OK, going to take my foot out of my mouth now...IzzetThopters is a real deck. I know we've been watching Hakeem curb-stomp with it in the Tourney, but I wasn't convinced.
I've been ragging on IzzetThopters since B4Z dropped, but for good reason...I haven't lost to it yet. I'm currently 32-0, according to my notes. Granted, there were some sub-optimal decks and not great players (drop your hand, then I Radiant Flames!), but for the most part they weren't bad.
However, I built one about one and a half weeks ago...and I am 23-3 with it.
So, yeah...
Anyways, here is what I am using:
3 x
Fiery Impulse3 x
Clutch of Currents4 x
Perilous Myr4 x
Twin Bolt3 x
Pilgrim's Eye3 x
Chief of the Foundry3 x
Vile Aggregate3 x
Thopter Engineer2 x
Exquisite Firecraft3 x
Whirler Rogue2 x
Pia and Kiran Nalaar1 x
Akoum Firebird2 x
Thopter Spy Network7 x
Island8 x
Mountain2 x
Sulfur Falls3 x
Foundry of the Consuls4 x
Evolving WildsOK, why do I play what I play, since this is a little different than Hakeem special #1 or some of the other decks.
-9 "burn" spells...gets rid of the chaff, plus 7 of them can go to the face.
-3 Clutch of Currents...started testing it out over Disperse, liked it a bit more since it can hit man lands and late game is another attacker that incidentally pumps up Vile Aggregate.
-Speaking of which, Vile Aggregate is here instead of Esperzoa because I'm not going the card advantage route. Also why I don't play Alchemist's Vial. Nothing wrong with them, just not what I am going for. Vile survives most mass removal and most creatures in the deck pump him, plus a few of the spells can as well as land.
Anyways, doing way better than I expected with all the mass removal floating around.