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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:32 pm 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
I wouldn't be making my mana worse and that's my point. I would be playing White for Planar Outburst and Radiant Flames for 3. And since I'm already playing white, I think a single Shepherd is definitely worth a slot.

You need more Plains for Shepherd than you need for any of those cards (not that I think you need to run white, but still).

Yes, I'm from Brazil and no, I'm not an annoying ****.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:33 pm 
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I think Gruul ramp is best ramp (Felbatista nailed it), but mono-Green is fun too.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:37 pm 
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Yeah, what fel said.

Sjokwaave wrote:
And Tragic Arrogance... funny that black is almost completely ignored in terms of removal when going multicolour. Black definitely needs some love with Gatewatch.

Well black DOES have relatively hard removal in the 5 slot. Oh wait...

I'm guessing they'll give us something better in the next expansion. We'll see. Mono black isn't that bad though, it's just not MBC.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:17 pm 
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beeswax wrote:
Still kicking butt for me. I took the general advice, dropped bellows, included trample eldrazi, included offshoot.

Removed evo leap which can be controversial decision, but it wasnt seeing much action

Heres my latest list. I just find mono green more enjoyable than red green for what I consider almost the same goal. Messing around a few cards doesn't change things dramatically, it's a flexible deck

3 Jaddi offshoot

3 Elvish visionary

1 Nissa, vastwood seer
1 Reclamation sage (1 or 2 more wouldn't hurt)
4 Nissa's pilgrimage

2 From beyond
4 Mwonvuli acid-moss

2 Outland Colossus

1 Greenwarden of Murasa
1 Woodland bellower
1 Oblivion Sower

2 Gaea's revenge
3 Plated crusher
2 Nissa's revelation

4 Eldrazi Devastator

1 Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger

22 Forest
3 Rogue's passage

Got to try this after getting Obl. Sower and Crushers #2 and 3 with the last packs and I feel obliged to thank you again for a very successful run. This got me to 40 and only once did I get outpaced (by Gruul ramp). The other losses that I remember were pretty much steals:
vs RDW double Exquisite Firecraft to finish me after gaining control of the board
vs Elves double Shaman of the Pack dito
vs can't remember Rolling Thunder for X=7 to finish me with like triple lethal on the board.

The first two I could foresee because I play those decks myself and there is always Murphy's Law. The last one was plain hilarious and came out of nowhere to me.

So for the moment you have me convinced with your mono green theory regarding the best ramp. Before playing I wondered if cards like Outland Colossus or Eldrazi Devastator couldn't be switched out for better cards by splashing either red or white (like you did in that RDW-Boros deck) but now I wouldn't know what I'd want to add to improve my results. Radiant Flames even for X=2 would have cleansed a lot of boards, but I didn't lose those games (except for the elves one). Maybe Oran-Rief Hydra as a substitute for the Colossus but it's green as well, so no change in that regard. My favorite card in Gruul so far was Chandra's Ignition but today I haven't encountered a situation where I had one big blocker and the opponent could go wide for the win. Oh and I never missed evolpea despite it being my #1 favorite card in the game, meaning I agree on its exclusion.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:09 am 
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Glad you enjoy mono green sol, I'm still enjoying it. It's just a different more casual feel to play than gruul I think

Revised my list a few days ago, decisions that go against probably what most others think. Initially I was enjoying the eldrazi devastators, but a few games where I didn't have the mana for them and nothing much was happening led me to eventually cut them all.

I also wanted more life gain, so if I can get to 6 mana I can deal with aggro a bit easier if I have nissa's renewal it gives me hope to survive a little longer

Changes are +1 elvish visonary, +2 oran-rief hydra, 2 + renewal
- 4 eldrazi devastator, -1 Greenwarden of murasa

Updated list again since it's on page 5.. not sure if you're not supposed to do this, if you're not, someone tell me

3 Jaddi offshoot

4 Elvish visionary

1 Nissa, vastwood seer
1 Reclamation sage
4 Nissa's pilgrimage

2 From beyond
4 Mwonvuli acid-moss

2 Outland Colossus

2 Oran-Rief Hydra
2 Nissa's renewal
1 Woodland bellower
1 Oblivion Sower

2 Gaea's revenge
3 Plated crusher
2 Nissa's revelation

1 Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger

22 Forest
3 Rogue's passage

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:20 am 
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beeswax have you tried running eyeless watcher over acid moss?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:58 am 
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Haven't used that for anything, but acid-moss is probably my next card to cut actually. It is more useful for it's ramp rather than destruction in this deck I think, so I'll try some things out. Watcher looks better if I had buffs / primal bellow but the ramp may help a bit

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:52 am 
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Watcher is a fantastic card. Totally underrated. Ramps for 2, leaves a chump. Very good. IMO.

