I would guess she planeswalked back to Zendikar to see it for the last time but will be surprised to see that the plane is quite fine and surviving. As for the power rangers, they will save Innistrad and save Sorin. Then Sorin will hunt Nahiri. But who knows... Maybe upon the death of Emrakul, a mega Eldrazi will appear. Ugin mentioned something about the 3 are just the hands of something out there.
Why would they save Sorin? Nissa knows him as the **** that manipulated her and ditched her when she unleashed the Eldrazi. Liliana knows him as the grumpy old ass that told her to stay off his lawn. Jace only knows him by hearsay, and all he heard was that Sorin is a bastard not to be crossed. The others couldn't care less. Add to that the fact that Sorin basically gave up on Innistrad and was ready to ditch it like he did Zendikar - and Innistrad is his home plane, the one he cared for the most.
I'm pretty sure the next target for Nahiri is Ugin. Especially since she'll learn that Eldrazi CAN be killed, and that Ugin basically condemned her plane to suffer the Eldrazi just so he could study them.
Oh, and the Gatewatch won't kill Emrakul. They'll seal her in the moon. It was spoiled in the artbook last week.