I just realized how bad a sell the opening post is.
wasn't supposed to be. I wanted to bring it to people's attention but I didn't know enough to feel comfortable advocating for it because I don't want to be responsible for people spending a bunch of money on a thing they don't like 'cause I said it was great.
It's just that you literally posted it the day before the thing ended and the extent of your sell was "I don't know, it looks cool, but I don't know, but it looks cool".
And on that note:
I actually played the prototype of Indivisible (which functions as a fully playable demo complete with boss battle), and sweet jegus this thing is going to be sweet. Without any prompting of my own, the game recognized I had a controller plugged in and asked me to press the buttons that I wanted the buttons as right as I started the dang thing up. No fuss, no muss, no being forced to a certain button configuration. That's the team's experience from fighting games shining through and I love it after having to download a separate program to get my non-standard playstation controller to work with any of my games that wanted an xbox controller.
The prototype itself is hella fun, but of course they basically give you half the special moves that you'd find over the course of the game as well as three of the numerous characters in the span of a 30-minute demo. It is a really complicated but intuitive fighting system that takes pages from Active Time Battle systems of RPGs as well as fighting games, allowing you to switch attacks and pull off long combos by attacking with multiple characters. It's really satisfying to pummel an enemy down to a quarter health before they get an attack in.
I also looked at the refund policy of Indiegogo, and since this is a fixed campaign, if they don't make their goal any money you donate will be refunded to you.
I still encourage people to go try the prototype out for themselves so they can really get a feel for the game. They've even been making small changes to the prototype as people are commenting about it, with UI and settings changes implemented based on feedback they've gotten from players.