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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:48 am 
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Haven_pt wrote:
I built a mono-red aggro deck today and went 7-1 with it at rank 40ish (loss to Superfriends with a million PWs - took care of Gideon, but then he dropped the rest of the team and languished me... Then all I drew was Land).

Mono Red Aggro

I missed Rdw... So After playing some other archtypes that have Red, I've returned to mono Red and put together what works in those decks.

3x Goblin Glory Chaser (old-school card. Still a threat early, poor top-decking late)
4x Insolent Neonate (red's best 1 drop. Always relevant with evasion)
3x Mage-Ring Bully (prowess. It Triggers easily in this deck. Abbot may come back if he gets fixed)
3x Makindi Sliderunner (playing beast's landfall deck reminds how good these guys are. Trample Rocks, prime Titan's Strength target)
3x Ravenous Bloodseeker (I'm not sold on these guys. Since I threw in lots of madness, another discard outlet is useful. Totally smashed my opponent in one game with Senseless Rage, but he's a 1/3 most of the time)
2x Scourge Wolf (got delirium once, don't really care. 2/2 first Strike for 2 is good enough)
1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh (Chandra may be too slow for this deck. For now she stays)
1x Avaricious Dragon (an old Pre-soi favorite. Will get replaced by that discard your hand, draw 3 prowess guy in emn, if we get him...)
1x Akoum Firebird (the bird is always good. Flying is one of superfriend's weaknesses)

4x Titan's Strength (fast becoming one of my favourites. Always good to see when it shows up- usually means opponent has 3 less life left)
1x Fall of the Titans (Was actually a one-of Twin Bolt, but it never showed up and this is more useful as a one-of. May add the second)
3x Lightning Axe (I'm not a fan, but 5 damage can kill most annoying creatures. Shame it doesn't hit walkers...)
4x Fiery Temper (so good, even for 3. Madness just makes it a Lightning Bolt. What's not to like?)

2x Avacyn's Judgment (twinbolt replacement, that goes rolling thunder with madness. Still waiting for the game it hits a big X. Current Max is at 3)
2x Exquisite Firecraft (my saviour. I should foil them... Or maybe not...)

3x Senseless Rage (potential madness/delirium activator. Trying it out instead of Infectious Bloodlust. Has been good so far)

4x Looming Spires (this is usually +1 damage, great with Makindi and don't forget first Strike)
16x Mountain

To view this deck go to: ... 425a68b5bf

Created using Magic Duels Helper:

Apparently Rdw isn't dead. It can still pack a punch and emn has some goodies coming...
I ended up commiting to madness/discard which is the better part of vampire Tribal, leaving out the meh rest. Makindi was already a staple in my pre-soi Rdw deck and landfall aggro reminds me of how good they are. The rest is old school Rdw (prowess, Titan's Strength, Glory chaser, etc..)
Hope you enjoy it. Ideas, criticisms, suggestions are all welcome.

This deck is kicking rear-ends pretty hard. Madness burn cards are working out very well, but I believe it is better not to go all out vamps. Bullies have been performing well, as have makindis and just about the whole deck except maybe for Avaricious Dragon...
I did cut 1 Glory Chaser for another Senseless Rage. Speaking of which, Senseless Rage has been huge! The extra toughness makes a difference vs Bloodlust. Shame it doesn't haste. But the emn haste land would find a home here.
Twinbolt came back for the Fall of Titans and I wish I had room for more... The burn will need a revisionado after the update and that 2/1 Menace Wolf looks good too. We'll see, at least I'm at R40 again... Yay!

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:49 pm 
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What a shame I only brewed this deck when SOI season is ending. This is actually an upgraded BFZ era RDW Agro deck that kicks so hard, your opponents won't know what hit 'em.

Barney, if (like me) you miss playing RDW Aggro, then this is the deck you've been waiting for!

I have literally gotten 1st turn wins! (Opponent concedes after seeing mountain + glory chaser. Didn't even drop a land).

It has so many tricks up its sleeve that it hurts! Menace, madness, instant speed auras, delirium, first/double strike, prowess, combat tricks, landfall, trample, fiery tempers that are nearly always lightning bolts, the deck has it all...

Does it lose sometimes? Sure, sometimes in those games you have to kill 3+ PWs and then they drop another next turn...
I've even beaten Orzov life gain (that actually had a good hand must've gained 10+ life).

Does it run out of steam? Sometimes... But it top-decks pretty well and madness is huge card advantage most of the time (also gives you a reason to keep cards in hand) that you don't run out of cards too often.

