radiant Flames
2 x Languish
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Nahari, The Harbinger
1 x Arlinn Kord
1 x Planar Outburst
1 x Ob Nixilis Reginited
1 x Chandra, The Flamcaller
1 x Sorin, Grim Nemsis

2 x Plains
2 x Swamp
1 x Mountain
2 x Forest
1 x Hissing Quagmire
2 x Shambling Vent
1 x Smoldering Marsh
1 x Cinder Glade
2 x Canopy Vista
1 x Woodland Cemetery
1 x Rootbound Crag
1 x Clifftop Retreat
2 x Isolated Chapel
2 x Sunpetal Grove
4 x Evolving Wilds

Here's a link to the deck tech:

Wanna see how the deck performs, we'll check out this sweet game play below:

I am a magic duels youtuber you can check out my channel here ... URjJucF8Ig

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:37 am 
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:02 am 
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That would've been an interesting game against my burn :-)

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:06 pm 
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Stupidfriends, KLD edition

2 x Sylvan Advocate
3 x Blessed Alliance
2 x Cultivator's Caravan
2 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Radiant Flames
1 x Liliana, the Last Hope
1 x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1 x Gisela, the Broken Blade
2 x Woodland Wanderer
2 x Languish
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Archangel Avacyn
2 x Planar Outburst
1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Nissa, Vital Force
1 x Linvala, the Preserver
1 x Noxious Gearhulk
1 x Combustible Gearhulk
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
1 x Oblivion Sower
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller
1 x Sorin, Grim Nemesis
1 x Bruna, the Fading Light

26 x land

4 x Plains
2 x Swamp
2 x Mountain
2 x Forest
2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Cinder Glade
2 x Canopy Vista
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Rootbound Crag
2 x Clifftop Retreat
2 x Isolated Chapel
2 x Sunpetal Grove

Plays/choices of note: No Declaration of Stone - instant speed is more important now, so Alliance and Unmaking do for most targeted removal. Cultivator's Caravan takes most of the old Pilgrim's Eye slots, and does amazing, since it also ramps and can change colours as need be. Attacking with it isn't awful either; especially when you use it for mana for a few turns, people forget you can do that.

Avacyn may need to go. Since everyone else is running instant removal too, she tends to die before she becomes indestructible. If she goes, Bruna's value becomes questionable.

No Evolving Wilds; I need stuff coming in mostly untapped, I'm already on the back foot speed wise most games. Similarly, no Tireless Trackers - it's been a long time since I've seen one survive a turn anyhow. Every other creature I'm running needs to be dealt with so no big need for a removal magnet.

Nahiri ult'ing for Hulks is fun. You really don't mind casting them again the next turn.

Yes, I'm running 6 sweepers. In lieu of having really good answers for vehicles beyond aforementioned instant removal, I went for keeping the board clear of pilots. Speaking of, a 6/6 Wanderer does a good job against Fleetwheels and Freighters. He's criminally underused in 3+ colour decks.

I am running probably more PWs than I need to, but that's part of the strategy; keep my opponent busy with PWs so my life total keeps above 10. The worst thing for this deck is people who ignore the PWs and go straight for my throat. Thankfully, this happens maybe once in a dozen games and generally requires that they have a lot of fliers and I don't draw sweepers.

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

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Last edited by GodOfAtheism on Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:02 pm 
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Too funny--
I also came up with a similar build and having fun with it.
Win record is about 2:1, with manafixing problems vs. pure aggro leaving a bit to be desired.

--- p3hndrx (IOS/MTGO)
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:48 am 
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Here's my current SuperFriends---


Considered: -2 Languish for....

+2 Reclamation Sage
-- This makes sense with KLD and vehicles, but nothing that Anguished Unmaking or Nahiri can't handle (so far).
but I have found the board wipe to come-in handy more than a few times

+2 Radiant Flames
-- the is very appealing vs the required for Languish, but does not address indestructible.

Other flexible options:
2x Oath of Chandra -- very nice for some creature damage and planeswalker -2 dmg, but not at instant speed.
2x Oath of Liliana -- force sacrifice is so nice... zombies are bodies, but I haven't been able to turn them into anything.

--- p3hndrx (IOS/MTGO)
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:59 pm 

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My first post here. The following deck brought me to 40 quite quickly, from around 20 which I got down to by experimenting with more flicker-heavy versions of it.

