But that Skeleton is just...I dunno man. I think there's something to be said for going the Kalitas/Call the Bloodline token generator route to use Angelic Purge and the like more reliably, but there's gotta be something else we can use early on. I just find the idea of reliably using Purge in a next to creatureless deck early on is hard.
The skeleton is an engine, and it turns on the second and fourth best removal in the deck, it's also a blocker that allows you to be slightly less concerned with non-trample threats. All it costs is mana, and this is a control deck - we've got mana. It let's me trade dead weight for destroy target creature, and murderous compulsion for exile target creature, enchantment, or artifact. The most important thing though, is it completely eliminates concerns about whether or not I have a card in hand that can take out their threat.
@Babs: cutting thing in the ice in that version makes sense. There aren't enough instants and sorceries to flip it - which don't kill it.