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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:25 pm 
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Yah I mean I'm not saying they're all great, really the ones I want most are just the four I listed in the top of the post. Maybe even just the first three. Although stormkirk assaultist I think has a lot of potential as well, seeing as how we have some really good madness outlets (lightning axe and neonates), but not really many good cheap madness cards in red (just my opinion). In fact fiery temper seems to be the only good one if you don't want to go vampire heavy, so getting a 3/2 trample for 2 madness cost that can also give you card advantage looks really good, at least on paper.

you're writing off thermo-alchemist way too early. a 2 mana wall that can stem aggro early and put out 1-3 damage a turn? 4 copies are going in my deck. incendiary flow is a maybe, artificer's epiphany usually let's me play my fiery tempers for 1 on the opponents end step, i haven't really had many times were I've wished I had a slower way to do the same thing for one less mana. I guess lightning strike is just too OP. As for Impetuios devils, I kind of wish they'd just reprint shock trooper lol

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:56 pm 
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What do you guys think are the odds of us getting Summary Dismissal? Would love to have something to answer those pesky casting triggers and stupid "who casts Ulamog first wins" games.

"Media which got everything wrong will now tell you all the things that will happen as a result of the thing they said wouldn't happen."

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:04 pm 
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What do you guys think are the odds of us getting Summary Dismissal? Would love to have something to answer those pesky casting triggers and stupid "who casts Ulamog first wins" games.

I doubt it. Image


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:06 pm 
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Ok, so now that wizards spoiled the spoiler I'm going to give my opinion on what are cards to look out for and hope we get/don't get, Depending on what you like to play/don't like to play against:

White (got plenty of love, especially Humans)
Collective effort (plenty of value: removal, Enchantment hate and big nissa's -2 pump? Crazy...all for 3cmc)
Deploy the Gatewatch (ramp power Rangers drops this and suddenly 2 or 3 of them appear from out of nowhere... Ouch. Won't be that widespread but I bet a successful use of this would make me rage quit)
Long road home (blink that saves a creature from sweepers or removal, exploit etb and pumps? For 2cmc??)
Repel the abominable ( selective fog, protects from damage based sweepers/removal, 2cmc and Uncommon. Lots of utility)
Selfless spirit (this guy is going to be everywhere. Cheap evasive flyer spirit that is splashable and nullifies half the sweepers? At least it forces your opponent to kill it before they can sweep...)
Sigarda's aid (awesome effect. If this become popular, auras may become a thing. Equipments are kind oh meh right now. Problem is when it doesn't show up if you build a deck around it)
Thalia, heretic cathar (totally broken... Try using that new Ball Lightning with this on the board... Forget haste, forget non-tap lands)
Thalia's lancers (beefy body on a legend tutor? First Strike is gravy. 5cmc is high, but worth it. How many legendas are among the best cards in the pool?)

blue (some interesting stuff)
Contingency plan (delirium in one card + scry effect. If its not totally bugged, in the right deck this is awesome)
Displace (another blank effect. As if there weren't enough already. This time a 2 for 1... 3cmc is the worst bit)
Imprisoned in the moon (this is the best blue card from the set and its an aura... Only PW hate too...)
Lunar force ( I don't care what the nay sayers say. You'll see why its annoying after the update hits)
Mausoleum wanderer (spirit Tribal's best 1 drop. Can completely throw off a distracted opponent)
Nebelgast Herald (counter Spirits could really become a thing... Spirits is probably the best Tribal after Humans.)
Scour the Laboratory (overpriced ancestral really? Yes please! This is why you play Lunar force and want delirium. At least they didn't Ruin it by making it Sorcery)
Spontaneous Mutation (Instant speed aura to nulify a creature's power? Cheap too. More effective later on, good in a delirium deck. Interesting)
Summary Dismissal (the mother of all counters. It counters everything and sounds too hard to code. If they couldn't make Emrakul, they can't do this either. But, its definitely good...)
Take Inventory ( I want, I want, I want! This promises to be really good, what a shame its not Instant... Brain in a jar it anyone?)

Black (probably the weakest color...again. Did get a couple of good cards, a lot of zombie Tribal but nowhere as good as human or spirit)
Cryptbreaker (very good, much needed zombie Tribal 1 drop. Makes Tokens, enables madness and delirium and can draw cards...)
Dark Salvation (big token generativa and removal. Looks decent)
Liliana, the Last Hope ( lilly has already been discussed. Cheap, ok Walker with zombie Tribal synergy)
Murder (Instant, unconditional removal. Black's best card. Double B will Hurt it as a splash, but that hasn't stomped people playing Grasp...)
Succumb to Temptation ( Instant read the bones. Double B, same problem as Murder)

