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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:32 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:43 pm 
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@ randomname

Ok so you remember I played this janky spirit I brewed deck vs you a couple of times , and my conclusion is there are simply not enough playables to make it really great... but I think you are as usual on the right track to make headway.

Some things:

_ Definately do not run Thing in the ice, since the last thing you wanna do in this deck is bounce your own board. I kinda want to say 'yeah include some instant draw... but we don't have good ones for this deck... You make some clues.... maybe it's enough?' River marshall is a 3/2 for 2 and a manasink. Go beat face brother.

_ Eldrazi Displacer does amazing things, but he's a 2 off, and only does ANYTHING the deck wants to do if you get one of your 5 wastes on the table. Cut him.

_ We dont have enough 2 drop fliers to really go off with 3cmc counterspells (unless you wanna go deep with welkyn tern, which i tried... it sometimes works !), so that's obviously a weakness of the deck. We do have access to Spectral Shepherd and Topplegeist. Together these and rattlechains represent a very cool little manasink. I know we only have 2 Rattlechains, and for this deck to really shine, you'd need 4, but I still think those cards are playable and merit consideration. They also upgrade Essence Flux quite significantly.
What i've found very hard is to enable delirium for topplegeist in this archetype (which turns this card into the best 1 drop EVER, well after Goblin Guide... and 25 legacy/vintage cards). Angelic Purge may help a bit, but it's not really enough imo.

_ I really like Confirm Suspicions here. Babs made a jank counterburn deck that also correctly (imo) identified it as a synergistic card. I also had other people asking me today if I consider that card playable in Zorius, Esper control. Answer is YES ! as long as you have a very heavy flash or instant theme, it's a fine 'wincon'. Wether 1 or 2 is the correct number, I don't know.

_ Finally, and this may come as a surprise, but unlike many, I enjoy a good Roil Spouting. But you know; I'd rather play 1 of it and 2 Always Watching at first glance.

But would he hate bouncing his board? He controls when the bounce happens and it's not like he's going super wide with UW Fliers. The bounce effects seems like it would benefit us much more if we can set it off on their turn.

I like Confirm Suspicions alot too, but how good is it in a deck that is simultaneously looking to beat face with 2 drop fliers? It seems counterintuitive to me to have a 5cmc counter in a deck that is afraid of bouncing the whole board.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:50 pm 
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It's good as a 1 or 2 off since you are often holding up mana after you deploy anyway. The earlier you get on board, the earlier you can start trying to win the race with tempo effects. Eventually, countering a big spell and enabling you to draw cards over the space of the following turns, whislt you keep nickle and diming and disrupting things feels perfect to me.

That said, the deck does not have true inevitability, and other decks do; bouncing your whole board might not even be totally tempo negative, but giving away all the tempo or most of it that you gained during the game, to bank it on a 7/8 vanilla beater without protection, in a meta with ZOMG THE POWERFUL NEW SPOT REMOVAL FOR BIG BEATERS WITHOUT PROTECTiON, MASSIVE BURN TO THE FACE, AND BUSTED PLANEWALKERS etc etc; feels very very all-in. Not to mention that having to play a 0/4 wall does nothing to advance your gameplan in most matchups.
Maybe I'm wrong, I often am; but it feels like a win-more plan more often than a 'reach' strategy.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:04 pm 
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It's good as a 1 or 2 off since you are often holding up mana after you deploy anyway. The earlier you get on board, the earlier you can start trying to win the race with tempo effects. Eventually, countering a big spell and enabling you to investigate over the space of the following turns feels perfect to me.

That said, the deck does not have true inevitability, and other decks do; bouncing your whole board might not even be totally tempo negative, but giving away all the tempo or most of it that you gained during the game, to bank it on a 7/8 vanilla beater without protection, in a meta with ZOMG THE POWERFUL NEW SPOT REMOVAL FOR BIG BEATERS WITHOUT PROTECTiON; feels very very all-in. Not to mention that having to play a 0/4 wall does nothing to advance your gameplan in most matchups.

Well, my thinking is the the fliers will be eeking through damage and the goal would obviously be to set him off when the other side either taps out or over-commits. Maybe that's too optimistic, I'll admit I've never seen TITI in action and how other decks will try to play around him. My thinking is that they would have to do something about him or the fliers at some point and can't just sit back too passively, even if TITI only has one counter left on him.

