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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:50 am 

Joined: Jul 09, 2015
Posts: 244
randomname wrote:
I'm pretty confident this is good. GoblinRabbleMaster beat an earlier version 2-0 with GRc Ramp, but I had unusually poor draws in those games. In twelve games where I played both sides with this against his deck, Super Friends went 10-2. It does have a bit of a learning curve, and is quite decision intensive. It's also just a ton of fun to play. In the me vs. me games, the deck won on Turn 7 four times and three more on Turn 8 or Turn 9. For a control deck, it turns the corner very, very quickly.

I also haven't had meaningful mana problems yet. Four colors is aggressive, but Oath of Nissa, Sylvan Ranger, Explosive Vegetation and Ulvenwald Hydra give eleven different sources of mana fixing, and that's worked just fine. Only complaint on the mana-base is the number that enter tapped, but that's the price for running six creature lands. One thing I really like about this deck is that it can use as much mana as you can get because of all the card draw (from walkers) and creature lands, which also work great with the Sylvan Advocates and with Arlinn.

I've also tested it against UW Tempo (50/50 match-up, permission is really good against this deck) and WB Control (almost depressingly one-sided in favor of 4C Super Friends).


4 x Sylvan Ranger
2 x Sylvan Advocate
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1 x Linvala, the Preserver
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
1 x Woodland Bellower
1 x Ulvenwald Hydra


2 x Oath of Chandra
2 x Oath of Gideon
2 x Oath of Nissa


2 x Call the Gatewatch
1 x Declaration in Stone
4 x Explosive Vegetation
2 x Planar Outburst
2 x Radiant Flames


2 x Anguished Unmaking


1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Sorin, Grim Adversary
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller
1 x Arlinn Kord


2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Needle Spires
2 x Hissing Quagmire
2 x Canopy Vista
2 x Cinder Glade
4 x Evolving Wilds
4 x Forest
2 x Plains
2 x Swamp
2 x Mountain

I would like to take this deck idea and go blue instead of either black or red.... I am thinking black would be what goes due to fact chandra is op as hell... I like the blue oath and planeswalker choices would make the deck crazy consistent.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:58 am 

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And keep in mind we may lose some powerful things with omission of black, with inclusion of blue we could venture into some silly things like Reflector Mage

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:36 am 

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Gave up on idea of blue and have thereby kept same colors. I have made many changes however I will post later with all my changes. Some major things I can tell you right now is I dont like the bellower + dude that makes manlands bigger package. Also, manlands are gone in my version and I also found not enough basics if wanting to play explosive veg. I cut evolving and adding other dual lands instead of man lands. To replace your package I like to use my ;package which uses dude that brings back two creatures. Essentially there's a nice loop you can do with him and greenwarden and w/e second creature you want to bring. In my case im using evo leap and ulamog to hedge up late game vs mirror match or if just a board state that cant' be got through with combat damage exists you can use my package with baloth + greenwarden + ulamog and just get nasty.... Will post list of my ideas and take on your version (which btw thanks a ton for because I am sure it has served as a base for many of us wanting superfriends.) later on with auto carded list etc.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 10:53 am 
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I'd do away with Chandra before I'd do away with black.. -4/-4 is a lot better than damage for 4. Too many ways for indestructible. in this game right now.

Your Tears Fuel Me E . · '/· . F

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:11 pm 

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:52 pm 
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And keep in mind we may lose some powerful things with omission of black, with inclusion of blue we could venture into some silly things like Reflector Mage

Oath of Jace is bananas with Sorin and 1 or 2 more planeswalkers on board...cut the green already and go Esper if you like that route...I posted my take on it there :)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:36 pm 

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Here's my version of Planeswalker control.


Creatures (5)
1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2 x Thing In The Ice
2 x Reflector Mage

Planeswalkers (5)
1 x Gideon, Ally Of Zendikar
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Sorin, Grim Nemesis

Spells (25 - 9 removal, 9 counterspells, 5 oaths, 2 Planeswalker fetch cards)
4 x Gideon's Reproach
1 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Languish
2 x Planar Outburst
3 x Horribly Awry
2 x Scatter To The Winds
4 x Calculated Dismissal
1 x Oath Of Chandra
2 x Oath Of Gideon
2 x Oath Of Jace
2 x Call The Gatewatch

Lands (25)
2 x Needle Spires
2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Sunken Hollow
2 x Drowned Catacomb
2 x Clifftop Retreat
2 x Isolated Chapel
2 x Sulfur Falls
2 x Glacial Fortress
1 x Submerged Boneyard
4 x Plains
4 x Island


- I've only played against the AI on hard but have yet to lose a game.
- Oath Of Chandra is maybe just too cute in the deck compared to another white removal spell. The bonus is rarely needed.
- I am considering swapping out one of the attacker removal spells for Declaration In Stone.
- I've yet to run into trouble, but manabase might need one more black source of some kind?