Mana Fixing:
x2 Oath of Nissa
x3 Telling Time

x4 Elvish Visionary
x3 Bounding Krasis
x1 Disciple of the Ring
x3 Cloudblazer
x1 Torrential Gearhulk
x1 Noxious Gearhulk
x1 Greenwarden of Murasa
x1 Baloth Null

x2 Displace
x2 Pulse of Murasa

x2 Declaration in Stone
x2 Anguished Unmaking
x2 Planar Outburst

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Nissa, Vastwood Seer
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
Tamiyo, Field Researcher
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
Sorin, Grim Nemesis

Lands (24)
x2 Plains
x2 Island
x2 Swamp
x2 Forest
x2 Lumbering Falls
x2 Hissing Quagmire
x1 Sunken Hollow
x2 Canopy Vista
x2 Hinterland Harbor
x2 Sunpetal Grove
x1 Aether Hub
x4 Evolving Wilds

The idea of the deck is to be very efficient in draw, recursion and life gain. It takes a while, but drains many other deck types out of resources.
I would appreciate feedback/suggestions to improve it. It is weak to early aggro, vehicles, superfriends, as well as mill depending on luck of the draw.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:46 am 

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Seems to me to be a case of "you get what you paid for". You've built a very greedy deck with multiple win conditions and very few defenses against aggressive decks, which is why the deck is weak to aggro. You also say the deck is weak to superfriends, which is a bit weird to me. The same greed should make you more effective against superfriends.

Anyway I would suggest:

1) Cut some win conditions. You've got six planeswalkers, two Gearhulks, Disciple of the Ring, Greenwarden - you don't need even more win conditions and late-game. I'd definitely cut Balot Null, Pulse of Murasa and probably Disciple of the Ring too. Add in more early removal. Stuff like Gideon's Reproach or Skywhaler's Shot will go a long way towards reaching the late-game in the first place.

2) Change some win conditions. For example you're missing Archangel Avacyn in the deck, which is a bit strange since she's so good. I can get why you're not running Ulamog, but not Avacyn. I would also think about changing some of the Planeswalkers for those that can actually deal damage, e.g. cutting Tamiyo for Nissa, Vital Force. This would help in pressuring resolved planeswalkers. You could also consider Skysovereign, but you are rather short on creatures that can crew it.

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 3:08 am 

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4 color Ebalm Zombies

2x Sacred Cat
2x Trueheart duelist
2x Anointer Priest
2x Labyrith Guardian
2x Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
4x Grapple with the Past
2x Auramancer (these are your only none ebalm creatures)
1x Unwavering Initiate (replaceable)
3x Benefaction
2x Heart-Piercer Manticore
3x Aven Wind Guide
2x Anointed Procession
1x Explosive Vegetation (Debating if I even need 1)
2x Oketra's Attendant (against a control I sometimes just play it to bait a counter over just cycling)
2x Glyph Keeper
2x Planar Outburst
2x Honored Hydra

2x plains
2x islands
2x mountains
2x forest
2x cinder
2x canopy vista
1x prairie stream
1x root bound crag
1x clifftop retreat
1x hinterland harbor
2x sulfur falls
2x glacial fortress
2x sunpretal grove
2x aether hub

So far my win rate was 8/10 and one was do to a bad hand. For the most part I'm playing a land every turn. The only issue I had was when I had the manticore in my hand with one red mana source. That's why I added in a few duel tap lands and lowered my basic lands to 2 each. As far as using the grave yard if I use grapple I mostly go for 1 auramancer since she is needed if I dumped my enchantment or I would get a land or Glyper just so they would have to kill him with a board wipe or 4 target spells. Getting anything else isn't really needed. Overall fun deck since I hate using R/U control and planes walker decks as it's nothing new. Any cards I should move around?

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 1:14 pm 
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:14 am 
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Let's see if we can create a truly oppressive 4C Control deck in duels:

2 x Prairie Stream
2 x Wandering Fumarole
2 x Sunken Hollow
2 x Drowned Catacomb
2 x Glacial Fortress
2 x Sulfur Falls
4 x Island
1 x Swamp
1 x Plains
1 x Mountain
4 x Evolving Wilds
3 x Aether Hub
Total Lands: 26

2 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Commit
3 x Glimmer of Genius
3 x Censor
3 x Telling Time
3 x Blessed Alliance
1 x Kozilek's Return
Total Instants: 17

1 x Torrential Gearhulk
3 x Cast Out
Total Flash: 4

2 x Dark Intimations
2 x Radiant Flames
2 x Never
2 x Declaration in Stone
Total Sorceries: 8

1 x Cruel Reality
1 x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1 x Sorin, Grim Nemesis
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller
Total Bombs: 5

Update: after trying various combinations, the mana base was not good enough to consistently cast the cards on curve. Putting this on the back burner for now.

Last edited by opponent on Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:31 pm 
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I hate it!