I think he helps early against the faster aggro decks (which I assume will exist) as a wall. Plus if our deck has alot of flash creatures, we can always still rebuild our board real quick, so I don't think it's very all in if we get to untap before they do. We still have 8 flash creatures, plus any more able to be flashed with Rattlechains. Could even work some triggers off Bygone Bishop when you replay your guys. Could set off the Reflector Mage's great ETB effect again, too. Basically the Marshals and the Displacer are the only guys who would really suffer by TITI flipping.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:06 pm 
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Maybe I'm wrong, I often am; but it feels like a win-more plan more often than a 'reach' strategy.
I mean, maybe he isn't an end-all be-all, but he's a 2-off 2-drop who at least opens up new possibilities, walls for a while, and likely will be removal fodder for alot of decks who won't want to have to deal with him.

If we were missing out on a great 2-drop flier to make room, I'd understand, but as is, I think there's still room for him. Just my 2 cents, obvs.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:08 pm 
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All those things are true, but they are all about interactions between rares. You need a rattlechains for this to be really great. Without rarity restrictions i'd probably be on your side about this.
I don't completely disregard it... I've played with TITI a bit, and good players often can find the recources to deal with it (never managed to go off with it vs RN :) ).
This card is certainly gonna se alot of testing in Modern and Legacy, that's for sure. The card is great, but as a rare I doubt how well we can make it function. Esper Control/ Azorius control wants this. UR Prowess might want this. The Sultai Morkrut Necropod the Gitrog Monster deck wants this :D

Last edited by Goblin Rabblemaster on Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:25 pm 
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WeCoexist wrote:

For 3 of the Catalog spots, I think it would it be better to use Artificer's Epiphany

They are obviously very similar cards, but Epiphany could let you avoid the draw if you had a clue token from Confirm Suspicions.

Also, you can't run 4x Meandering River since it's an uncommon (and did we even get it? I think this would just be the Azorius Guildgate), but why would you want to anyway? You already have 4 dual lands that won't come in tapped, I don't see the need for additional tap lands in a 2 color deck, especially one with no other benefit. You could maybe find space for Foundry of the Consuls also in your mana pool.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:32 pm 
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Actually with so many double blue cost effects t3-4; he wants those blue sources. Similarly, Catalog is better than Artificer's epiphany with just the wind, if you do have a clue token :p

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:35 pm 
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Actually with so many double blue cost effects t3-4; he wants those blue sources. Similarly, Catalog is better than Artificer's epiphany with just the wind, if you do have a clue token :p

With 15 blue sources, I still think he can feel pretty confident of having double blue by 4 lands.

And the Just the Wind combo only costs 1 more mana for that very particular scenario where you absolutely want to use it. I'd more often rather have the extra card. :)

And if you really want blue sources, he could 4x more island or 3x Island 1x Plains.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:40 pm 
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divinevert wrote:
Actually with so many double blue cost effects t3-4; he wants those blue sources. Similarly, Catalog is better than Artificer's epiphany with just the wind, if you do have a clue token :p

With 15 blue sources, I still think he can feel pretty confident of having double blue by 4 lands.

And the Just the Wind combo only costs 1 more mana for that very particular scenario where you absolutely want to use it. I'd more often rather have the extra card. :)

And if you really want blue sources, he could 4x more island or 3x Island 1x Plains.

He has ALOT of double blue effects by t4, and quite a few on t3. this doctorate in game theory thinks 18 seems a minimum.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:44 pm 
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divinevert wrote:
Actually with so many double blue cost effects t3-4; he wants those blue sources. Similarly, Catalog is better than Artificer's epiphany with just the wind, if you do have a clue token :p

With 15 blue sources, I still think he can feel pretty confident of having double blue by 4 lands.

And the Just the Wind combo only costs 1 more mana for that very particular scenario where you absolutely want to use it. I'd more often rather have the extra card. :)

And if you really want blue sources, he could 4x more island or 3x Island 1x Plains.

He has ALOT of double blue effects by t4, and quite a few on t3. this doctorate in game theory thinks 18 seems a minimum.

The problem with that doctorate is that it does not take into account the free mulligan you receive in Duels, which would greatly increase the consistency of finding 2 blue sources.

It also doesn't account for the turn 2 draw effect of Telling Time, which I'm sure is non-zero, even if not a massive swing.

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Last edited by divinevert on Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:46 pm 
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I perfectly agree. And that is why I said 18, and not 19 :D Dude has 5 t3 double blue counters. Free mull all you want, 15 is too few for that fact to not cost you games.
He accounts for 2 mana cantrips as approximating 0,25 manasource prorata. Telling time digs 3 deep though, so probably they are more like 0.5.

