My initial impressons of Fallout 4... um I **** up so bad I mulliganed with more foreknowledge.
The second time around, I went with 3 Str, 4 Perception, 5 Endurance, 6 Charisma, 6 Intelligence, 3 Agility, and 3 Luck. All of these were so that I could pick specific perks I really wanted after playing through the game the first time, or at least have access to them. The cutoffs for me were armor mods, lockpicking, aquaboy, local leader, science, sneaking, and bloody mess respectively. These were all important skills I really wanted at least the option to pick once I was a few hours into the game, although local leader and science were "in the future" things.
When you first exit your cryogenic chamber, you can get your spouse's wedding ring by opening their chamber and examining them.
The crygenic lab on the left, after you leave your starting one, has a Vault 111 Suit - New, which is a cleaner version of the one you have on now and nice to have.
^ If you examine the terminal in this lab, you find out everyone died by the chambers failling (may have been done on purpose).
The security baton will be sitting on a container in the main hallway. This is necessary for being really good at killing the radroaches in this area, and good for bullet conservation in at least this area.
Before opening the next door, you can head to the right and examine the security terminal to find out a little bit about what has happened with the security personnel.
Also, you may have noticed all the random crap you could be picking up. While everything *technically* has a use, I would not recommend picking up most things, unless you KNOW you can get rare components from them or you have some non-scrap use for them.
After going through the next checkpoint door, you will be able to see your first radroach. At this point it is worth noting that L1 lets you use VATS and R3 (or the equivalent button) is sneak. Test both out on this "easy" enemy. It's also really really good to collect as much radroach meat as you can.
You can check the recreation terminal in the room ahead to play a game similar to donkey kong, which you can eject and take with you after you are done. Playing this gets you a trophy if it's your first playthrough.
In the next area, the center area is electrified and there are two radroaches on the other side. It is possible to get the meat off the dead one in the center if you time it well. DON'T eat the meat yet btw. This is used to craft something "good" soon.
After killing two more roaches in the hallway, you can drink from the water fountain to fully restore your health.
In the next room, there is a bobby pin in one of the file cabinets. You WANT this very badly. You should also take the pre-war money. Add these, along with roach meat, to the list of things you want to find spread around.
There is a pistol, 50 rounds, and 3 stimpacks in the middle of the room next to the overseer's terminal (good reading) which you can use to open the next door. We can also stare fondly at the cryolator locked in its case behind a master lock. There are some more rounds and another pistol by the case, meaning you should have 12 in the gun and 72 more in your inventory now. These + vats is your early offense and going to be important very soon.
Note: Stimpaks are the best healing items you get, so don't waste them. Sleeping and water can get you back health without consumables (although water might give you some irradiation depending on the source).
There are 6 roaches in the next hallway. On my first run-through I lost a stim here, while on my second I was able to kill 3 with Vats and melee the other 3 (you can switch between favorite weapons very fast, figure out how to do so before entering the hallway). The baton should suffice for the rest of the roaches.
The next room has two more roaches and the sneak tutorial. Basically melee them both. You can find another NEW vault suit on the floor here, some more rounds on top of some boxes, and a pip boy on the floor next to a corpse. You need to pick this up before continuing, so please do so.
Before leaving the vault, get familiar with the menus. The stat menu gives all the status information for you character and their limbs, the special layout for your character (stat distribution), and the list of perks you've got. You can also press triangle (or equiv) to look at the perk chart for planning out future level ups. Starting with level 2, you get to pick 1 perk per level based on what you can access (why stats so important early on).
The next menu, accessed via R2, is the Inventory. It's divided into weapons, apparel, aid, misc, junk, mods, and ammo. At this point I had 2 10mm Pistols, 1 security baton, 1 vault 111 jumpsuit, 2 vault 111 jumpsuit - new (worth about 20 caps each), 2 wedding rings (one equipped, 14 radroach meat, 3 stimpaks, 1 bobby pin, the red menace game, 5 pre-war money, and 88 10mm pistol rounds.
The next menu is "DATA", or basically quests, workshop stats, and stats.
The final two, map and radio are self-explanatory and the only thing worth mentioning is that you can use the map to fast-travel to landmarks you have already been two, if outside and not in combat.
Leaving the vault, we get to leave this area behind
. Oh to go home is great. Oh and um...... the game gives you one chance to change anything you want about your apperance or S.P.E.C.I.A.L. here (good since you can look at the perks before trying to leave).