Thank you for your interest in the deck. Please let me know how it works for you!
Ulamog is the primary win condition, and he wins by milling more than by direct damage. But most decks can't chump the twins forever. The real key to the deck is the overwhelming card advantage evolutionary leap generates with all those scion producers. Even if someone has the sweeper, it's easy to just play an eyeless watcher and gas back up with three new creature cards the following turn. Generally, I'm just not too worried about finishing the game off quickly. Time is on this deck's side.
All that said, you can certainly throw a Passage or two in or you like. I feel like if I can play my cards I'm probably going to win, and Passage is likely to just be win more, so I prioritized making sure I've got what I need to play out my hand on-curve as much as possible. But I'm sure it's good either way.
Ok so I went with allmost your exact list, saw you consider going with 23 lands wich I kinda fear so i just did -1 gate -1 forest +2 wilds for a lil' bit of deck thinning. Might go for a 3rd wilds.
You might be very right about the win-more Passage, not to mention the "gimme this damn 3rd island for awaken
Part the waterveil side of it. Drowner has proved to be sufficient most of the time i needed to get the damage to the face.
Here's how it went, 1st Steam game starting at rank 20 iirc :
Game 1 : luckily I went 1st, RDW with lucky draw : T1
Goblin Glory Chaser, T2
Goblin Glory Chaser + Titan's Strengh on the attacking one. I chumped with a Gatecreeper. He
Fiery Impulse'd my Jace and got me down to 6 life 2 turns later. In the meantime i managed to ramp a bit with Moss and put down From Beyond. I then went for not-awaken Part the waterveil, got a 2nd chump blocker to kill one of the 2/2 Chaser and managed to ramp up to Ulamog (exiled the 2nd Chaser and a Mage ring bully) at 4hp. Mossed him down to 2 mountains, he rage quit just before i went in for victorious swing.
I had a correct draw (much ramp but luckily 1 early Gatecreeper), but manage to defeat a very strong RDW draw. Promising ! WIN
Game 2 : Sultai Controlish Ramp. Went pretty well, mirror Jace at the beginning with me getting some decent ramp while the opponent had a very slow draw with allmost only tapped land. Got T3 Pilgrimage, T5 Sower he countered but still gave me 2 lands. T6 Moss-Nissa, T7 Twins (opponent left), T8 Drowner, win with a clean sheet.
After the
Part the Waterveil-
Ulamog wincon, i got to savour the
Desolation Twin-
Drowner of Hope one. Very promising indeed ! WIN
Game 3 : Converge landfall deck. The f***er got lucky with an Animist awakening draw gave him 2 lands out of 3 drawn cards with Zendikar's roil on board. This put too much pressure on me while i didnt manage to ramp well and drew Ulamog into Twins into Part the waterveil i couldnt play. Very bad luck, yet i was 1 mana close to cast Ulamog, but the Trample Hydra denied my chump blockers. LOSS
Game 4 : Golgari ramp. I kept a 4 land hand with Moss and Skyspawner. By turn 3 opponnent had 2
Elvish Visionnary on board and i had 1
Eldrazi Skyspawner. He hoped for a 3rd land draw wich didn't happened. Instead i punished him with a T4 Moss. On Turn 5
Oblivion Sower exiled 2 lands he had been waiting for, he rage quit and i felt sorry. Nah just kidding, I Ulamog'ed his face on next turn and enjoyed my quick win. WIN
Game 5 : Izzet Thopters. Dude got a perfect draw, i kept a 2 lands hand with a nice curve (Evoleap, Pilgrimage x2, Skyspawner, Moss...) I didnt draw a land in the 3 first turns, game loss. My bad, i couldn't help but think this was playable with 22 lands in library and 3 turns to draw 1... LOSS
Game 6 : Temur ramp. I had a decent but slow hand with 4 lands, no turn 2 and only Skyspawner on T3. Got hit by a Moss wich delayed my Sower to turn 6. It got killed after blocking his 6/6 Behemoth and a Chandra's ignition. I managed to Ulamog the next turn and both Behemoth and Jace he just cast. Ulamog said goodbye on his after an Hedron network (so there are people playing this).
And there comes the goodie : i put Drowner on the board and managed to permatap his board with the help of Eyeless Watcher. 2 swings of the Drowner and his fellow 1/1 Scions later he was dead. WIN
So even after my opponent wiped my board clean, got rid of my Ulamog and Sower, i still managed to rebuild the board quickly and win 2 turns later.
Game 7 : Orzhov lifegain allies. He kept a 2 lander hand with good T1 Elite Vanguard -T2 Kalastria Healer plays, got punished by a Moss on curve that brought him down to 2 lands on T4. A few turns of ramp later, he was too far behind and the Twins came to finish him. WIN
Game 8 : Orzhov lifegain allies again. I had a pretty slow hand, he got a perfect curve. I chumped a lot to avoid getting too much damage to the face, thus didn't manage to ramp and recover from his very aggressive plays. I could have chumped a bit less, although in this game it would have resulted in a faster defeat to be honnest. LOSS
It's really hard to recover from early aggression if you dont get a good ramp draw. Maybe there's room for improvement on that matter, i thought about going -1 Skyspawner -1 Gatecreeper -1 Watcher and +3 Blisterpod but I feel it wouldn't make so much of a difference in early game and hurt too much the ramp ability... Maybe +3 Elvish visionnary ? Provides an early body and thins the deck...
I'll have to test the list against aggro decks some more before changing anything, i recovered from a nice RDW aggression after all !
So that's 5-3, could have avoided at least 1 loss with better play, and got multiple times very unlucky.
I love the deck so far. Pretty consistent, nice wincons and synergies. Some cards with solid value even countered wich is nice.
I'm yet to master the list ofc (and the game in a whole), so there's room for improvement in my results. I'll keep playing it since it's been fun for me and will keep you informed.
I hope this post is usefull to anyone interested in the deck. Imho it's worth a good run !