- As someone pointed out, have to take it into ranked to see how it does. It became obvious the red splash was just for fun/to add a planeswalker/to say it was four colours, despite it winning most games. I have switched it to Esper, making the manabase more stable. Took out the two red cards and added a 3rd Reflector Mage, and another Anguished Unmaking. Then fixed the manabase and switched out some of the weaker white removal for better black removal. I've been considering adding some Telling Time to the list. Still, if you want to have a lot of planeswalker fun and aren't interested in optimized builds, having these guys all out at once is a blast of card draw and cycling.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:46 pm 

Joined: Jul 09, 2015
Posts: 244
randomname wrote:
I'm pretty confident this is good. GoblinRabbleMaster beat an earlier version 2-0 with GRc Ramp, but I had unusually poor draws in those games. In twelve games where I played both sides with this against his deck, Super Friends went 10-2. It does have a bit of a learning curve, and is quite decision intensive. It's also just a ton of fun to play. In the me vs. me games, the deck won on Turn 7 four times and three more on Turn 8 or Turn 9. For a control deck, it turns the corner very, very quickly.

I also haven't had meaningful mana problems yet. Four colors is aggressive, but Oath of Nissa, Sylvan Ranger, Explosive Vegetation and Ulvenwald Hydra give eleven different sources of mana fixing, and that's worked just fine. Only complaint on the mana-base is the number that enter tapped, but that's the price for running six creature lands. One thing I really like about this deck is that it can use as much mana as you can get because of all the card draw (from walkers) and creature lands, which also work great with the Sylvan Advocates and with Arlinn.

I've also tested it against UW Tempo (50/50 match-up, permission is really good against this deck) and WB Control (almost depressingly one-sided in favor of 4C Super Friends).


4 x Sylvan Ranger
2 x Sylvan Advocate
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1 x Linvala, the Preserver
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
1 x Woodland Bellower
1 x Ulvenwald Hydra


2 x Oath of Chandra
2 x Oath of Gideon
2 x Oath of Nissa


2 x Call the Gatewatch
1 x Declaration in Stone
4 x Explosive Vegetation
2 x Planar Outburst
2 x Radiant Flames


2 x Anguished Unmaking


1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Sorin, Grim Adversary
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller
1 x Arlinn Kord


2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Needle Spires
2 x Hissing Quagmire
2 x Canopy Vista
2 x Cinder Glade
4 x Evolving Wilds
4 x Forest
2 x Plains
2 x Swamp
2 x Mountain

I would like to take this deck idea and go blue instead of either black or red.... I am thinking black would be what goes due to fact chandra is op as hell... I like the blue oath and planeswalker choices would make the deck crazy consistent.

Here's where I am at with this deck. I have had to make certain tweaks due to meta (Tutelage and Ulamogs respectively) so in a way a couple cards seem sideboardy, but cuts I made have not hurt deck in the least. Long, long ago I had already figured out oath of Chandra is pretty garbage. Even in it's best case scenario, it "might" activate 6 times and has the ability to remove a 3 toughness creature. No thanks, so that was one of the earliest cuts. More recently, after being tutelaged to death and having to have the need to make room for rec. sages I unwillingly removed oath of Gideon as well. Tbh it's really not much of a card and I think the biggest thing I miss about it's absence is how it helps gideon emblem turn you play him.

Deck (you came up with, but my tweaks)

2 Oath of Nissa Last oath to survive cuts, but it's why i love this variant of superfriends so much since mana is suprisingly stable thanks to this guy and few other cards.

