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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:36 pm 
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Yeah Knight seems like a must in azorius; I'd play more if I could I think.

The reason for Shepherd is this :

The problem these types of control decks often have in this format is being able to 'close' before losing control after turning the corner. If the opponent has/topdecks answers to your few win-cons, you run a big risk of having the game spiral out of control before you find another one; since there are so many big plays they could just topdeck whilst you draw horribly awries and lands. This is why I tend to gravitate towards tutelage as a wincon in duels control decks; although there is even more playable enchant hate now, so W/E

Shambling vents sorta fixes this issue, but it's a 2/3 and should only be awakened further if you REALLY manage to drive your opponent out of cards. Awakened Lands also mitigate this issue. All fine; nothing truly 'super powerful' like an Ugin in Standard though. We could really use a straw to break the camel's back for less than 10 mana ^^

Shepherd is the Ugin of the deck. Lategame bringing in a shepherd, plains, knight of the wild orchid, PLAINS, Gideon/Jace/Bonds your Ulamog-Nissa-Gaea'sRevenge-Crusher/Disciple is a massive play; if they can't answer it immediately there's only a handful situations where you aren't just gonna win in 2 turns. The deck runs relatively few permanents, but all of them are of very high quality/high utility. For consistency you'd want to run 2, since the deck doesn't have enormous draw power.

I understand the critique though and I'm in no way 100% convinced this is the way to go.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:01 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:54 pm 
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I want to get my end in about tap-dancer BFZ. Unlike you Covert, I always had a certain respect for this deck in this environment, and even though it was never the deck to beat, it was a competitive aggro deck with blue elements, so I 've always enjoyed it alot. Megabeast kibnda kindled the flame on this back in the day on these foryums, I believe.

About your update, and I'm about to go test this in a ten games iteration tonight:

_ Your deck has the mana to go mid-range and the manasinks to justify going slightly bigger. And the whirler rogues to repopulate post whipe. Butt. I'm counting 11 5 =/> drops. Yeah sure, sometimes you wanna cast 6 of those early, polyvalent vectors, big fan. But you are missing the heavy hitters that make casting them early worthwile. IMO.

_ Considering the first point. I' gonna add the heaviest hitters this colour combination can offer. Proposal : -2 Foundry of the Conculs +1 plains+ 1 Azorius Guildgate. -1 Topan Freeblade +1 Consul's lieutenant. -1 Roil Spout +1 Consul's Lieutenant. -1 Jace, +1 Consul's lieutenant

We now have 2(5) 5drops, 1 6 drop and 2(0) 7 drops for a 24 land deck.

This is just my initial approach; and I'm putting it up as a discussion point since you did not add text to your build.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:19 am 
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Settled on a less Mill orientated W/U control deck. Was struggling for wincons, but I've found the Sphinx actually started to work well as a poor-man's Ojutai, with the ability to stall out with the larger amount of Islands I've placed in.


Creatures (9):

3 x Felidar Cub (with the amount of enchantments causing issues like retreats/evolpea, 3 is needed for consistency and he's still a 2/2 beater otherwise)
1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy (as standard)
2 x Hixus, Prison Warden (was on the fence with this guy, but flashing him in to swing is still worth it in a control mirror)
1 x Disciple of the Ring (I'm not a huge lover. When it's good, it's great. When it's bad, it sucks more than other players will admit, more of a necessity when lacking other utility creatures)
2 x Guardian of Tazeem (4/5 flyer with the ability to stall out/tap blockers should the need arise, not as good as he is in Simic Tempo, but worth it as a finisher)

Spells (25):