Does it lose to sweepers? Not really... Don't over extend, you don't need to. Evasion takes care of that. Menace is a pain to sweeper decks who play creatures. Just do lots of damage early and finish 'em off with burn.

Mana screw? This deck can thrive with 2 land... Just muligan any 1 landers or 5+ land hands. I've won a lot of games with 6 card hands, 5 is harder but not impossible. Andyou don't really need more than 4 lands (don't play them unless its for landfall, keeping them in hand is useful for discard). This is why the only card I would consider adding would actually be a singleton Molten Vortex.

Control? You can and will win before they can set up shop.
Advocates? Thas what your lightning bolts are for.
Trackers? Even twinbolt kills those...
Tutelage? Do they expect the game to last that long?

Only underperformer so far is an old favourite, Avaricious Dragon. He'll get the cut after the update. The rest... its so tuned, it'll be difficult to make changes. Lets see what we get.

El loco Red Aggro (Basically the list I post before, but updated)
2 x Goblin Glory Chaser
4 x Insolent Neonate
3 x Mage-Ring Bully
3 x Makindi Sliderunner
2 x Scourge Wolf
3 x Ravenous Bloodseeker
1 x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
1 x Akoum Firebird
1 x Avaricious Dragon

3 x Lightning Axe
4 x Titan's Strength
1 x Twin Bolt
4 x Fiery Temper

2 x Avacyn's Judgment
2 x Exquisite Firecraft

4 x Senseless Rage

4 x Looming Spires
16 x Mountain

To view this deck go to: ... 425a68b5bf

Created using Magic Duels Helper:

Great fun, great for grinding and great for getting to R40 (if that's your thing).

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:20 pm 
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oh wow, i miss mono-red so much. Turn 1 wins?! I love anything that can pull that off, breaking opponent's morale that badly.

tier 1? good win percentage?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:03 am 
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I haven't been really keeping count but it should be something like 20-5.
Don't think I lost 2 in a row... That's the delete criteria isn't it?
Tier 1... Maybe... I'm no expert to say so. Power Rangers can give it a hard time...

All I know is it sure is a lot of fun to play. Thats enough for me, so take it for a spin and let me know how it went. :)

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:36 pm 
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Yeah, nothing should lose twice in a row in the pubs. Not with our mulligans

What's power rangers?

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:25 am 
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Yeah, nothing should lose twice in a row in the pubs. Not with our mulligans

What's power rangers?

Its what I've decided to call Superfriends. It makes sense, there's a White one, there's a red one, a Green one, a blue one, a black one and they always seem to show up in groups, ultimate you and win...

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:53 pm 
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Burn seems quite viable with the EMN alchemists won 2-0 by turn 6, though still trying to brew a deck with a decent curve.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:43 am 
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This is my Hellbent RDW:

3 x Goblin Glorychaser
4 x Insolent Neonate
4 x Titan's Strength
1 x Molten Vortex
2 x Lightning Axe

2 x cmc
2 x Lupine Prototype
2 x Scourge Wolf
3 x Ravenous Bloodseeker
3 x Furyblade Vampire
2 x Senseless Rage
4 x Distemper of the Blood

3 x cmc
2 x Bloodmad Vampire
4 x Fiery Temper
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
2 x Collective Defiance

20 x Mountain

Works pretty well. The main engine is Bloodseeker and Furyblade + Distemper/Senseless/Bloodmad. The rest of the deck is synergy and speed. Deck tops out at 3CMC, unless you escalate Collective Defiance. Takes some practice to sequence effects right for maximum efficiency, though. Spells and creatures seem about right, but I'm contemplating some non-mountain red-producing lands.

Any comments welcome.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:12 am 
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I think Incorrigible Youths should be in the deck, they will be better than bloodmad.


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:55 am 
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El Loco Rdw aggro 2.0

Added emn cards into the El loco build, its fast and nasty. Perfect for anyone who likes aggro.