2 Sylvan Advocate
4 Sylvan Ranger
2 Declaration in Stone

1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 Reclamation Sage I really do hate running sideboard cards but cards like tutelage, zendikars roil etc have to be answered and 2 unmakings dont cut it so we have 4 copies of enchant/artifact hate
2 Anguished Unmaking
2 Call the Gatewatch
2 Radiant Flames

1 Oblivion Strike Added to shore up against ulamog etc. gives us 5 copies for threats that need exile
3 Explosive Vegetation
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 Nahiri, the Harbinger People thinks this one sucks but i once single handedly wrecked a tutelage deck then brought her back with Greenwarden
1 Arlinn Kord

1 Archangel Avacyn
2 Planar Outburst
1 Ob Nixilis Reignited

1Linvala, the Preserver
1 Greenwarden of Murasa
1 Woodland Bellower
1 Ulvenwald Hydra
1 Chandra, Flamecaller
1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis

2 Plain
2 Swamp
2 Mountain
4 Forest
2 Needle Spires
2 Hissing Quagmire I have debated cutting this one to smooth mana. imo worst one,, i mean i guess argument can be made it stops gaea's revenge, but most of the time i prefer to either be double striking or lifelinking with advocate out
2 Shambling Vent
2 Cinder Glade
2 Canopy Vista
4 Evolving Wilds

One final note: I really would like to find a home for languish since we are playing manland strategy and want to be able to sweep early. I know it's perhaps a bit greedy on mana base, but I am trying to figure out if possible. Thanks for any input or feedback

I just made cut (in testing) -2 Hissing Quagmire +2 Woodland Cemetary...... Should come into play untapped most of the time since we have cinder glade and canopy vista counting as forest.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:27 pm 

Joined: Jul 04, 2015
Posts: 583
Thanks for your testing rogue!

I'm with you on cutting Quagmire for Cemetery, and have recently done so myself. Don't forget that with 2x Unmaking, Nahiri, and 3x Call the Gatewatch, the base deck actually has five different cards to deal with enchantments. It's fairly good against tutelage for that reason (though it is admittedly a problem if they mill Nahiri away so you can't go get her), and because it's got a pretty quick clock when it needs to. When you aggro out it tends to win on turns 7-8. I once exiled all three tutelage with Nahiri - it was hilarious and awesome.

I don't mind Oblivion strike, but I think Angelic Purge might be even better if you want one more removal spell. It'd also let you feel a bit better about cutting the Rec Sages out of there. The deck has enough card advantage that there's usually a permanent you don't mind sacrificing late in the game.

Oath of Gideon has gone in and out of my deck, but currently they're both in my list. I've added Nissa Voice, so I've now got three Walkers that play nicely with 1/1 tokens, and they can be very handy as a chump screen for a t4 walker. If you can get a walker to stick on the board against aggressive decks, that's often when the game turns. The extra loyalty is a subtle gain, but it does make a real difference at times as well.

I've built and tested several variants recently, and am planning on posting my current iteration soon. Because I'm testing for the Steam Showdown and am most fearful of W(x) Aggro, I've dramatically lowered the curve and cut much of the top end, which is sort of a meta-game call rather than being strictly better or worse than the original deck.

I have been a huge fan of Oath of Chandra and they would be among the last cards I'd cut from the deck. There are so many early creatures that you absolutely must kill fast or they'll take over the game - Bygone Bishop, Relentless Tracker, Vryn's Prodigy, Lilliana, Consul's Lieutenant, Kytheon, Miltia Captain, etc. I'd run it if it were just a sorcery. But the enchantment trigger is quite helpful too in the mirror match especially. It can hit opposing walkers. Which can for instance deal with Ob, Nahiri, or Chandra if they come down and minus much of the time. That Oath has assassinated several walkers for me.

My SOI/OTG Decks


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:43 pm 

Joined: Jul 09, 2015
Posts: 244
randomname wrote:
Thanks for your testing rogue!

I'm with you on cutting Quagmire for Cemetery, and have recently done so myself. Don't forget that with 2x Unmaking, Nahiri, and 3x Call the Gatewatch, the base deck actually has five different cards to deal with enchantments. It's fairly good against tutelage for that reason (though it is admittedly a problem if they mill Nahiri away so you can't go get her), and because it's got a pretty quick clock when it needs to. When you aggro out it tends to win on turns 7-8. I once exiled all three tutelage with Nahiri - it was hilarious and awesome.

I don't mind Oblivion strike, but I think Angelic Purge might be even better if you want one more removal spell. It'd also let you feel a bit better about cutting the Rec Sages out of there. The deck has enough card advantage that there's usually a permanent you don't mind sacrificing late in the game.

Oath of Gideon has gone in and out of my deck, but currently they're both in my list. I've added Nissa Voice, so I've now got three Walkers that play nicely with 1/1 tokens, and they can be very handy as a chump screen for a t4 walker. If you can get a walker to stick on the board against aggressive decks, that's often when the game turns. The extra loyalty is a subtle gain, but it does make a real difference at times as well.

