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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 9:04 pm 
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Correct, in 30 games, I played vs. two decks with any counterspells, and almost lost one of those games to a single counter. The rank 40 meta is very not-blue.

I tried Fall of the Titans before, but you can never surge it when you want to. You want every fireball to win the game on the spot as a top-deck, and it just doesn't.

For those interested, a link to some of my better decks.

If I ever built an Esper Control deck, it would still somehow contain 2x Sylvan Advocate, 2x Tireless Tracker, 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer, 1x Reclamation Sage, 1x Nissa, Vital Force, and 1x Woodland Bellower.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:14 am 

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Imo the meta is never what the internet says it is. Personally I face a lot of counterspells in the rank 40 Steam meta.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:10 pm 
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Zerris wrote:
After seven straight wins, I'm feeling enough better about the changes I made to post them as an updated version of my original list. Still room for improvement, obviously.

Fireball - You! (v. 2.0) ()


2x Sylvan Advocate
3x Lambholt Pacifist/Lambholt Butcher
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer/Nissa, Sage Animist
2x Tireless Tracker
1x Reclamation Sage
2x Mina and Denn, Wildborn
1x Woodland Bellower
1x Ulvenwald Hydra
1x Chandra, Flamecaller
1x Omnath, Locus of Rage
1x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger


3x Retreat to Kazandu
4x Nissa's Pilgrimage
3x Explosive Vegetation
2x Nissa's Renewal


3x Ravaging Blaze
3x Rolling Thunder

Lands (26)

8x Mountain
9x Forest
2x Rootbound Crag
2x Cinder Glade
4x Evolving Wilds
1x Rogue's Passage

Strategy is the same as my first post, and explanations for the changes and descriptions of my matches since can be found here.

Matchup Thoughts

Having now played 30-ish games with this deck, I'd like to go back and see if I met my original goal - building a deck that was favored against White/x Humans, Blue/x Mill, Four-Color Walkers, B/W/x Control, and G/R Ramp. I'll rank match-ups by favorability, along with some comments on each. I've lumped similar decks together, so , , and aggro/midrange will collectively be called aggro/midrange, etc.

Overwhelming Favorite:

Mill - Any mill deck that's splashing colors to acquire more sweepers (and cutting counterspells) gets destroyed. They could know our deck list and hand-pick their opening seven; we'd probably still win.

Strong Favorite:

Aggro/Midrange - Trying to beat us down with 3 and 4-drop creatures alongside efficient removal for our (nonexistent) small threats is not an effective plan. We just go bigger, and we can do it while stabilizing without much difficulty.

Walkers - Their mana is a disaster and they try to make up for it by establishing so much recurring value that they can grind the opponent into oblivion. Unfortunately for them, they're not very aggressive, and they can't stop fireballs.

Slight Favorite:

Mill - The question is whether they can blow us out with a counterspell on a fireball. There's a lot of passing back and forth while slowly getting milled out and hoping they tap low. They can't afford to counter our ramp, though. That means we can get enough mana to cast a threat, and if it gets countered, fireball their face. This match-up gets much worse if they run zero creatures and Ravaging Blaze is a dead card.

3-Drop Creatures - All of our creatures are bigger than theirs and our payoffs are all meaningful, but their tempo plays can let them push through a lot of damage. They can also play counterspells, which we're hoping not to see.

Ramp - We have the same spells, except our payoffs all have haste. Probably within a turn either way, Retreat to Kazandu is the best card in the match-up on both sides.

Control - They have lifegain, a meaningful clock, and removal that can efficiently take out our threats. They also deal themselves a lot of damage, and often play too conservatively, expecting to win the lategame. Fireballs off the top took this match every time I played it.


Humans - High variance, so one of you is probably getting blown out, but the matchup feels very close. Play/Draw matters a lot, and having a 2-drop on turn two is crucial.

Midrange - Thought-Knot Seer is a beating and Reality Smasher is a beating. They usually remove a sweeper or two from the control version (and drop a color) while getting more aggressive, all good choices against our deck.

