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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:25 pm 
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Battle Royale


This is supposed to be a mafia game based on the book Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. A book that was one of best-selling novels in Japan and spawned a manga and movies, and many other copies. In resume, it is a story about a group of people that is taken to an island to participate in a death game where there can be only one winner or everyone will be killed. There is no rules and no means of escape, except by being a winner.

More about the novel here.

Or the movie.

And in this game, the objetive is the same. It is kill or be killed, because there can be only one winner, or survivor if you prefer. Every player has exactly the same role and every player is a killer.

The flavor is also very similar to the book. A group of people is taken to an island to participate in a death game, but this time the participants will be historical or famous people of your choice. Do you want to see Marilyn Monroe decapitate Gengis Khan? In this game, this scene may happen.

How I was I able to do a game where every player is a killer? It was difficult to reach that point at first, or the game would be very brief and not very funny. To solve the first problem I decided that despite everyone being a killer, I needed to restrict the number of killings. That was the first breakthrough. So killings are conditional, every player fires but only one, or, in some circumstances, more will be dead.

The second point, was how to make that fun? It was other problem to solve and after thinking a lot about it. I reached my second breakthrough. Why not use poker? So this game plays like a hybrid game of mafia and poker. Of course you are not required to know any of them to play, because this game is completely different from both. But the spirit of both games are alive.

Prepare yourself to make hasty alliances, bluff, backstab and cheat your way to victory.

If there is enough (5 to 7) players, I will try to start a session after January.

Last edited by True_Believer on Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:32 pm 
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battle royale was one of my favourite maps on wc3

ffp ran a mafia game flavoured after battle royale once

i will probably play

I think that people who are like that are really deep. They have a sense of understanding things and are vague and quiet and mysterious you know? Like a cello. It plays depressing music (that's how I think of it) but it's so beautiful. It's a beautiful instrument and it's so. You know. Like really emotional. Yeah. Emotional is the word. :)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:40 pm 
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I like both mafia and poker. So, I'm in

PbP Characters

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:04 pm 
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And here are the rules. They may be confusing at first, but all will be clear when you see the role (called combatant) and it is explained the game mechanics.


Additional Rules:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:09 am 
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So I will try to explain the game.

In the core, the game is like a normal mafia, that you vote and whoever has more votes is lynched. But in this game each player can reinforce his vote (up to ten times) and at the same time remove votes from himself (again up to ten votes). Only it is not called vote, it is called attack and the amount of votes is called damage.

The point is that your resources are limited, so if you waste them without a strategy, later you will be an easy target.

During the day instead of voting, you can use three abilities (one time of each one) that are open, in other words, each player will know against who you are using these abilities, and they are expressed just like the votes.

Here are the abilities:

- Attack Username
- Investigate Username
- Ally Username

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:25 am 
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Each player has the same role. Normally they have 3 open abilities and 5 hidden abilities (for the purpose of this game, I removed 1 ability to decrease the players number) that they can use. The open abilities can only be used during the preparation phase (same as day phase in normal mafia) and the hidden abilities can only be used during the resolution phase (same as night phase in normal mafia).

But now there is a difference than a normal mafia game. All abilities only resolve at resolution phase, regardless of phase they are used. That is the main reason I changed the name of the phases, to avoid misunderstandings related to what is expected from a normal game.

Also there is another difference. There can be only one winner. You don't win as a group in this game, only as individual. But all players can lose as a group to mimic the book where this game was based.

Major Spoiler Alert - Don't read if you plan to read the source material

Here things are the same, players have a fixed amount of time to finish the game or everybody will lose. So, to have a chance of winning, the players need to play aggressively from the very start.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:49 am 
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Now to address the poker part. In this game, inspired by poker, every move is a gamble, but also based in a strategy and limited information, as you will see below. As you may have noticed some abilities are open, but the amount of resources you spend is secret (it is sent through PM). You can use any number from 0 to 10. For example, you can make a fake attack, declaring an attack and spending 0 resources.

Your resources are divided into 2 types: attack points and defense points. Attack points are used to reinforce your attack and defense points to remove attack points. They are used only during the resolution phase, through PM. You have a limited number of points that you can use, so you need to use them strategically.

Open abilities are free to use, but hidden abilities are not. They consume your precious attack and defense points, depending of the ability used. But they can change drastically the outcome of the damage calculation.

And to help you formulate your strategy, the results of the previous altercations are revealed at the start of each day, showing the damage each player received.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:15 pm 
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Just want to say that had it not been for Hobgoblin Lives I would be interested in this. Looks fun.

well played zinger

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:42 pm 
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Last edited by True_Believer on Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:56 am 
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Last part.

As all players are the same, I thought about giving this game a more mafia feel, hence the nemesis mechanic. You will only know your Nemesis's secret identity at the start of the game, but not who he is. Every player is given a different nemesis and two players cannot be nemesis to each other. It is not required for you kill your nemesis to win, but if you do kill him, you will replenish all your attack and defense points, which gives you an edge over the other players.

There is other side to this coin. You cannot ally to your nemesis or you are killed. And this is the best way to kill in this game, as you don't need to spend any resource and eliminate more than one player per day.

But this needs an explanation about how the alliances are made. One player proposes the alliance naming other player. If that player agrees, using the same ability naming that first player, they are now at an alliance. Why ally is there an risk of being killed? Simple, all abilities used by one player from an alliance works for both players and, specially, for free. A huge advantage over non-allied players.

I believe that covers all the rules. The rest is self explanatory. I don't know if there are enough players for a game, but if they appear, the explanation will be already written here.

Any doubt just ask.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:01 pm 
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Well, no interest.

I guess I will just fold this game.

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