Monk and Hakeem had put together a really great 4c control deck back in Magic 2015 called The Monkeem Project and I think got called Total Control at one point that Möbius took issue with. But yeah I think it's possible and if you get a good track record with it, ill for sure build it and try it!

Joly made an amazing 4c superfriends deck which I still play

Also I think about you every time I play now when my opponent turns into "opponent" :)

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PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2019 2:43 pm 
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I threw together an elemental bond deck trying to get stupid with Cascade effects, and it ended up being surprisingly solid. It's a total blast to play. One problem 3 power Bond decks tend to have is being able to punch through for the win if opponent is wide, but Decimator solves that here.

Midrange. Value and card advantage like a boss. When the engine gets rolling is very hard to stop the momentum. Deckbuilder trying to say synergy is around 2 stars, but in reality it's over 9000.

Cascading Bond :b::g::u::c:

2 x Greenbelt Rampager
3 x Fatal Push
2 x Supernatural Stamina
2 x Syndicate Trafficker
2 x Scrapheap Scrounger
1 x Heart of Kiran
2 x Smuggler's Copter
2 x Grasp of Darkness
1 x Kefnet the Mindful
1 x Rhonas the Indomitable
2 x Tireless Tracker
3 x Rogue Refiner
2 x Matter Reshaper
3 x Elemental Bond
1 x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
3 x Treasure Keeper
1 x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
1 x Woodland Bellower
2 x Never // Return
1 x Decimator of the Provinces
1 x Island
4 x Swamp
4 x Forest
1 x Wastes
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Drowned Catacombs
2 x Hinterland Harbor
3 x Aether Hub
4 x Evolving Wilds

It's not bad at all as a 4c deck. Hubs suffice for :u::c: requirements, Refiners and Rampagers refill the energy they consumed on cast. Only 4 spells need :u: and 2 needing :c: . You want to prioritize black with Wilds for all the double black requirements. Green next for casting Rampager multiple times for energy and card draw triggers, and the late game Decimator cost. Only fetch blue or waste if necessary to cast things in hand.

I'd prefer to not be running all the vehicles. Ideally cut the easy mode looter scooters, but I felt it necessary to have a certain number of spells that don't care about mana colors and I can't run 4 scroungers...

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:53 am 
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4C Superfriends, but not the usual blend.

Most commonly 4C walkers pair :w::b::g::r: . LVD made the best version of that deck imo, and updated the color pairing throughout Duels history. I wanted to do something with U walkers, however, so I built this and have been playing it for some weeks. Idk if it’s correct to say it’s better than WBGR, but it’s close at least. Things I didn’t love about the versions with red are there are few ways to power through floods. You have Nahiri who can cycle lands, and Ajani who draws past them, but that’s about it. U gives you scry options with Nissa Elements, big Jace, and Jace Oath (plus filtering, as with little Jace. Also, the versions with red end up with spot removal dealing 3 damage on T2 (Chandra oath) followed by T3 and T4 sweepers that deal 3 damage. It felt often felt wasteful. Sure Chandra oath pings 2 when you’ve played a walker, but with superfriends it’s mostly win more damage - you’re going to win by taking over the game completely and opp conceding most often, not counting to 20 ASAP. The version I made trading R for U has a lot more scary and filtering, which often feels better than what R offered. I haven’t put in the volume of time yet with this version compared to the R version, but so far I’ve been liking it more. So I feel safe in saying it’s a good alternative to the R versions, even if not better than. Might do more tweaks over time, but currently list stands as:

:u::w::g::b: Superfriends
2 x Renegade Map
2 x Oath of Nissa
2 x Fatal Push
1 x Jace, Vyrn’s Prodigy
1 x Heart of Kiran
1 x Nissa, Stewart of Elements
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Cultivator’s Caravan
1 x Oath of Gideon
1 x Oath of Jace
2 x Oath of Liliana
1 x Gideon of the Trials
1 x Liliana, the Last Hope
2 x Woodland Wanderer
2 x Languish
1 x Yahenni’s Expertise
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Tamiyo, Field Researcher
1 x Tezzeret the Schemer
2 x Planar Outburst
1 x Baral’s Expertise
1 x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Liliana, Death’s Majesty
1 x Nissa, Vital Force
1 x Sorin, Grim Nemesis
1 x Ajani Unyielding
1 x Dusk // Dawn
2 x Plains
2 x Island
2 x Swamp
2 x Forest
2 x Sunken Hallow
2 x Canopy Vista
1 x Prairie Stream
2 x Drown Catacomb
1 x Hinterland Harbor
2 x Sunpetal Grove
4 x Evolving Wilds

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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