Slight Underdog:

Ramp - Kozilek, the Great Distortion is a beating as well. Every card they get by splashing improves the match-up for them, although it is still a 50-ish card mirror.

Humans - The extra bit of speed benefits them; beating us before we can set up shop is a good strategy. Even on the play, strong underdog on the draw. If you're adding sweepers to the deck, this is why.

Aggro/Burn - See Humans.

Strong Underdog:

Renowned - They can grow their creatures one turn faster than we can get the mana to fireball them, we can't play around Wildsize blowouts, and their removal lines up very well against us. I don't think sweepers are the answer here, but I'm not sure what is.

Prowess - The more aggressive the build of the deck, the worse it is for us. Slip Through Space is bad, Titan's Strength is worse. We can overpower Thing in the Ice and Jori En, Ruin Diver, but beating a Mage-Ring Bully and Jhessian Thief start is hard. The change to add three Lambholt Pacifists is great here.

So, out of the five Tier-1 decks I targeted: I feel like a favorite against four of them, and a slight underdog against the fifth. Not bad!

Seeds for further discussion:

I cut the five worst performing cards and added in more meat - the Lambholt Pacifists have been excellent every game, and should definitely have been here all along. Having a two drop to play on the board before you ramp is fantastic. Hydra feels like an upgrade to Greenwarden, although not significantly - both are playable. Haven't drawn Ulamog yet, but I've never had a game where I looked at the board and thought "Ulamog would be bad here," so he's probably fine (update: have now drawn Ulamog - he's earned his spot). Added in the one value land I thought we had room for, and it's looked excellent every time I saw it. We still only have Chandra as a "true" sweeper, but I've only faced mono-white humans once. Outside of a 1-drop insanely aggressive deck like white humans or Call of the Full Moon red, though, we don't need one. All the decks trying to go a little bigger and a little midrange-ier get blown out by this deck. I'm going to make the claim that this deck does not need or want another sweeper - but I encourage you to test on your own to decide that for yourself.

As far as chaff remaining in the list, Reclamation Sage and Nissa, Vastwood Seer are the most reasonable cuts. Not sure what you'd add, but for those wishing to put in some Radiant Flames, I'd suggest them as the swap. You'll gain percentage against aggro, but lose it against midrange and control. It might take the UR Prowess match-up from atrocious to merely bad, although that's still an uncommon deck.


Update: Just hit Rank 40 for the first time this season with this deck! Yay! Also, Lambholt Pacifist is single-handedly winning games, thanks to @Immortal Reborn for the suggestion!


So i took this deck and made 2 small revisions.

First off i want to say this deck has proven to be murderous. Took me from rank 1 to 15.

I did take out one nissas pilgrimage and one explosive vegetation and replaced it with a greenwarden of murasa and an arlinn kord. Reason being i found when in need of creatures more often than not i had the mana searches when i needed a creature (pardon me if im not using the correct terminology). Greenwarden allows me to pull say a ommath or woodland bellower from the grave which helps alot seeing as thoae cards are usually an opponent's first target, and arlinn kord is good for the creatures getting +1 +1 and trample once all my element tokens and hydra are out. These 2 cards i feel have helped to improve the deck over all.

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2016 3:31 pm 

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This deck is far from complete, but I am having a lot of luck with it right now. It's a fairly simple Gruul Wolf/Werewolf deck:

Full Moon

3 Fiery Impulse - A clean, quick removal.
2 Rush of Adrenaline - A good buff that can also trigger the Silverfur's effect.
1 Vines of the Recluse - Triggers Silverfur, and creates a surprise blocker/flying answer.

2 Scourge Wolf - First strike is good, and double strike + trample (easy to get with this deck) is dangerous.
1 Kessig Forgemaster/Flameheart Wolf - Great card, especially post-flip. Unfortunately, I only have the one.
1 Ember-Eye Wolf - This card is fairly good, especially for early pressure.
3 Duskwatch Recruiter/Krallenhorde Howler - One of the deck's best cards, he provides card advantage and makes it easy to cast creatures.
2 Hinterland Logger /Timber Shredder - A good aggro card, especially if you can flip it early.
4 Timberpack Wolf - This one is kind of a filler, but it's useful for aggro and pairs fairly well with the Recruiter.
1 Rabid Bite - One of the deck's best removal cards, I wish I had more.