Red ( some new toys, Tribal vampires and werewolves is mostly meh, but a few good playable cards there)
Bedlam Reveler (I have a deck just waiting for this guy... Much needed Red draw)
Borrowed Hostility ( this card gives you options. Its Titan's Strength +3 damage on a non-blocked attacker or first Strike on a blocked one, saving it from a trade...or both at an overpriced cost)
Collective Defiance (just awesome, every option is good. Gonna be cast for 5 cmc alot)
Deranged Whelp ( 2/1 Menace? Another good 2 drop for RDW. Evasion makes it look very good, better than Glory seeker...)
Galvanic Bombardment (already been discussed. Fiery Temper substitute)
Impetuous Devils (slightly more expensive Ball Lightning with a perk. Careful with first Strike... I like It)
Incendiary Flow (why isn't this Instant? Still, 2cmc for 3 damage that goes to face is nothing to scoff at.)
Mirrorwing Dragon (finally a playable Dragon in duels. Painful to kill curve topper)
Shreds of Sanity (Red Now has a way to cast 3 Exquisite Firecrafts. Be warned)
Stromkirk Occultist (this one I'll have to test. Looks playable in theory...)
Thermo-Alchemist (I've been itching to make a Ping deck with Nettle drone but this is better. Should live longer and is cheaper)

Green (not that much good-stuff, maybe slightly better than Black)
Clear Shot (more expensive +1/+1 rabid bite. Green removal is not exactly abundant... Still need to have a creature)
Eldritch Evolution (this creature tutor is going to be played a lot. Tutor for Bellower and get an advocate while your at it... Careful with counterspells...)
Gnarlwood Dryad (good 1 drop,, gets better with delirium)
Hamlet Captain (human Tribal... As if Consul's Lieutenant wasn't bad enough...)
Permeating Mass (such a deliciously fun card...)
Spirit of the Hunt (Wolf Tribal, flash 3/3. Pretty good ar 3cmc)

I'll do multi-colored, colorless, flip and meld tomorrow. Bare in mind, these are my opinions and you are free to disagree with me.

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Last edited by Haven_pt on Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:16 pm 
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"Lunar force ( I don't care what the nay sayers say. You'll see why its annoying after the update hits)"

This ^

"Media which got everything wrong will now tell you all the things that will happen as a result of the thing they said wouldn't happen."

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:20 pm 
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jedc22 wrote:
you're writing off thermo-alchemist way too early. a 2 mana wall that can stem aggro early and put out 1-3 damage a turn? 4 copies are going in my deck. incendiary flow is a maybe, artificer's epiphany usually let's me play my fiery tempers for 1 on the opponents end step, i haven't really had many times were I've wished I had a slower way to do the same thing for one less mana. I guess lightning strike is just too OP. As for Impetuios devils, I kind of wish they'd just reprint shock trooper lol

You make a good point, but at the same time incendiary flow doesn't require a madness enabler to be efficient, so that's a big plus for me. I like neonates and lightning axe a lot, so there's not a lot of room in a deck I'd make for much more discard effects. Also it takes two less mana, epiphany and fiery temper is 4 total, this is 2.

Also why do you think I wrote off thermo-alchemist lol, I didn't say it was bad just that it wouldn't be great in every red deck, you'd need a lot of cheap spells to make it do more than like 1 damage average a turn.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:47 pm 
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>includes Lunar Force
>omits Unsubstantiate

You son of a...

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:11 pm 
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...I'm struggling to find a point. Help please? Is it supposed to combo with Harlmess Offering? Because that is literally the only use I can come up with.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:16 pm 
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...I'm struggling to find a point. Help please? Is it supposed to combo with Harlmess Offering? Because that is literally the only use I can come up with.

Might make some converge cards better sometimes? /shrug

Looks like a waste of a card tbh. I actually might have liked it, but for the words 'you cast' on the card.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:32 pm 
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It has a drawback because some colors aren't supposed to get a 4/4 for 4, especially at Uncommon. Besides, Old Rutstein is awesome.

Yes, I'm from Brazil and no, I'm not an annoying ****.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:35 pm 
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felbatista wrote:
It has a drawback because some colors aren't supposed to get a 4/4 for 4, especially at Uncommon. Besides, Old Rutstein is awesome.

Well it meets one of my main criterion, because I tend not to play cards in multiples unless the effect stacks, and this one does... Oh wait.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:44 pm 
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It's a pitty we probably won't get some of these, but cards like Fortune's favor , Summary dismissal, Scour the Laboratory would make a pretty kickass 4 drop slot for a deck that 3B could make an optimistic video with.

Got fixed repulse, take inventory, unsubstantiate, Imprisoned in the moon and some other shenanigans in there too.

He would need removal and whipes so obviously it would be a murder deck as well :) I could see Lilly doing work in there too, protecting herself, activating delirium and brining back TiTi. Even her ultimate seems to fit such a deck...Elusive Tormentor and Disciple of the Ring being other good creatures to run.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:18 pm 
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Sigarda's Aid is going to make auras cool again of we get it. Cast Imprisoned in the Moon at instant speed!