2x Goblin Glory Chaser (old school T1 play)
4x Insolent Neonate (need I say it again? Best 1 drop in duels)
3x Ravenous Bloodseeker (madness enabler, good blocker, good finisher.)
2x Abbot of Keral Keep (he's fixed, so he's back in)
2x Makindi Sliderunner (trample is so useful. May throw more in. Awesome with the Spires)
2x Hanweir Garrison (my goodies, this card is powerful!)
1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh (chandra will always find a home in mono Red. Watch as those removal spells come loose...)
2x Impetuous Devils (Ball Lightning. Thank-you wizards! The mono Red gods are appeased)
1x Bedlam Reveler (plenty of sorceries and instants to play this cheap. Late game restocking, should be better than Avaricious)

3x Lightning Axe (I wasn't a fan, now I am. Kills just about everything your opponent can drop in the few turns a game lasts)
4x Titan's Strength (3 damage + fixing. All good)
4x Fiery Temper (Lightning Bolt. Nuff said)

2x Avacyn's Judgment (twinbolt/madness fireball)
2x Collective Defiance (4 to creature+3 to face+cycle hand? Yes please!)
2x Exquisite Firecraft (old favourite.)

3x Senseless Rage (Who says auras suck?)

3x Looming Spires (just rocks!)
16x Mountain
2x Hanweir Battlements (hastyful, hasty, hastyness)

To view this deck go to: ... 6ffe7d9674

Created using Magic Duels Helper:

Still hasn't taken a loss (I'm Still at rank 12, only lost 1 game this season and it was with another Deck). The relatively low creature count does worry me a bit, but it hasn't been a problem. Emn has Added some good burn options and some big hitters. Life totals will never be safe again.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:03 am 
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how many wins?

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:43 am 
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Haven't been keeping count... 5 or 6. I know I got a T4 kill in there somewhere too.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:20 pm 

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:59 pm 
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Wow, talk about meaty-mid-range. You have no 2 drops and the Garrisons are your only 3 drops. That is one skewer mana curve! If you really want to go that route, you should probably play 26/27 land to garantee 5/6 land every game. But I would recommend less beef. Red has plenty of good cheaper creatures for your early game that can beat pretty hard. With those casting costs, your better off adding Green and going ramp.
Hope that helps.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:37 pm 

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Haven_pt wrote:
Wow, talk about meaty-mid-range. You have no 2 drops and the Garrisons are your only 3 drops. That is one skewer mana curve! If you really want to go that route, you should probably play 26/27 land to garantee 5/6 land every game. But I would recommend less beef. Red has plenty of good cheaper creatures for your early game that can beat pretty hard. With those casting costs, your better off adding Green and going ramp.
Hope that helps.

Yeah, you're right, it's kinda mid range/beefy :) Lacking on early drops, agree.
I'm planning on leaving the 3 Fiery Temper (well, the wolf is going to lose a bit of sinergy, but he's here mainly because he's a 5/5 at 5cmc).
Then I have two options:
1 more Galvanic Bombardment and 2 Fiery Impulse or
2 Avacyn's Judgment and 1 Kozilek's Return
There are already 7 sweeper in, but better safe than sorry :)
Probably I will go with
-3 Fiery Temper
-1 Savage Alliance
+1 Galvanic
+2 Fiery Impulse
+1 Kozilek's Return (no 5 damage proc, but it's still a 2 damage sweeper at instant speed)

Still missing lot of eldritch moon cards btw :)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:54 pm 
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how many wins?

El Loco RDW Aggro has been completely destroying everything in its path. Hasn't taken 1 loss yet. It beat G/W humans, ramp (various versions, incluiding one gain who cast pulse of murasa and linvala in the same game. That's 31 damage to kill him...), spirits, superfriends (which was SOOOOO sweet! Still wrecked him after planar outburst, 2 declarations in stone and a grasp of darkness), vampires, orzov lifegain, and a bunch of others I can't remember right now ( I have only lost 1 game this season, with a boros deck. I'm at 18 rank and I only played the boros deck 4-5 times and spirit-go once...So, its probably 12 or 13-0 by now.) Totally overperforming! :D

We have a keeper!

I'll do a card by card analysis of performance for your benefit.

2x Goblin Glory Chaser (Hasn't shown up much, but has been as solid as it ever was)
4x Insolent Neonate (Hasn't let me down yet! Trick is, when he does get killed, if its worth it to sac for a card)
3x Ravenous Bloodseeker (Has been very solid. Don't get greedy, don't be ashamed to hit for 1 if you don't have madness tricks or are saving those)
2x Abbot of Keral Keep (he's fixed. Enough said! Praise Stainless for not screwing up this time!)
2x Makindi Sliderunner (Totally overperforming. Trample is nuts when you beef him up. Spires make him a monster. Always my preferred 2-drop, especially with land in hand)
2x Hanweir Garrison (Holly cow, batman! This card is bonkers good! Haven't melded them yet, but the garrison has won me plenty of games. Keep in hand if you suspect a sweeper, they'll flood the board soon enough)
1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh (Chandra is much the same as ever. When she sticks, ouch. With priority fixed, she is back to her old self)
2x Impetuous Devils (Good lord, these guys are total ninjas! Awesome kill those damn advocates and still do some damage card!)
1x Bedlam Reveler (Hasn't shown up, but will be great when he does.)