I've built and tested several variants recently, and am planning on posting my current iteration soon. Because I'm testing for the Steam Showdown and am most fearful of W(x) Aggro, I've dramatically lowered the curve and cut much of the top end, which is sort of a meta-game call rather than being strictly better or worse than the original deck.

I have been a huge fan of Oath of Chandra and they would be among the last cards I'd cut from the deck. There are so many early creatures that you absolutely must kill fast or they'll take over the game - Bygone Bishop, Relentless Tracker, Vryn's Prodigy, Lilliana, Consul's Lieutenant, Kytheon, Miltia Captain, etc. I'd run it if it were just a sorcery. But the enchantment trigger is quite helpful too in the mirror match especially. It can hit opposing walkers. Which can for instance deal with Ob, Nahiri, or Chandra if they come down and minus much of the time. That Oath has assassinated several walkers for me.

Did not know chandra oath hit walkers. Good upside. Is Languish too much of a change? I know mana base is shaky already. One thing I am also toying around with is Natural Connection instead of Explosive Vegetation. Mainly gets us to turn four Planar Outburst and also Explosive Veg gets in way of vital T4 Gideon, nahiri, or Arlinn plays from my playing. What did you "not" cut from top end? Im assuming you still have Bellower, but i was even thinking Avacyn, Hydra, Linvala, and even greenwarden (dont want to cut this guy since it gets us planeswalkers that get sniped) are what you're talking about? Kind of makes sense if we want to get sweep happy and win with manlands/planeswalkers. Is arlinn a possible cut? At times he is an all star for winning out of nowhere and other times he is bad especially if we cut top end fat. Ive actually had Hydra lose me plenty of games btw due to treason effects and his etb isnt' the greatest for us since we're not running super key land such as Abbey. I mean sometimes he's clutch for getting the lifelinking land I guess

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:12 pm 

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Posts: 583
Here's my current Anti-Aggro version:


2 x Sylvan Advocate
4 x Sylvan Ranger
2 x Elvish Visionary
2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Pilgrim's Eye
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1 x Archangel Avacyn
1 x Woodland Bellower


1 x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1 x Sorin, Grim Adversary
1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Arlin Kord
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller


2 x Oath of Chandra
2 x Oath of Nissa
2 x Oath of Gideon
2 x Declaration in Stone
2 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Radiant Flames
2 x Call the Gatewatch


2 x Needle Spire
2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Mountain
2 x Plains
2 x Swamp
4 x Forest
2 x Cinder Glade
2 x Canopy Vista
2 x Woodland Cemetery
4 x Evolving Wilds

I took out Greenwarden, Linvala, Hydra, Outburst, and traded Hissing Quagmire for Woodland Cemetery, all of which makes the deck a lot lower to the ground and better able to handle fast decks. The late game is still ok - but quite as great. It is really good against aggro though, which is what it's for.

I might consider dropping Radiant Flames though. Too many times it's not what I want to have. Probably to get back Greenwarden and add a third visionary.

My SOI/OTG Decks


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:07 pm 

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Posts: 244
randomname wrote:
Here's my current Anti-Aggro version:


2 x Sylvan Advocate
4 x Sylvan Ranger
2 x Elvish Visionary
2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Pilgrim's Eye
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1 x Archangel Avacyn
1 x Woodland Bellower


1 x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1 x Sorin, Grim Adversary
1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Arlin Kord
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller


2 x Oath of Chandra
2 x Oath of Nissa
2 x Oath of Gideon
2 x Declaration in Stone
2 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Radiant Flames
2 x Call the Gatewatch


2 x Needle Spire
2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Mountain
2 x Plains
2 x Swamp
4 x Forest
2 x Cinder Glade
2 x Canopy Vista
2 x Woodland Cemetery
4 x Evolving Wilds

I took out Greenwarden, Linvala, Hydra, Outburst, and traded Hissing Quagmire for Woodland Cemetery, all of which makes the deck a lot lower to the ground and better able to handle fast decks. The late game is still ok - but quite as great. It is really good against aggro though, which is what it's for.