3 x Celestial Flare (still necessary to deal with GR, Simic Hexproof land, Ulamog and other nasty stuff)
2 x Horribly Awry (since including these I've been able to stall vs RDW and aggro a LOT more often, don't want to see more than 1 in my hand though)
3 x Telling Time (still an invaluable tool in decks running blue needing info)
2 x Scatter to the Winds (I find the Awaken trigger has saved me more often than not, and I try to hold this counter back for latter turns)
4 x Spell Shrivel (some hate this card, I love it. Anything played on curve even in a ramp deck? Sorted. Aggro playing something turn 3-6? Sorted. Exile is also relevant vs recursion effects)
4 x Inspiration (I tried Coastal Discovery in it's place, but the instant speed was sorely missed, and I didn't find I used Awaken from it that often)
4 x Countermand (just the next-best hard counter spell available to us, dumping some cards can be relevant too in midrange matchups without GY fetch)
1 x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (running White? You should run this. A 4 turn indestructible beater at best, a chump-blocking producer at worst)
2 x Planar Outburst (the best board wipe available to us, previously ran some copies of Tragic Arrogance, but that fit better in mill where I had an enchantment to protect, Awaken here is great too if you can hold out that long)

Land (26):

7 x Plains
10 x Island
2 x Prairie Stream
2 x Glacial Fortress
1 x Foundry of the Consuls
4 x Evolving Wilds

^ NGA's resident embodiment of "Poe's Law".

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:05 am 
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I tried something very similar but 3 colour. The control core was the same except gideon's reproach in place of horribly awry as it takes care of 1 drops. I also decided for Inspiration due to instant speed at opponents end step.

I ran angelic edict in place of cubs and diffent creatures/spells in place of your creatures, but I loved Disciple in my decks.

You could drop the guardian and hixus and go jeskai for radiant flames and akoum firebird, esper for ob nixilis and languish or sire of stagnation or bant for nissa and revenges.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:11 am 
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Beast, if ever u put playing notes for your awakened thing, mention to never ever keep a two Lander from the start. Moss will non consenually have intercourse with u

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:36 pm 
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Beast, if ever u put playing notes for your awakened thing, mention to never ever keep a two Lander from the start. Moss will non consenually have intercourse with u

I deleted that deck. It was good for the first week, then it just started downward spiralling as people unlocked more cards I guess. I also messed with it too much listening to advice from here and somehow the deck got weaker and weaker as time went on. I'll revisit the archetype later, probably as a three color deck..

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:11 pm 
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Beast, if ever u put playing notes for your awakened thing, mention to never ever keep a two Lander from the start. Moss will non consenually have intercourse with u

I deleted that deck. It was good for the first week, then it just started downward spiralling as people unlocked more cards I guess. I also messed with it too much listening to advice from here and somehow the deck got weaker and weaker as time went on. I'll revisit the archetype later, probably as a three color deck..

Use the Jeskai Way, Mega

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:24 pm 
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Beast, if ever u put playing notes for your awakened thing, mention to never ever keep a two Lander from the start. Moss will non consenually have intercourse with u

I deleted that deck. It was good for the first week, then it just started downward spiralling as people unlocked more cards I guess. I also messed with it too much listening to advice from here and somehow the deck got weaker and weaker as time went on. I'll revisit the archetype later, probably as a three color deck..

Use the Jeskai Way, Mega

Did you post your list?

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:35 pm 
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hmm maybe look in my signature :p

also it was a star wars misquote more then anything

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:55 am 
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Worst misquote ever.

I have all the cards for awakened azorious now beast, I'll try it out for a bit but thanks for the advice and warning !

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:11 am 
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I think you play Awaken Control in Esper.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:31 am 
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New list I'm working on.. Azorious Air Beats. Great matchup vs ramp/control. The game plan is simple, play evasive creatures and smack the opponent through the air, and when the math says so.. play Kytheon's Tactics and win. If you've got a superior board and suspect a sweeper, hold open mana for Spell Shrivel.. if it's not needed, cast Telling Time or play Thunderclap Wyvern. I just put it together, went 3-0 vs two 40s and a 1 lol. Will test more tomorrow. The card I'd really like in the list is Disperse. Your worst enemy is Thopters bc they trade well with you. Holding open mana to block Whirler Rogue or Pia and Kiran is a must. Shirveling Pia and Kiran won me the game in my first match with the deck, played Tactics next turn and won. Dude had Aether Grid, Thopter Engineer, Jace, the colorless creature that give all colors +0/+1.. and a couple vials. It's winning on turn 5-6 consistently. I wish there were some flying one drops that didn't suck ass.

