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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:45 pm 
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Poking around more I found the Grand Prix Barcelona decklists...but I'm too lazy to do a full analysis of the top Uncommons. In the Top 8 were two decks with Mysteries and one deck with the winning deck lists there was one deck with Mysteries and five with Bound.

Ahhhh, screw it:
Number of Uncommons in winning decks

So top in each color:
White - Tenacity comes in at 7
Blue - Compelling Deterrence and Ongoing Investigation showed up 3 times each (so did Pore over the Pages, but the others had more in the Top 8)
Black - Accursed Witch, Olivia's Bloodsworn, and Kindly Stranger each showed up at 5 (so did Sinister Concoction but it had none in the Top 8)
Red - Gibbering Fiend at 7
Green - Pack Guardian straight dominated at 12.
Colorless - Neglected Heirloom at 5.

Top 3 Overall:
Pack Guardian - 12
Obsessive Skinner - 8 (2 in Top 8)
Hermit of the Natterknolls - 8 (1 in Top 8)

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 1:36 pm 
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Nice analysis, thanks.

No surprise that green is dominant. And I'm sad I forgot about Pack Guardian, it's always been a champ for (and against) me.

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:22 pm 
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I'm surprised by Hermit...everything I've read about it says "not great", which was counter to my own assessment after having just read the card. I figured it would be amazing in a format with so many combat tricks, but after playing with it once I never actually got any cards off it and the few times I saw it on the board it wasn't hard to work around. I believed the articles I read, but the numbers up there show a different story huh?

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:42 am 
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POSValkir wrote:
I mean, if you're not convinced, you're not convinced, but beyond the fact that every final I've played has either been aggro or a deck with mysteries in it, everything I read about draft says mysteries is a top quality card.

Are there stats available on what cards appear in winning decks the most? I know mtggoldfish used to maintain their "Limited Analysis" section with such details, but they haven't posted an update there since 3xBFZ (when Roil Spout was the dominant uncommon); no Oath and no SoI.

I would expect the 3 most dominant uncommons in Shadows limited are Mysteries, Bloodline, and Recruiter, but would love to see actual stats.

IIRC, they were politely told to desist with the practice. Sometimes, we online players get such stats in the mails from Wizards, but I don't really recall any for SoI. Will check, but I just might have deleted them.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:15 am 
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UW tempo:


Just a routine BU skies deck, a few cards away from greatness. Another Mangler, a Drifter over a Fox would have made it much better. Maybe I should have played Rise From the Tides over Heirloom, with triple Captain and seven spells, but that was not what I was trying to do. If my fliers couldn't win for me, I was probably losing. And I played 16 lands, and Rise costs 6.

Went 2-1, losing to a very good Vampire deck built around Stensia Masquerade and combat tricks. In principle, I should have been able to beat that, but their top end was Goldnight Castigator and Mindwrack Demon. I managed to win one game on the back of the Bishop-Shepherd combo, but then lost the third game to early Vampires, Masquerade and removal.

Welcome to the Fold is quite mediocre, but I can't bring myself not to play it. Not Forgotten might have been better. I did steal a critter every time I drew the Welcome, they just weren't very relevant.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:27 pm 
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And so the next day, I drafted the deck that beat me:


All the aggression. Duelists rally mess up the combat math. I managed to play two of them on successive turns in a match, and the opponent just gave up.

Deck is a bit strange, since for the first two packs I couldn't figure out if I was supposed to be green or red. There's a lot of good green stuff in the board, but red was flowing very nicely (all but the Tempers, obviously). Anyway, that explains the two Kindred that ended up just as random beaters, and the Delirium subtheme which didn't make it. It was almost impossible to get Delirium with this build, and I took some damage from the Demon. Together with a timely Grotesque Mutation from my finals opponent, it almost made me lose a game I was way ahead in.

Masquerade, Witch, Neonate and the Duelists were the stars, Necropod never made an appearance, and the Demon was very good. Dangerous, but good. I would have cut the Necropod to go to 16 lands, but there was nothing else playable. Maybe the Hulking Devil. If it is ever to find a home, this was it.

First round was UW mill, their defense was not fast enough. Second round was RW, they were color-screwed game one and run over by the double Duelist draw in game two. Game three was RB mirror, they had madness/vampires with Call the Bloodline. They were a bit slow game one, almost came back with the Mutation, but I managed to get them for exactly lethal with a well-timed Uncaged Fury. Game two was a bit of anticlimax, they had an early Call, but no red mana, and eventually died.

3-0, 6-0. With some luck, but you can't really win a draft without it.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:52 pm 
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Welcome to the Fold is quite mediocre, but I can't bring myself not to play it

4 mana steal your 3/2 is a fine card. It's not really a bomb, but it's good.
I agree it's hard to get anything off the madness. You need a free discard outlet, Welcome in your hand, and a bunch of mana.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:11 pm 
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Preferred Pronoun Set: he/him
Draft 1:


This deck was a lot of fun to play, but was also very tricky. I ended up not paying attention and decking myself in the first game of the first match. After that, I played smarter. In most games, I was able to get 6 card types in the graveyard. In one game the combination of Ancient of the Equinox, Mindwrack Demon, and Elusive Tormentor played very nicely with my Obsessive Skinner. I was living the dream. I could have used the Duskwatch Recruiter better in most games. Ulvenwald Mysteries only went off once, but that game was fun. Cult of the Waxing Moon functioned mostly as a 5/4 in this deck. I often found myself siding out one of the Crow of Dark Tidings or Vessel of Nascency for Macabre Waltz or Biting Rain.

Draft 2:


I had a lot of mirth playing this deck. There were a few games where I had an incredibly explosive start - turn one: Village Messenger, turn two: Olivia's Bloodsworn, turn three: Insolent Neonate - all with all three and Rush of Adrenaline the Moonrise Intruder. Olivia's Bloodsworn into Markov Dreadknight was always a pleasant surprise. Having the Foul Orchard and Game Trail to activate Ulrich's Kindred's ability was non-trivial too. Not to mention, I was able to splash and use Root Out against a pesky Slayer's Plate one game. Dissension in the Ranks disappointed me a bit.

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 Post subject: Re: [draft] SOI
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:42 pm 
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Dissention in The Ranks is unplayable.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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