I might consider dropping Radiant Flames though. Too many times it's not what I want to have. Probably to get back Greenwarden and add a third visionary.

hmmmm did not expect a no sweeper route. I dont like having my planeswalkers out without clearing board. Could work. will test

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:42 pm 

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Newest iteration of 4C Walkers:


4 x Elvish Visionary
4 x Sylvan Ranger
2 x Sylvan Advocate
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Tireless Tracker
1 x Archangel Avacyn
1 x Woodland Bellower


2 x Oath of Nissa
2 x Oath of Chandra
2 x Declaration in Stone
2 x Oath of Gideon
2 x Anguished Unmaking
2 x Call the Gatewatch
1 x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1 x Arlinn Kord
1 x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 x Sorin, Grim Adversary
1 x Chandra, Flamecaller


2 x Plains
2 x Swamp
2 x Mountain
4 x Forest
2 x Needle Spires
2 x Shambling Vent
2 x Cinder Glade
2 x Canopy Vista
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Sunpetal Grove
4 x Evolving Wilds

I've tested this one extensively (60 games) and feel that it has good match-ups against White based aggro and against other Super Friends style decks.

My SOI/OTG Decks


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:11 am 
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Why do you build this deck time and again without Woodland Wanderer? Isn't that a crime in 4C? ;)

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:43 pm 

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Sol77 wrote:
Why do you build this deck time and again without Woodland Wanderer? Isn't that a crime in 4C? ;)

That's the toughest call in the deck. Right now I've actually got both Wanderers in over Call the Gatewatch, but will probably switch it back. Shoot, I might end up at one of each. Wanderer is a 4 CMC creature with no ETB that does not generate card advantage. As such, it's pretty bad against Declaration in Stone, Displacer, and Reflector Mage. It's also a less powerful top-deck late in the game than Call the Gatewatch. On the other hand, sometimes your opponent just doesn't have removal and it crushes them. Very, very difficult decision.

My SOI/OTG Decks


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:15 am 

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I'd like to point out that all creatures are spells.

Relevant if you get brutal explosion'd.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:38 am 
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My main question is; what's your call against Tragic Arrogance? You have no counters, no recursion (not even Greenwarden!) just sort of...bend over. The list looks good and as soon as I get Chandra I will probably test it, but those strike me as immediate and glaring weaknesses, even if we accept that sweeperless is the right call.

(Thank you, game, for getting me within 6 packs of OGW completeness but -4 mythics.)

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:11 am 
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My main question is; what's your call against Tragic Arrogance? You have no counters, no recursion (not even Greenwarden!) just sort of...bend over. The list looks good and as soon as I get Chandra I will probably test it, but those strike me as immediate and glaring weaknesses, even if we accept that sweeperless is the right call.

(Thank you, game, for getting me within 6 packs of OGW completeness but -4 mythics.)

The creature-lands are a good backup against Arrogance. From experimenting with this list myself, it seemed to always have something left in hand to cast since it drew so much, so maybe it just carries on?

Why Declaration in Stone instead of Angelic Purge? That hits more possible targets (like Tutelage), doesn't give the opponent a benefit, and there are plenty of unique Oaths to sac to it and then replace. Is Stone really taking out 2+ copies of something that often?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:33 pm 

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The plan against Tragic Arrogance is basically to grimace for a moment, then keep on trucking. Nearly all of your creatures and planeswalkers will have given you at least a card's worth of card advantage by the time Tragic Arrogance sweeps them away, so most of the time it will set the game back to parity when you were far ahead, rather than put you behind.

The reason for Declaration over Purge is pretty simple: Tempo. I'd rather spend two mana to exile a creature, then have my opponent spend two mana of his own to crack the clue, rather than spend 3 and sac a permanent. I don't want to throw away my Oaths - they all do good work in this deck. Ditto for my 1/1s and lands.

My SOI/OTG Decks


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:49 pm 
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randomname wrote:

I've been playtesting this deck all day today on iOs. It's fairly decent. The early game, 2 drops are a boon. They serve as chump blockers, ramp, draw, and mana fixing. Additionally, they keep the opponent off balance, and playing cautiously enough for me to set up to drop, then wreck with my Planeswalkers.

Biggest weaknesses so far:
Lack of board wipes: This really hurts the deck. There have been a few duels where no matter how much board presence I was able to establish, either it took too long, or wasn't enough to get around the onslaught of too many creatures. Mostly, this can be addressed appropriately enough if I can land Chandra, Flamecaller, or Declaration in Stone, but they're not always available in time.
Opposing Planeswalkers: Can really grow to become an issue. No board wipes, and only a pair of Anguished Unmakings really make me wish to cram at least a pair of Suppression Bonds into this bitch, perhaps cutting the pair o' Call the Gatewatch, or Oath of Gideon.

Other than that, seems fairly consistent, and competitive.

Who needs good grades when you got SWAG?!?!

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