1 Ulrich's Kindred - It works well with the other cards, and it can protect one of the bigger wolves from something like Planar Outburst.
1 Convicted Killer / Branded Howler - This card does nothing but attack and block, and will be a card to cut for something better.
1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer / Nissa, Sage Animist - She gives you lands, as well as card advantage and an ultimate that can finish off the opponent. She's my favorite out of all the baby planeswalkers.
1 Silverfur Partisan - His ability synergies well with our buffs, and Rabid Bite.
1 Hermit of the Natterknolls / Lobe Wolf of the Natterknolls - He gives you some card advantage if you have to deal with a deck that uses a lot of counterspells or removal like Gideon's Reproach that require you to be attacking.
3 Howlpack Resurgence - One of the top cards of the deck, you can pass the turn on it to allow your werewolves to flip then flash it out on your opponent's turn.
1 Ulvenwald Mysteries - Generally a very good card, but I haven't had too much luck with it so far.
1 Devour in Flames - This card eats up a big creatures on the opponent's side of the field to get that last attack through.
2 Exquisite Firecraft - My fvorite thing about this card is that I can burn off a sizeable creature or finish off a planeswalker/my opponent.

2 Solitary Hunter - Kind of like the Convicted Killer, this card just attacks and blocks, but he does both much better.

1 Wolf of Devil's Breach - I just added this card in, but he is useful as a big body towards the end. I feel like his ability will be useful once I have a better chance to use it.
1 Gatstaf Arsonists/Gatstaf Ravagers - This guy can close out a game by forcing your opponent to block him with two creatures or let him through.

7 Mountain
8 Forest
2 Cinder Glade
2 Rootbound Crag
1 Blighted Gorge
4 Evolving Wilds

I really like this deck, but I get that it needs some improvements. These are what I'm thinking right now:
- 4 Timberpack Wolf, -1 Ember-Eye Wolf, -1 Convicted Killer, -1 Ulvenwald Mysteries
+ 2 Kessig Forgemaster, + 1 Silverfur Partisan, +2 Rabid Bite, +1 Arlinn Kord / Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon, + 2 Lambholt Pacifist/Lambholt Butcher. I know that this would put me at 61 cards; maybe I could cut 1 of the Forgemaster, or some of the buffs?
Also, there's a noticeable lack of of Tireless Tracker and Sylvan Advocate in this deck; I might try going all out with the werewolves, knocking out the Silverfur, and the [card]Rush of Adrenaline[/card} to try and slip some in. I don't really find the Tracker is needed, anyway, as this deck wants to put its mana towards playing creatures or helping them slip through rather than sacrificing Clues. What do you guys think?

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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 9:31 am 
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Hit rank 40 with this deck this morning. This deck was inspired by Kryder's GRC deck and Zerris' fireball deck. The colorless mana is only for Kozilek and TKS. Kozilek allows you to get rid of From Beyond, since you are likely to hit either Kozilek or Ulamog in the course of a long game. TKS is bonkers. Disperse and counters are not heavily played right now, so Ravaging Blaze is a good mana sink, along with Rolling Thunder. I am going 3-4-2 with Pilgrimage/EV/NR. This seems to be working well enough to enable my payoff cards and big Thunders. Gaea's Revenge is to combat Esper Control which seems to be pretty common. If the meta changes, these can be swapped out for Plated Crusher or even Reality Smasher.

My losses have been to GRU ramp, and BR vampires. The sheer speed of the vampires is hard to deal with if they have a good draw.