EMN Aura Spirits

2 x Mausoleum Wanderer
3 x Topplegeist
2 x Rattlechains
2 x Selfless Spirit
3 x Blessed Spirits
3 x Spell Queller
3 x Thunderclap Wyvern
1 x Gisela, the Broken Blade
1 x Archangel Avacyn

3 x Essence Flux
2 x Scatter to the Winds

2 x Declaration in Stone

2 x Sigarda's Aid
2 x Tightening Coils
2 x Always Watching
2 x Invocation of Saint Traft
2 x Imprisoned In the Moon

2 x Prairie Stream
6 x Plains
7 x Island
2 x Glacial Fortress
3 x Evolving Wilds
3 x Foundry of the Consuls

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:32 pm 
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zzmorg82 wrote:
binderato wrote:

What do you guys think about scry 5 for 2 mana? I still like Telling Time more.

I really like that card, and already have some decks in mind for it. Telling Time finds a home in a greater variety of decks, but in a few specific decks Contingency Plan will be great.

I agree, this card allows you to go FIVE deep. You don't even have to put anything in the graveyard and you could just re-arrange your draw steps. I doubt it'll be decent in control, but I plan on trying it out. It's really more of a graveyard card since you could possibly get delirum by T2.

Or in a zombie deck - this T2, dump all revealed Zs in GY, cast Diregraf Colossus T3 for a huge (potentially 7/7) beater. This card opens the door for some serious shenanigans.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:22 pm 
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zzmorg82 wrote:

I really like that card, and already have some decks in mind for it. Telling Time finds a home in a greater variety of decks, but in a few specific decks Contingency Plan will be great.

I agree, this card allows you to go FIVE deep. You don't even have to put anything in the graveyard and you could just re-arrange your draw steps. I doubt it'll be decent in control, but I plan on trying it out. It's really more of a graveyard card since you could possibly get delirum by T2.

Or in a zombie deck - this T2, dump all revealed Zs in GY, cast Diregraf Colossus T3 for a huge (potentially 7/7) beater. This card opens the door for some serious shenanigans.

Dont think so. Too many cheap white or black removals for that. it can works episodically, no more.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:47 am 

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Beard wrote:
zzmorg82 wrote:

I agree, this card allows you to go FIVE deep. You don't even have to put anything in the graveyard and you could just re-arrange your draw steps. I doubt it'll be decent in control, but I plan on trying it out. It's really more of a graveyard card since you could possibly get delirum by T2.

Or in a zombie deck - this T2, dump all revealed Zs in GY, cast Diregraf Colossus T3 for a huge (potentially 7/7) beater. This card opens the door for some serious shenanigans.

Dont think so. Too many cheap white or black removals for that. it can works episodically, no more.
This is how I feel about duels atm in general. So much cheap white removal.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:14 am 
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Sjokwaave wrote:

As many of us expected, we aren't getting Emrakul.

Edit: also we should get a release date on Monday and confirmed Duels card list on Wednesday.

"Since Wizards makes the decisions as to what cards you folks do and don't get, obviously they wanted us to include this as the most major story character in the set, not to mention a pivotal and interesting mythic. Truth be told, though, we spend half our free time pubbing and come to work riotously drunk more often than not, therefore, we couldn't handle this card and they turned their usual blind eye to our stark incompetence."

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:33 am 
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Beard wrote:
zzmorg82 wrote:

I agree, this card allows you to go FIVE deep. You don't even have to put anything in the graveyard and you could just re-arrange your draw steps. I doubt it'll be decent in control, but I plan on trying it out. It's really more of a graveyard card since you could possibly get delirum by T2.

Or in a zombie deck - this T2, dump all revealed Zs in GY, cast Diregraf Colossus T3 for a huge (potentially 7/7) beater. This card opens the door for some serious shenanigans.

Dont think so. Too many cheap white or black removals for that. it can works episodically, no more.

'Dies to removal' applies to every permanent. Even the most hard to kill creatures have cards that kill them and decks that run those cards. Scoffing at even a 4/4 for 3 mana (much less the dream 7/7) because there are answers for it just seems silly to me.

As far as shenanigans with the card, I wasn't just talking about Diregraf. You can stock up GY with creatures for Graveblade Marauder, load up spells to cast with flip Jace, convert into extra draws with Posessed Scaab, dumping beaters into GY and putting a reanimator spell on top of deck (and the aforementioned speedy delirium) - there's so many tricks this card helps enable.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:45 am 
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How many rares of each color are we getting? SOI, a larger set, got 5 for each color, Oath, a smaller one, got 3. So, are we getting 3 rares for each color? But then again EMN has more cards than Oath. Maybe can we hope for 4 for each color? If it's only 3 I'm already sad for the ones that might not make it.

"Media which got everything wrong will now tell you all the things that will happen as a result of the thing they said wouldn't happen."

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:54 am 
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How many rares of each color are we getting? SOI, a larger set, got 5 for each color, Oath, a smaller one, got 3. So, are we getting 3 rares for each color? But then again EMN has more cards than Oath. Maybe can we hope for 4 for each color? If it's only 3 I'm already sad for the ones that might not make it.

Given the size of the set, the 5 individual colour mythics seem obvious (Green gets the Boar though), and I'd guess only 2 rares per colour like usual for small sets.

^ NGA's resident embodiment of "Poe's Law".

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