Great in any deck that's needs ramp more than it needs fixing.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:58 am 
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Beeswax, I'm glad you reposted the list, makes it easier to track. The only people that take issue with reposting lists don't live here anymore. Can't wait to try your build once I have the cards

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:18 am 
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Always said mono green seems to be flexible, but sometimes changes of certain cards just feel like you get more, or literally get you more wins. The less feeling of dead in hand cards, the more a deck becomes finely tuned I guess? So whatever works for you Barney

It's been late at night where I am so no time to test eyeless watcher but I am very excited about it. Chump blockers on turn 4 will help a lot. Early game will be offshoots, visionarys and pilgrimage ramp, to chump blocking watchers or from beyond blockers. From there it's gravy train. Acid moss IS still damn good, and if opponent can't handle the loss of land it can win the game. But watchers offers a few different things and options are always good

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:19 am 
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@ Beeswax

Great deck man. I am loving it. Pure, simple ramp to win. Personally, I like Moss over Watcher as it helps against the mirror match. I might be wrong in that, just my opinion. Keep us updated on this list, it's awesome!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:32 pm 
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beeswax wrote:
Changes are +1 elvish visonary, +2 oran-rief hydra, 2 + renewal
- 4 eldrazi devastator, -1 Greenwarden of murasa

I've picked up the hydras and the renewals for the devastators. Not sold about the other switch. About the potential removal of Acid-Moss: Wouldn't make it past my inner Timmy. There's just nothing like destroying blue sources :rofl:
I even use Ulamog for that rather often. Which reminds me of a game I had today. It started with a funny hand:


The opponent played simic and I didn't get much beyond those starting monsters. Eventually we both had From Beyond and turned those into Ulamogs. I first thought to keep mine until after he played his but then I figured I should count his tapped lands (is there a decent way to do that?) and came up with 10. He had 2 cards, one of them Ulamog. So I gambled and took two of those lands away. He then quit and two turns of toying against the AI ended with this:


I didn't even realize what would happen before I saw it ;)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:58 am 
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Lol, that's pretty brutal.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:11 am 
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"yeah, i'll let the Krasis through''

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:24 pm 
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Sharing my mono green ramp deck that I've been using since BFZ landed, with great success.
Started out as green fatties and morphed into Rampdrazi as I unlocked more cards (Ulamog in my LAST booster, raaagh!!).

Nature's Wrath (I know.. original.. copyright don't steal ;))

2x Jaddi Offshoot
3x Blisterpod
3x Primal Below
4x Elvish Visionary
2x Evolutionary Leap
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2x Reclamation Sage
1x Retreat to Kazandu
2x Wildsize
3x Nissa's Pilgrimage
4x Acid Moss
2x From Beyond
1x Outland Coloussus
1x Zendi's Roil
2x Oran-Reif Hydra
1x Greenwarden of Murasa
1x Oblivion Sower (or Woodland Bellower to fetch a Sage)
1x Ulamog
21x Forest
1x Rogue's Passage
1x Foundry of the Consuls

I've posted an evolved version of this in the Gruul section, which is probably a superior deck.

Edit: @Beeswax.. copied my deck off steam discussions and taking credit for it mate? :smirk: lol

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Last edited by Kel'Thuzad on Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:28 pm 
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deleted double post

"Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark! Obey the call... of Kel'Thuzad!"


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:50 pm 
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beeswax wrote:

I would take out all of the Gaea's and 1-2 of the Crushers. Your curve seems a bit high even for a ramp deck. Some more lower cost cards will get you to the late game more reliably. Evolutionary Leap and some Blisterpods work very well, along with Zendi's Roil for more tokens to sac.
Even a Retreat to Kazandu will help your mid-game a lot. And if you do go down the enchantment path, Herald of the Pantheon makes a solid two drop for the early game.

I'd also consider swapping out 1 Passage for a Foundry, just to give you some flying blockers if you're desperate.

Throw in 3x Primal Bellows if playing against A.I. Not quite as effective against humans but can still sneak a win if they don't block a 1/1 that becomes a 12/12. Or coupled with Rogue's Passsage.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:27 pm 
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I've played with evo leap, blisterpods, cut them in the end. Don't like Roil for this deck and retreat is slow for little accomplishment here

Try the deck out yourself if you're curious. The goal is to obviously ramp big, but if you need to survive against aggro while you ramp I find there is enough life gain in the deck to sustain yourself. Offshoot, renewal, revelation is quite heavy

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:25 pm 
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If you look up one post higher you'll see my own deck. I've been playing mono green ramp exclusively since BFZ landed so I've tried several versions of it.

I can agree Roil & Retreat are optional but I can't see the justification to not run evo leap and at least a few cheaper creatures. Just seems to me like you'll "win bigger" if you reach the late game but wont get there quite as often. But whatever is working for you.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:51 am 
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Well, I don't like 5 pump cards - wildisze and bellows, plus 2 evo leap for a small amount of searchable cards. Add retreat and roil to that list, and that's at least 9 cards I see as dead in hand and lackluster.

I really feel my deck is more linear and to the throat. You'll always have a fatty to play, you'll always have some ramp thing going on - but as you said whatever works for you. I've tried mono green style with the pumps and evo leaps before, had to cut them because too many games they weren't the card i wanted in my hand

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