I present:

Thought-Not Ramp

2 x Sylvan Advocate
1 x Deathcap Cultivator
4 x Sylvan Ranger
2 x Tireless Tracker
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Thought-Knot Seer
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
1 x Ulvenwald Hydra
2 x Gaea's Revenge
1 x Omnath, Locus of Rage
1 x Kozilek, the Great Distortion
1 x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

2 x Ravaging Blaze

3 x Rolling Thunder
2 x Radiant Flames
3 x Nissa's Pilgrimage
4 x Explosive Vegetation
2 x Nissa's Renewal

1 x Chandra, Flamecaller

1 x Plains
6 x Mountain
12 x Forest
2 x Wastes
1 x Rogue's Passage
2 x Evolving Wilds

To view this deck go to: ... 305ca5f846

Created using Magic Duels Helper:

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:24 pm 
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Been wrecking a lot of face with this one lately. I keep running into Abzan tryhards and it is undefeated vs them. It has great game vs Superfriends too thanks to all the trample, and Devour in Flames/Exquisite Firecraft.

The deck starts off aggressive with Snapping Gnarlid and Makindi Sliderunner.. or the less aggressive option of lololololSylvan Advocate. Then when the deck gets to 4 mana, things start to get pretty nuts with Mina and Denn, Embodiment of Fury, Arlinn and Grove Rumbler. Omnath and Chandra are just gravy. Embodiment of Insight may not even be needed, but I like the lands being able to attack, and then tap for mana. Mina and Denn giving all the landfall creatures trample is just insane.. Snapping Gnarlid and Sylvan Advocate never performed so well. There's also an elemental subtheme with Omnath.. as in you have access to elementals left and right to trigger his ability. Its a pretty powerful, synergistic deck.

Gruul Landfall Aggro/Midrange

4 x Makindi Sliderunner
2 x Sylvan Advocate
4 x Snapping Gnarlid

1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
3 x Devour in Flames
2 x Nissa's Pilgrimage

1 x Akoum Firebird
3 x Embodiment of Fury
2 x Mina and Denn, Wildborn
3 x Grove Rumbler
2 x Explosive Vegetation
1 x Arlinn Kord

1 x Embodiment of Insight

1 x Chandra, Flamecaller

1 x Omnath, Locus of Rage

6 x Mountain
8 x Forest
2 x Cinder Glade
2 x Rootbound Crag
3 x Looming Spires
4 x Evolving Wilds

I'm a little heavy at the 4 drop spot.. but I don't know what to cut other than the two Explosive Vegetation.. but I don't think I really want more Pilgrimages. Having double.. sometimes triple landfall triggers off Vegetation is absolutely brutal.. especially if I spent turn 2 and 3 dropping landfall creatures. It makes Sliderunner, and Gnarlid, 4 power dudes.. makes Advocate a 4/5.. gives Tracker a bunch of clues, sets Nissa up to flip the next turn.. basically it has insane synergy.

Anyway.. I'd love your feedback.. and I'd really like it if Barney tested it. It's right up his alley.

Drown Me In Blood -

Last edited by megabeast37215 on Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:55 pm 
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I like the concept. You have an awful lot of landfall triggers. The best thing is to focus on ways to get more lands into play. Have you considered Warped Landscape? Just think of it as a spell that allows you to spend mana on a landfall trigger at instant speed. I think with this sort of deck you might want to include a few extra lands anyway.

Pulse of Murasa can also return a wilds to your hand.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:12 am 
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I put 5 games on my Twitch after I posted that. I cut one Embodiment of Insight, and added a 25th land. Embodiment of Fury is clearly.. head and shoulders better than his brother that costs 1 more mana and has an ability with less relevance. I went 4-1 and the video, against 3 high ranking players.. losing to a superfriends deck (that I beat the game before) on a mull to 5 bc of land issues, which caused me to add in the 25th land. I'll try the warped landscape suggestion when I get back from vacation (I'll be gone until Wednesday night). So far I am extremely happy with the deck, and would be interested to hear how it performs in Steam land.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:59 am 

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:36 am 
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21 land isn't enough.. you need at least 23, probably 24. You don't want the deck to lose to itself bc you couldn't play spells bc of being mana screwed. I don't know what to cut.. just ask yourself what your worst performing cars is.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:22 am 

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-1 titan's strength
-1 wildsize

+1 mountain
+1 forest

Gonna try that way

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:47 am 
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Been wrecking a lot of face with this one lately. I keep running into Abzan tryhards and it is undefeated vs them. It has great game vs Superfriends too thanks to all the trample, and Devour in Flames/Exquisite Firecraft.

