Predictions time. Maybe I'll make a list of all the cards I think are playable before the set is out, but probably not!
Fandral StaghelmThis guy seems to be pretty contested, but idk if anyone is gushing about it as much as me. I don't think it's broken, but I'll be surprised if it's not a staple of most Druid decks to come. His interaction with spells is outright brutal, making most of them twice as good, since either effect is commonly playable. It might be that it needs to be a deck that can use all of Wrath, Raven Idol and Living Roots to live up to the potential, but his body is honestly pretty solid, he curves nicely with Wild Growth and other cards you will typically want to play, and the effect seems a lot better than Brann's to me.
C'ThunGiven the sheer volume of pretty okay to good cards that center around this card in the set, I would be surprised if he somehow doesn't end up shining. Priest, Warrior and Druid all seem like decks that might have to resort to using C'Thun just out of sheer lack of other viable options with their Naxx and GvG tools removed (or class nerfs in terms of Druid).
Twin Emperor Vek'LorBasically double Druid of the Claw for 7 mana, which is incredibly strong. C'Thun decks battle for inevitability, and this is significant in being a 7-drop that both has a lot of raw value, and protects your face as well, as you can't just sneak past it with a Sap or Silence. C'Thun decks need good incentives for playing C'Thun other than a 10 drop, and this is one of them.
Twilight DarkmenderI mean, this is just gross. Sure, Ancient Shieldbearer is cool and all, but this doesn't sacrifice any stat points, and comes down 2 turns earlier. If aggro decks are going to be a thing, Priest is going to be a monster at stopping them. Reliably activating it at turn 5 could be quite tough though, but the upside of this thing just seems mind blowing.
Darkshire AlchemistThe less powerful but more versatile cousin of Twilight Darkmender. I genuinely expect to see this in every Priest deck that isn't C'Thun oriented, and maybe some that are. It's a good body for healing, it sustains your life total at an important point in the game, it's removal with Soulpriest, and just generally good. It's a Shieldmaiden yeti for 1 less that you can't use at full health, which sounds about as good, in a class that needs it about as much, if not more (since priests capitalize on board presence more than any other class.)
Mire KeeperAs great as I think this card is, I'm skeptical towards how good it will be in Standard, but I expect C'Thun druids to be able to slot it in, and if Ramp druids in general are a thing, this is also great. You can play it as a Ramp that contributes a bit of board presence, or a fairly solid 4-drop, depending on the situation. Flexibility is good, especially in Ramp decks, which typically have to juggle threat density with acceleration.
Disciple of C'ThunThis card looks outstanding to me simply because it seems like the single best C'Thun enabler currently in the game. Regardless of whether you want to go Control, Midrange, Combo or for some reason Aggro, this is a great 3-drop. The value of 2-health minions itself might be affected a lot because of it.
Thing From BelowShaman has a lot of incredibly solid cards that I expect to see play, but not necessarily make this list. This seems like the best one to me. It synergizes with two strong curve cards, and obviously your hero power. 5/5 is a strong stat-line, and the taunt helps protect your totems (including the class card ones), and the cost reduction enables you to play it in the same turn.
Call of the WildFor some reason, I've decided to really hate on this card. I'm probably giving it less credit than it deserves, but I just think that 8 mana is a lot to ask for of a hunter, and it really bothers me that you can't fetch it with Elekk. However, I can't deny that it represents an immense board presence after you cast it.
Shadow StrikeI'm actually not sure how much I like the card, but it's a mana+2 damage spell akin to Fireball as long as the condition is achieved. Not being able to hit face really sucks, but 5 damage is a lot of 3 mana. idk, it seems good.
EvolveMaster of Evolution is good. This seems gimmicky, and requires too much board control. It can be a solid card in a niche deck, and the Onyxia combo is cool and all, but I have serious doubts about this featuring in one of the top shaman decks.
Forbidden ShapingI just don't think this card is good. It's not reliable to stop things in the early game, and it's not a reliable threat in the late game. Yes, you often have mana remaining while playing as a Priest. I don't think you want to spend that turn playing random/random for whatever mana you do have.
Call of the WildI've just decided to hate on this card and everyone else seems to love it. Move along.
Vilefin InquisitorChanging your hero power to summon a 1/1 into summon a 1/1 isn't valuable, and neither are the Murlocs you will put in your deck. Murlocs are bad, this is bad, play Anyfin instead if you have to Mrglgrgle.
Halazeal the AscendedDecent card, but unreliable. Elemental Destruction is probably not a card you want to put in your deck, and the rest of the synergies are solid, but not to the extent that people seem to think this is good. Kripparian primarily.
Not sure why I linked them all to images, but I did.