Beast, you really need to hook up that capture card to showcase the awesome destructive power of Grove Rumbler. The world needs to know. Also, can you imagine casting Nissa's Renewal with a Rumbler on the field? What a Timmy blowout!
Oh wait, you don't like Renewal because it "doesn't do anything".
To be fair, I think Rumbler would be great at the top end of an aggressive landfall aggro deck. This is not that deck.
@Auunj, I totally missed Oran-Rief Hydra somehow. I think I'll drop my Woodland Wanderers and put those guys in instead. I'm really just trading Vigilance for the ability to keep growing and landfall is awesome with Nissa's Renewal.
What Rumbler does is give you an earlier presence, the same role as Woodland Wanderer. I know you guys don't like it.. but the card has really performed well. It does it's thing while your deck does it's thing naturally. It also brings opponents into Rolling Thunder range pretty quickly.. and it's an elemental for Omnath.
..and yeah. F Renewal. By the time I get to six mana, I'm DONE ramping.. it's time to start playing threats.. you know.. the thing your deck isn't doing enough of as it durdles along playing Elvish Visionaries again (as usual). I'd also rather have Jaddi Offshoot than Renewal bc if you play Offshoot turn 1.. he's gained you 5 life by the time you get to Renewal mana (even more if you play Evolving Wilds) but Offshoot PREVENTS damage too by stonewalling bears all day, making it a far better survival tool. Now I don't need to play lololol6-mana ramp spells, and can start dropping bombs like a ramp deck is supposed to.
I've played the Hydra a good bit.. it looks good on paper, but it feels kinda win-more. In fact, I've played all the bombs available to us now except the Hellkite and Breaker of Armies.. and Gaea is still the best option IMO. I thought I'd love Plated Crusher but he always underperforms.