4 x Welkin Tern
4 x Mist Intruder
3 x Telling Time

3 x Skyhunter Skirmisher
4 x Eldrazi Skyspawner
4 x Benthic Infiltrator
4 x Spell Shrivel
4 x Kytheon's Tactics

3 x Whirler Rogue
3 x Thunderclap Wyvern

6 x Plains
7 x Island
2 x Prairie Stream
2 x Glacial Fortress
3 x Skyline Cascade
4 x Evolving Wilds

Yes.. I know Benthic Infiltrator isn't a flier.. but he might as well be.. and he gets in consistently.. is always 3 damage with Tactics that you can count on. He's the worst performer for sure.. but I'm at 25 creatures/11 Spells. I don't wanna go to 21 creatures, so if I'm gonna replace him.. I need a solid flyer for 3 or less. I saw there's a 2/2 flyer for 3 mana in these colors.. but I dunno.. the unblockability+ingest mind screw seems ever so slightly better. I dunno.. I'm probably wrong.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:23 am 
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Yes.. I know Benthic Infiltrator isn't a flier. I need a solid flyer for 3 or less. I saw there's a 2/2 flyer for 3 mana in these colors.. but I dunno.. the unblockability+ingest mind screw seems ever so slightly better. I dunno.. I'm probably wrong.

How about Scrapskin Drake? Fits the bill better than Benthic Infiltrator.

You're three slot is heavy though and probably wouldn't hurt you to explore a few other cards either below or above that could help (instead of the Infiltrator). Gideon, Ally of Zendikar could be fine just for the sake of the emblem. Retreat to Emeria for the constant +1/+1 pump. Like you said, some sort of bounce could be useful including Roil Spout, Disperse or Clutch of Currents. Even at 21 creatures, you're still doing fine for aggro.



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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:25 am 
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I swapped the Benthics out for 4x Fairie Miscreant.. same damage.. two mana cheaper, could possibly draw cards in Magic Christmas land. Played 3 games (3 more wins), did fine. I still want Disperse soooooooo bad. Don't know what I'd cut though.. Believe it or not, I haven't cast Thunderclap Wyvern once yet.. the game is always over before that. Maybe I could cut the Wyvern for Disperse.. I dunno.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:23 pm 
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My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:30 am 
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I see tempo is catching on?

I've been meaning to post this under headings like "bird poop" or "proof you can win with anything," haha. My goal was to make a list without rares or mythic rares and still win. Forgive the rare lands, and I believe im there...

4 fairie miscreant
4 welkin tern
3 stalwart aven
3 scrapskin drake
3 thunderclap wyvern
3 dauntless river Marshall
4 clutch of currents
4 disperse
3 anchor to the aether
1 roil spout
2 adverse conditions
3 telling time
2 blighted steppe
2 prairie stream
3 evolving wilds
2 glacial fortress
3 clifftop retreat
6 plains
5 island

It feels like trolling getting to play cards like roil spout. I wish we had another instant speed bounce spell. 23-3 on Xbox so far. Try it out before you throw Gideon in.

Update: I've played around 60 games with this list in ranked and have maintained over 90% wins. I might change out blighted steppe for the thopter lands as I don't need to race red. I just bounce a goblin, bloodlust fizzles, and the other guy quits. This just destroys midrange, too. As a bonus, I don't have to care about acidmoss!

Last edited by PureSynesthesia on Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:36 pm 

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I apologize if I post this wrong, it's my first time posting here. I've been coming to the forum for a few months now to get ideas for Duels decks on the iPad app. My best deck is a nasty Rakdos sac and steal deck, but I've been playing blue control decks for as long as I remember and wanted to try this one out. It works okay, but any suggestions or crits are much appreciated


Creatures The deck concept is simple. Big walls, lots of removal, get to a grinder and mill them away. All of the creatures have fat butts and/or draw cards. The best of those is the Darkslicks, which have saved me innumerable times.

