I wasn't feeling well and was not playing tight. I had a RW deck with
Pia Nalaar,
Multiform Wonder and a few removals, energy dudes and decent vehicles. I also had
Captured by the Consulate.
My white was a pretty easy pick but I could have gone U (
Torrential Gearhulk) or B (slightly deeper than U, R, or R and I could have shaved some mediocre artifact creatures).
Fumigate was excellent, but I did not play it well. My deck was pretty aggro which didn't help. Generally I kept committing rather than relying on the life game to catch me up.
Still, it won me games and kept me in games I was losing. Captured by the Consolute was also not great in aggro with little air assault. I only cast it once on an
Ovalchase Daredevil...but that's sort of terrible if he uses removal on it (he had
I won match 1 easily behind fumigate. M2G1 I straight up punted when I misread a complicated boardstate late in the game, and made an attack that left me open for lethal. G2 went long and I could have maybe won to steal a draw, but I conceeded due to pay out.
M3 my opp conceeded to me because of pay out, then proceeded to grind me out (with Whirlermaker) in a long friendly game. I did ALMOST win this by topdecking artifacts with Pia on the board, but I was always a couple damage short. We didn't bother to play another game.
Probably just a coincidence, but I played 3 black decks.
So although the decks were pretty aggro, I did have multiple board stalls. I guess "sealed". The vehicles, other than the rare ones, seemed a little underwhelming. It could have just been
Sky Skiff matching up badly against other fliers.
Multiform Wonder is great, although kinda bad against thopter generation, and at least once I kinda ran out of power.
Flavor Wins: I killed a
Long-finned Skywhale with
Skywhaler's ShotFlavor Fails: Someone played
Malfunction on my goat.