The deck starts off aggressive with Snapping Gnarlid and Makindi Sliderunner.. or the less aggressive option of lololololSylvan Advocate. Then when the deck gets to 4 mana, things start to get pretty nuts with Mina and Denn, Embodiment of Fury, Arlinn and Grove Rumbler. Omnath and Chandra are just gravy. Embodiment of Insight may not even be needed, but I like the lands being able to attack, and then tap for mana. Mina and Denn giving all the landfall creatures trample is just insane.. Snapping Gnarlid and Sylvan Advocate never performed so well. There's also an elemental subtheme with Omnath.. as in you have access to elementals left and right to trigger his ability. Its a pretty powerful, synergistic deck.

Gruul Landfall Aggro/Midrange

4 x Makindi Sliderunner
2 x Sylvan Advocate
4 x Snapping Gnarlid

1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
3 x Devour in Flames
2 x Nissa's Pilgrimage

1 x Akoum Firebird
3 x Embodiment of Fury
2 x Mina and Denn, Wildborn
3 x Grove Rumbler
2 x Explosive Vegetation
1 x Arlinn Kord

1 x Embodiment of Insight

1 x Chandra, Flamecaller

1 x Omnath, Locus of Rage

6 x Mountain
8 x Forest
2 x Cinder Glade
2 x Rootbound Crag
3 x Looming Spires
4 x Evolving Wilds

I'm a little heavy at the 4 drop spot.. but I don't know what to cut other than the two Explosive Vegetation.. but I don't think I really want more Pilgrimages. Having double.. sometimes triple landfall triggers off Vegetation is absolutely brutal.. especially if I spent turn 2 and 3 dropping landfall creatures. It makes Sliderunner, and Gnarlid, 4 power dudes.. makes Advocate a 4/5.. gives Tracker a bunch of clues, sets Nissa up to flip the next turn.. basically it has insane synergy.

Anyway.. I'd love your feedback.. and I'd really like it if Barney tested it. It's right up his alley.

Looks good, should probably be in my death by Land brewing thread. I guess I took a more midrange and control approach, but I really like this version.
I'm a beatdown kind of player, I find control kind of boring, so this version is more along the lines of what I like to play. I may take my own crack at it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:43 am 

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Gruul Landfall Aggro/Midrange

Anyway.. I'd love your feedback.. and I'd really like it if Barney tested it. It's right up his alley.

3-2 on steam. Had some land issues in the losses, may just be bad mulligans. Don't think I'd mind the extra pilgrimages but I'll keep at it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:53 pm 
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Gruul Landfall Aggro/Midrange

Anyway.. I'd love your feedback.. and I'd really like it if Barney tested it. It's right up his alley.

3-2 on steam. Had some land issues in the losses, may just be bad mulligans. Don't think I'd mind the extra pilgrimages but I'll keep at it.

Thank you so, so much for testing it there. Is love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What cards performed the best, what cards didn't, mana thoughts, cards you wished you saw more often, good/bad match ups, etc. Thanks again for taking the time.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:57 am 

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Gruul Landfall Aggro/Midrange

Anyway.. I'd love your feedback.. and I'd really like it if Barney tested it. It's right up his alley.

3-2 on steam. Had some land issues in the losses, may just be bad mulligans. Don't think I'd mind the extra pilgrimages but I'll keep at it.

Thank you so, so much for testing it there. Is love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What cards performed the best, what cards didn't, mana thoughts, cards you wished you saw more often, good/bad match ups, etc. Thanks again for taking the time.

Sure thing, in the middle of exams so I won't be too detailed.

Went another 0-3 on steam, totalling 3-5. Matchups included BG elves and UR prowess (Was at rank 40, while opponenets were mid 30's).