3x Fortified Rampart
1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2x Tide Drifter
4x Benthic Infiltrator
3x Darkslick Drake
1x Guardian of Tazeem
2x Oracle of Dust

Spells: The spells are pretty simple. They either draw cards, generate a mill effect or destroy creatures. The sideline of using Eldrazi effects was a side bonus to the deck.

2x Reprisal
3x Gideon's Reproach
3x Disperse
3x Sphinx's Tutelage
2x Suppression Bonds
3x Inspiration
2x Planar Outburst
2x Tragic Arrogance
2x Angelic Edict

Land: I'm only running 22 land, which has been a problem on occasion, but I hate adding any more.

5x Plains
7x Islands
2x Prairie Stream
2x Glacial Fortress
3x Foundry of the Consuls
3x Azorius Guildgate

This has done okay, though not great. I've considered adding Celestial Flare instead of Suppression Bonds, but I think the problems run deeper than that.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:39 am 
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Given the cost of a lot of your cards, the need for Guardian of Tazeem to hit lands, and the dual color costs you run (especially in non-mana fixing colors in an Acid-Moss meta) I'd suggest at least 24 lands. If you're going to add Celestial Flare (Gaea's Revenge, Ulamog, Lumbering Falls and Plated Crusher really need that) then more lands will be essential too to fix another double casting cost, remember that Flare can be used early too vs a RDW threat that's been aura'd up. I like the idea of walling up and it's something I tried pre-BFZ to no success, but your creature base looks solid. Only thing I'll suggest is if we get Wall of Resurgence in OotG, then that will be a straight swap for the Ramparts.

Spell wise I would do this:
-1 Disperse, -1 Suppression Bonds, +2 Celestial Flare.
Disperse will end up as a dead card in a control mirror, but I appreciate it's power vs any Green or Aggro deck. 3 is excessive unless running ETB triggers. Suppression Bonds doesn't hit the targets we want to be hit, but it puts down resolved Planeswalkers better than any other card in the format. Deals with Evo Leap too. Celestial Flare as said above is just so important if you're wanting to control the board and not get blown out by a hasted Gaea's Revenge or other big-nasty.

^ NGA's resident embodiment of "Poe's Law".

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:30 pm 

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Given the cost of a lot of your cards, the need for Guardian of Tazeem to hit lands, and the dual color costs you run (especially in non-mana fixing colors in an Acid-Moss meta) I'd suggest at least 24 lands. If you're going to add Celestial Flare (Gaea's Revenge, Ulamog, Lumbering Falls and Plated Crusher really need that) then more lands will be essential too to fix another double casting cost, remember that Flare can be used early too vs a RDW threat that's been aura'd up. I like the idea of walling up and it's something I tried pre-BFZ to no success, but your creature base looks solid. Only thing I'll suggest is if we get Wall of Resurgence in OotG, then that will be a straight swap for the Ramparts.

Spell wise I would do this:
-1 Disperse, -1 Suppression Bonds, +2 Celestial Flare.
Disperse will end up as a dead card in a control mirror, but I appreciate it's power vs any Green or Aggro deck. 3 is excessive unless running ETB triggers. Suppression Bonds doesn't hit the targets we want to be hit, but it puts down resolved Planeswalkers better than any other card in the format. Deals with Evo Leap too. Celestial Flare as said above is just so important if you're wanting to control the board and not get blown out by a hasted Gaea's Revenge or other big-nasty.

Thanks BounceBurnBuff!

I did most of what you suggested, and the first two duels that I was able to fit in this morning didn't go off like I expected...but not because of the deck mods. The first game was against a RB set up to put Infectious Bloodlust on anything that can't be blocked. I got out turn 2 Rampart, turn 3 Sphinx and thought everything was going well with Inspirations and a Reprisal until I hit nothing but land draws and died. The second game was against a GB ramp deck. I was able to land an Upheaval once he was topdecking and had all of his nasties out, and the Flare came in handy against the lone Crusher he got out before I decked him. So far, so good. I'll update the decklist tomorrow after I've worked out some ideas I have for a mod to it.

And, yea, I HATE the Acid. If I am able, I will torture anyone who uses that card on me and try to win in the worst way possible, just to get even. Hate hate hate it.

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