I've never been really comfortable with this metric of "effort = inclusion." I mean, a ton of work has gone into Magic: The Musical, but that doesn't mean it should be accepted as canon. I think it potentially sets a very dangerous precedence to say that just because someone spent a lot of time on something and made it look pretty, it should be voted for. There are often a lot of subtle continuity issues that can come up in a project this big, and I don't think we should be ignoring those things.
I can understand that stance, but I think I'm just so used to seeing Sturgeon's law in action -- from the App Store to Steam to the MLP fandom (especially the MLP fandom) -- where a majority of available works are as lazy or cynical as you can imagine, that seeing this much effort being put into making something that's got both depth and ease of accessibility really inclines me to view it positively. It may also be a phase I'm going through, since I haven't recently been following anything with a deep continuity and instead been diving into a larger variety of self-contained works. I definitely recognize that over the last year I've drifted more toward being looser with consistency from plane to plane and instead viewed each plane as a way to create an entirely new and self-contained canvas for creativity -- a place to make new rules for how magic works and explore new powers and cultures.
From what I understand about CKY's involvement here, I would consider it minimal enough to allow the vote to stand. We don't consider Keeper a co-author of Fisco Vane just because of the portrait, so I don't think the faction watermarks (which, as others have stated, are awesome) warrant an "Abstain" vote for CKY.
That's kind of a false comparison because Keeper didn't make that portrait of Fisco until Fisco was already accepted canon for years. Here, we're voting for the completed dossier which included CKY's watermarks since as early as I knew about it.
For the record, I wouldn't think that CKY was involved enough in forming Ossia to discount his vote, but I also don't actually know any of what went into that formation, so I wanted to bring it up as much to find out as to make people question it. I imagine either razorborne asked CKY if he could draw up some watermarks or CKY just saw how cool Ossia was and volunteered to do so; either way I wouldn't object to his vote. But, as I said, I don't actually know any of the behind-the-scenes stuff for Ossia, so I wanted to ask the question of everyone.