Most of the issues come down to mana. Too many 4 drops mean I need to run with 3+ land in the hand since I rely on top-decking lands. Turn three if I'm lucky I'll have a pilgrimage, but usually I won't. 4-5 lands in the hand and I risk getting land swamped.

I haven't been running against many planeswalkers so I am finding the devour sorcery a bad draw, quite often just halts my ramp and puts me in a bad situation.

I can see the synergy but against so much aggro/mid-range, and without any sweepers I'm finding I'll have a hand full of 4 drops and might get to play one or two per game, never mind the 5+ drops. The only 5+ card I've played in 8 games was chandra once - in which case her sweeper saved the game for me.

Grove Rumbler, Tracker, Firelord and the 2CMC drops are fairly decent. Devour hasn't been performing. Embodiment of fury is nice if lands are plentiful but combine it with other 4CMC+ cards and it's hard to justify. Feel like I'm mostly responding to threats rather than consistently hitting.

Looming spires has left me disappointed. Feels like a win more card if you reach mina, but quite often delays early presence. If I open with a 2, 3 and 4 drop I'd much rather have a plain land than a tap land.

Overally I just wish I had more ways to get things into my hand and on the board, setup takes to long and relies on a good tempo to avoid getting overrun, which is tricky to get with the mana curve.

I do feel like Pulse of Mirasa (sp?), and/or more Nissa's pilgramage and explosive vegetations would help a lot with land consistency.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:10 pm 
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Thanks for all that. When I get back Wednesday night I'm going to test a bunch of things.. Will report back a few days after that.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:37 pm 
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lemme know if you change anything! I'm building it tonite.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:45 pm 
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Won't be tonight.. The wife and I are gallivanting around Charleston for another few days. Found a great whiskey bar tonight and had a blast.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:01 am 
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3-2 on steam. Had some land issues in the losses, may just be bad mulligans. Don't think I'd mind the extra pilgrimages but I'll keep at it.

Thank you so, so much for testing it there. Is love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What cards performed the best, what cards didn't, mana thoughts, cards you wished you saw more often, good/bad match ups, etc. Thanks again for taking the time.

Sure thing, in the middle of exams so I won't be too detailed.

Went another 0-3 on steam, totalling 3-5. Matchups included BG elves and UR prowess (Was at rank 40, while opponenets were mid 30's).

Most of the issues come down to mana. Too many 4 drops mean I need to run with 3+ land in the hand since I rely on top-decking lands. Turn three if I'm lucky I'll have a pilgrimage, but usually I won't. 4-5 lands in the hand and I risk getting land swamped.

I haven't been running against many planeswalkers so I am finding the devour sorcery a bad draw, quite often just halts my ramp and puts me in a bad situation.

I can see the synergy but against so much aggro/mid-range, and without any sweepers I'm finding I'll have a hand full of 4 drops and might get to play one or two per game, never mind the 5+ drops. The only 5+ card I've played in 8 games was chandra once - in which case her sweeper saved the game for me.

Grove Rumbler, Tracker, Firelord and the 2CMC drops are fairly decent. Devour hasn't been performing. Embodiment of fury is nice if lands are plentiful but combine it with other 4CMC+ cards and it's hard to justify. Feel like I'm mostly responding to threats rather than consistently hitting.

Looming spires has left me disappointed. Feels like a win more card if you reach mina, but quite often delays early presence. If I open with a 2, 3 and 4 drop I'd much rather have a plain land than a tap land.

Overally I just wish I had more ways to get things into my hand and on the board, setup takes to long and relies on a good tempo to avoid getting overrun, which is tricky to get with the mana curve.

I do feel like Pulse of Mirasa (sp?), and/or more Nissa's pilgramage and explosive vegetations would help a lot with land consistency.

I also took the deck for a spin and tried 2 games vs Aí and steamrolled it. Felt confident and went against Humans on steam and went 2-0.