3x Lightning Axe (I wasn't a fan, now I am. Kills just about everything your opponent can drop in the few turns a game lasts. I stand by this.)
4x Titan's Strength (3 damage + fixing. All-in-one. All good. Forget all other pump spells. This is the best, hands down.)
4x Fiery Temper (madness Lightning Bolt. Can't believe wizards didn't neuter it... Makes a perfect couple with the axe. Those two cards should get married and have kids)

2x Avacyn's Judgment (twinbolt/madness fireball. Has performed well, done its job. the rolling thunder/choose targets aspect is definitely a bonus)
2x Collective Defiance (Another overperformer. Fan-f*ck-tastic! Haven't used the cycle option though... Never needed it, my hand usually has either goodstuff or nothing at all)
2x Exquisite Firecraft (old favourite. Never lets me down.)

3x Senseless Rage (Who says auras suck? Has outclassed infectious bloodlust. Why? because I can instant speed it and that extra 1 toughness matters. Oh, but bloodlust is a card advantage machine. With madness, senseless rage is a free card...)

3x Looming Spires (probably the strongest of the common tap land set. Is a 0cmc way of doing 1 more damage and making an existing threat, even more threatening)
16x Mountain
2x Hanweir Battlements (Finally used it, on guess who? Hanweir Garrison! Bang! 4 hasty damage and filled up my board. Next turn he grasp of darkness the garrison and declarationed the tokens... oh well, there goes the meld...)

Edit: Wintervoid just invited me to play a game and totally crushed me. I drew every single dead card in my deck against a jeskai creatureless mill deck. Oh well, it was a good run.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:38 am 
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Jeskai mill maybe the top deck atm, considering most other top decks are also creatureless power ranger control decks. You can mill them much easier.

From what I've seen, your rdw will have better chance with non-red control decks. The mardu or any red splash deck with many spot removals and sweepers still make dinner out of any creature deck... That's why I think will go for burn since not many decks with life gains atm, and if you face control, they'll have lots of dead card.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:26 am 
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I agree that Wintervoid's deck is good, but I wouldn't write off the deck just yet. I got an abnormally bad draw (had 3 Lightning Axe sitting in my hand useless all game long) and I only drew 1 creature the whole game (a lonely neonate) and with such a bad draw, I still got him to 9 life. Even the FireBird let me down, when I finally got my 6th land, it was a spire...
Btw, he got his tutelage pretty early too and finished me with geistblasted Collective Defiance.
I'm probably gonna try some other decks now, but I'm pretty satisfied with El Loco 2.0 build. Its strong against anything with creatures and is fast enough to give control a run for its money.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:08 pm 
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I run your deck, and like it. It can be very explosive against most creature decks or fast enough to take down control decks without early answers.

A few small tweaks I made:

Running 2xFuryblade Vampire instead of Makindi Sliderunner so I can have more madness outlets. We need 4 lands max for this deck, and we can be safe most of the time with 3 lands unless you have 4cmc card in hand. The rest we can dump to buff this girl, she rocks.

Taking out 1xLightning Axe (or maybe 2) because this card is often overkill, and we don't have that many cards to discard. Added 2xFiery Impulse for early kill, very effective against other aggro deck. Also it can be easy fuel for Bedlam if we ever draw it.

The weakness of this deck is just like that of human. If they have 3 early removals, we're pretty much dead... But unlike human we don't exactly need creatures for synergies or need them to stay alive, can just use burn spell to finish. I can't stand control vs control match, so probably this will be one of the decks I use. Good work.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:32 pm 
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I love RDW. I have been playing a bit and it has been doing well. I am more a control player at heart, but I think that the meta is ripe for a RDW to do well. I am not sure the best tuned version has been found, but I think things like Collective Defiance and the new Ball Lightning have given it a boost.

I generally hate Auras, but I have to admit that a T2 Bloodlust or Call can really wreck people if they do not have an immediate answer.

The version I am trying is pretty much focused on that early game, with Insolents, Goblin Glory Chaser and Goblin Balloon (I know, but testing the evasion creatures). So far so good.

Sidenote, pretty sure Haven has beat me w/ that deck.

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