Last edited by Goblin Rabblemaster on Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:48 pm 
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I perfectly agree. And that is why I said 18, and not 19 :D

Hard to say what the swing is. I suspect it's probably more severe than that. Either way, I'll concede that the manabase probably does want more than 15 blue sources.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:52 pm 
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I'll concede 17. 2 foundries. Deal ?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:59 pm 
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The guildgates we get in the starter box are now being replaced with the OGW and SOI dual lands. Building a strong manabase is definitely my weakness when it comes to deckbuilding. As GRM said since so many of my turn 3-4 counters require double blue I had to factor that in.

Coexist's Concoctions

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:02 pm 
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I'll concede 17. 2 foundries. Deal ?


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:17 pm 

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Thank you divinevert and GRM for you feedback on the flash deck.

I strongly disagree that Spell Shrivel is better than Confirm Suspicions in this deck. In my testing, Confirm Suspicions has been better than any other card in the 60. It is in fact a tempo deck in the style of Delver in Modern. It intends to drop a threat on turn two, then hold up counter-magic and flash creatures the rest of the game (with exceptions for the two Planeswalkers, as they're powerful enough cards to justify tapping out). Reflector Mage and Eldrazi Displacer are valid three-drops that can gain tempo and that work especially well together. There aren't enough colorless sources to use Displacer's activated ability all the time, but a 3/3 for 3 is actually something this deck wants anyway, so the rest is all upside.

I also don't want to lower the threat density by trimming attackers or trading them out for Thing in the Ice. I agree with GRM on that count. If this were a UW Control deck, with significantly more spells and fewer creatures, then I'd be on board. There's an enormous difference between both sides doing nothing (opponent plays something, I counter it, repeat) and me having an attacker or two in play to do 2-5 damage a turn while we both do nothing.

This deck is not trying to get to delirium, so as potentially awesome as Topplegeist is, this isn't the home for it. I'm also not a fan of Spectral Shepherd (though I could be wrong on that). In general, I think tribal decks run into trouble when they play bad cards that are in-tribe. It's much better as a rule to play only the good cards of the tribe and fill the rest of the deck with other good cards.

I think you're absolutely right on Always Watching being better than Roil Spot here, and I'll make that change.

Thanks again!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:27 pm 
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randomname wrote:
I also don't want to lower the threat density by trimming attackers or trading them out for Thing in the Ice. I agree with GRM on that count. If this were a UW Control deck, with significantly more spells and fewer creatures, then I'd be on board. There's an enormous difference between both sides doing nothing (opponent plays something, I counter it, repeat) and me having an attacker or two in play to do 2-5 damage a turn while we both do nothing.

Whateva. Your funeral.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:33 am 
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Azorius Eldrazi


3 x Topplegeist
2 x Rattlechains
2 x Dimensional Infiltrator
2 x Eldrazi Mimic
2 x Matter Reshaper
2 x Eldrazi Displacer
2 x Bygone Bishop
3 x Reflector Mage
2 x Thought-knot Seer
2 x Reality Smasher


3 x Essence Flux
3 x Horribly Awry
2 x Declaration in Stone
3 x Warping Wail
3 x Spatial Contortion


4 x Plains
4 x Island
2 x Wastes
2 x Prairie Stream
2 x Glacial Fortress
2 x Rogue's Passage
4 x Crumbling Vestige
2 x Ruins of Oran-Rief
4 x Evolving Wilds

This isn't going to be "THE" competitive version of this deck (I'll leave that to the number crunchers...), but Azorius Eldrazi is going to be one hell of a headache for the lower curve aggro decks including Izzet that we'll be seeing.

We all know the power of Reflector Mage's tempo and Displacer flickering, but we're running enough ETB effects to have some options in how we win. 9 creatures we can flash in, only 4 creatures that DON'T work for Matter Reshaper/Bygone Bishop which even then are Reality Smasher/TK Seer as curve toppers, and flickering to make Mimic more than the sum of it's parts multiple times over. Horribly Awry becomes a much more attractive counterspell in an aggressive meta, and since Ramp's lategame is too hard to consistently compete with, I can only see players turning to the aggro route more. Spatial Contortion can act as a finishing pump should we need it to, and the "Eldrazi Command" utility of Warping Wail helps us pick off Jace, walls, chumps and protect from sweepers. At worst, it gives us an additional bit of colourless mana ;) Declaration in Stone finishes off the spell package as the best tempo removal in Duels. The land base (as with most pre-tested decks) is just a wild guess. Ruins of Oran Rief can give us consistent pump, Crumbling Vestige is mandatory in X/C Eldrazi decks, and we'll lean heavier onto the Waste basic lands just to more consistently cast our colourless spells.

Ta da.

^ NGA's resident embodiment of "Poe's Law".

Last edited by BounceBurnBuff on Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:54 am 
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Seems pretty solid 3B, I like flicker decks so will be one of my first decks to test.


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