They finished releasing all the cards. ... chart_all/Warrior - Feels like they just got random things. I think the portal might see play but don't like the others.
Warlock - I don't think this is going to work. The random discard completely kills the consistency of anything a self discard deck would want to do. That being said, I can kind of see people just sandbagging silverware golems all game while casting the rest of their hand on curve until that one doomguard shows up.
Shaman - Feels all over the place. I feel like they wanted to go in a new direction but I don't think it will work.
Rogue - Maybe Ethereral Peddler will work? Unfortunately it's a deck built around random cards from your opponent's class, so there's no consistency there. It will have to be an amazing value play to be worth it, and I think a 1/1 followed by a 2/2 (ideal curvE?) is just bad tempo.
Priest - I don't know. Onyx Bishop looks good, but I don't see anything that will boost them here. Kind of hoping dragon priest just gets better tbh.
Paladin - It's a buff to dragon pally. Maybe that will be a thing? I still think it needs more help but that's a very big buff.
Mage - Wow that's some random ****.
Hunter - I think the 3 drop will see play.
Druid - I don't think beast druid will be a thing.