I apologize in advance DS. I hesrd how fun battleminds were and wanted to try one, I didnt realize how many immediate reactions they had. I can easily swap to a warlock, but does the party even another defender? Or a meat shield, I think we dmage heavy at the moment
Haha, I was thinking about that—it's also kind of true for the shaper psion—but I think it's okay since you are pretty responsive so I don't have to worry about rewinding a lot or waiting around a lot. I also think if we are intentional about these off-turn actions, that minimizes the delay, like if you say you intend to use X on the next enemy that triggers it and pre-roll the attack, I can just integrate into the enemy's turn myself.
The party currently does not have a defender without your or any leader.
Random: The Dodekatheon are more popular than I thought they would be. Is there a particular reason? Is it because they are obviously based on the Ancient Greek gods and that appeals to people?
That's pretty much what did it for me...that and, in looking over all of the gods you had listed, that seemed like the one that called out to her.
Yeah, I guess WotC's success with their
Theros expansion also shows this. I should also clarify that I described the big gods but people also worship ancestral spirits (Jin), nature spirits, and local or minor gods that players should feel free to make up.
FYI, your character coming from the rural region north of Saifeng would have come from the Northern Territory.
This post talks a little more about that area.