It played out a total blitz first game, Makindi T2 and then it was ramp, ramp, ramp and he never stood a chance. T5 Chandra sealed a very one sided match. He was probably playing Superfriends but I didn't see enough to tell.

Game 2 I pull off an impossible win. He played an heir of falkenrath T2 and attached an heirloom and flipped her T3. So I was set against a 6/5 flyer that gave me a 3 turn clock. Next turn he dropped a nissa PW and started making Tokens to chump. I had a Gnarlid, so I started ramping and got out a mina dropped a bunch of land, did some damage. It was pretty lost at this stage, so he got me down to 2 life. I draw the FireBird but he's out of kill range, so I drop an Embodiment of Rage drop 2 lands but don't attack with them. I got him down to 12, then I played the FireBird in my 2nd main phase to chump. He doesn't draw any removal and just attacks. I chump and survived. Next turn I start doing math, I draw a nissa. Play her, drop the forest, +1 her and get a Firecraft... Sweet, Bounced Land with Mina, got another manland and go for the attack and boom he's down to 3. Firecraft finished him off.

Analysis: the deck can be ultra fast, get ridiculous amounts of land in play, but is very weak against flyers and runs very little removal.
Mina is awesome, so is.makindi. Looming Spires worked.fine.for me. Gaea's revenge might be nice as a curve topper, some more ramp perhaps. But it has potential, maybe more burn or ignition as a finisher...
I'd call this deck ramp aggro.

EDIT: 5-0 now.
Game 3: Superfriends. He didn't do much, no PWs showed up, just stomped him. Only guess it was Superfriends because of the oaths. Tracker was the star here.

Made some changes: more ramp. +1 pilgrimage, +1 explosive vegetation. -1 Green Embodiment, -1 Red Embodiment, - grumbler and something else I can't remember. +1 gaea's revenge and decided to try out the gigante no one plays anymore 6/6 for 5cmc (making him trample Rocks). So I free up the 4cmc and Added some big threats to take advantage of the huge amount of land I usually have.

Game 4: Gruul Elves. He got all the typical Elves into play, even boned my tracker, but I had another one in hand. He rage quit when I played mina and Denn. Mina and Denn are definetly the rock stars of the deck. I played on against the AI, he put a million Elves in play, but I put a hundred elemental Tokens... With trample... Hehehe

Game 5: 5 color ramp. He literally ramped like a King. Ended up with like 20 lands in play, with help from a Sower. I kept waiting for ulamog or Kozilek to show up, but they never did. Firebird killed all his PWs and Omnath was just too much for him. He actually played 4 or 5 nissa's renewal thanks to Greenwarden and that skaab. Gaea's revenge also came in handy.

So there you go, I made it a slightly more conventional ramp deck, but makindi and co. are really good when you draw ramp. An ignition, rolling thunder or something of the sort could come in useful as well. Didn't see any sweepers, but I always had more creatures in my hand just in case.

Keep Devour, its awesome PW hate and it is a precious extra land drop when you need it. Can also kill advocate and slightly pumped Trackers and about 80% of the most played creatures... Whats not to like?

Awesome deck. I honestly believe my changes improved it so I would recommend trying them out. But props are for beast for having the idea.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
My Duels Youtube Channel

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:09 pm 
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Joined: Jan 19, 2014
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Location: San Francisco Bay Area
I gave Mega's deck a try. The deck's a lot of fun. I didn't count, but I think I'm about even after around 15 games in the Steam rank 40 meta. Notes:

* The 4-slot is WAY overcrowded, and Tracker should be considered a 4-drop.
* Rumbler was the worst performer in the deck, I just never had the mana to cast him and take care of other things the same turn. I don't think I got to attack with it once in the 5 or 6 games before I swapped it out. It ate some removal once, but I was winning anyway.
* The deck needs more removal, of the "do a ton of damage" kind, because fatties and Voltrons are a big problem for it
* I felt a lack of red mana at times, though not often


- 2 Explosive Veggies
- 3 Rumblers
- 1 Forest
+ 2 Nissa's Pilgrimage
+ 3 Lightning Axe
+ 1 Mountain

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