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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:16 pm 
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Gemini how has fertile thicket been for you? I've only noticed it being super terrible

it can basically only be played on turn 1 otherwise you are knowingly screwing up your next draw. would rather just have evolving wilds

Elvish Visionary + Fertile Thicket = Gatecreeper Vine.

The card reads..."you MAY look at the top 5 cards of your library." You don't even have to screw yourself lategame!

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say Wizards forgot to patch this one. If it's forcing you to look, its a bug.

Last edited by InFaMoUsGeMiNi on Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:17 pm 
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I've try this deck a few time and it's a really fun deck. At first, I've made a few mistake, but the more you play it the more you understand it. My favorite mono green deck for now ;)


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:14 am 

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elk wrote:
N.I.B. wrote:
What's your prefered get-back with Greenwarden? It's bugged for me btw (I can exile it upon death but it never brings back a card), so I've got no use for it.

Yeah it's bugged for everyone. Thing is, several folks have commented the same way (no use or won't use it until it's fixed etc.) and I don't get it. Granted it's missing one trigger but so what? The card is just pure value. It's a 5/4 body for a reasonable cost and has a good ETB effect (grab ANY card you want from your grave). Realistically, the first trigger is the one you're interested in too since you can plan for it and are probably casting it specifically with that in mind. The 2nd trigger; although a nice upside (if and when it's fixed), is a lot more conditional and possibly out of your control to activate. I mean Eternal Witness has always been revered as a good card, why not one with a better body in a card pool that has centered around ramp?

So the first grab does work? That's nice.

Btw dudes, a deck with colourless cards is not mono-green.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:59 am 
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How do the 3 Titan's Presence work with only three big colourless dudes?
Liking the build a lot, but I think it could use some Plated Crusher.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:23 am 
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Left4Doner wrote:
How do the 3 Titan's Presence work with only three big colourless dudes?
Liking the build a lot, but I think it could use some Plated Crusher.

The 'ramp' deck that currently exist in Standard right now run's 4 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for a board sweeper effect. I figured Titan's Presence could be just as fine considering we've got Evolutionary Leap + From Beyond to search for Eldrazi to turn them on. I was also thinking about the line of play in which your on the draw, your opponent is on the play and drops T1 Goblin Glory Chaser, T1 you drop Blisterpod, T2 they drop Call of the Full Moon, you block with Blisterpod, make a scion, and on T2 you drop Titan's Presence.

I'm also very aware of the fact that you could just -3 Eldrazi, -3 Titan's Presence, +3 Primal Bellow, and +3 Plated Crusher. Since I do not have the game I can only theory craft! You should just be able to swap out those cards easily and not hinder the deck at all. Depends on how you feel I guess. Would you like to interact OR go all in? The choice is yours. My thing is, in the BEST case scenario, T1 Blisterpod > T2 Natural Connection > T3 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss > T4 ramp again > T5 Plated Crusher, assuming you draw into Primal Bellow thats only 14 points not taking into account blockers. They can always just counter the Plated Crusher. Your not interacting with their threats. Then again, the safest option would be is to go 'all in' with Gaea's Revenge with Wildsize + Primal Bellow. That to me is the safest option and we'd still have room for Titan's Presence plus Eldrazi (which are great vs. counterpells).

I'm glad you like the deck. I'm trying build the G base for the Naya and Bant ramp decks!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:17 pm 
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Turn 2 Titan's Presence nailing a Goblin GG is the dream. Despite From Beyond's tutoring, I wonder whether there's enough Eldrazi to activate Titan's Presence on time. Mono G's only other defense against aggro is lifegain, so I do like the line of thought that goes into Titan's Presence.

While Primal Bellow works very well on something like Plated Crusher, I meant adding just Plated Crusher would up your amount of win cons and give you some more sturdy blockers. Aggro can't deal with a 7/6 very well, unless they go wide or use Nimbus Wings.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:35 am 
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I'm convinced mono green is the new red green.. I've been having acid vs acid fights all day, and even when I get burned for 2 lands I can still win with mono green.

I'm using gemini's backbone with some mix ups here and there.


The actual changes are,
-4 Natural connection
-3 titan's presence
+3 Primal bellow
+1 Greenwarden of Murasa
+3 Plated crusher

So not much change at all really..
Still not sold on fertile thicket. It's good when you're facing all the acid moss, bad when you aren't. You lose out on potentially 4 more forest in your deck for primal bellow wins.

Also, 5 win con fat creatures that can't be targetted is very scary..

*just had a win against black white, opponent dropped kytheon turn 1, it was looking bad. I ramped fast to 7 lands, dropped crusher when I was at 11 life. Attacked next turn - he was blocked by a 1/1, I pumped him with 2 primal bellows at +7/7 each, won the game.. miss this feeling, Reminds me of 2014 eldrazi deck :D

4 Blisterpod
3 Primal bellow

4 Elvish visionary
2 evolutionary leap

1 Nissa, vastwood seer
1 Reclamation sage
4 Nissa's pilgrimage

2 From beyond
4 Mwonvuli acid-moss

1 Greenwarden of Murasa
1 Woodland bellower

2 Gaea's revenge
3 Plated crusher
2 Nissa's revelation

1 Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger
2 Desolation twin

16 Forest
3 Rogue's passage
4 Fertile thicket

Last edited by beeswax on Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:47 am 

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beeswax wrote:
*just had a win against black white, opponent dropped kytheon turn 1, it was looking bad. I ramped fast to 7 lands, dropped crusher when I was at 11 life. Attacked next turn - he was blocked by a 1/1, I pumped him with 2 primal bellows at +7/7 each, won the game..

How did you win while blocked, without trample?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:28 am 
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plated crusher does have trample

I guess if I had gaea's revenge instead I wouldn't of won if I was blocked, but rather hold him as a blocker for a few turns to stabilize like I've had to do before.

But nope, crusher will finish the job quickly if needed..

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:28 am 
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N.I.B. wrote:
beeswax wrote:
*just had a win against black white, opponent dropped kytheon turn 1, it was looking bad. I ramped fast to 7 lands, dropped crusher when I was at 11 life. Attacked next turn - he was blocked by a 1/1, I pumped him with 2 primal bellows at +7/7 each, won the game..

How did you win while blocked, without trample?

because plated crusher has trample....

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:08 am 
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beeswax wrote:
I'm convinced mono green is the new red green.. I've been having acid vs acid fights all day, and even when I get burned for 2 lands I can still win with mono green.

I'm using gemini's backbone with some mix ups here and there. Still not sold on fertile thicket. It's good when you're facing all the acid moss, bad when you aren't. You lose out on potentially 4 more forest in your deck for primal bellow wins.

Also, 5 win con fat creatures that can't be targetted is very scary..

*just had a win against black white, opponent dropped kytheon turn 1, it was looking bad. I ramped fast to 7 lands, dropped crusher when I was at 11 life. Attacked next turn - he was blocked by a 1/1, I pumped him with 2 primal bellows at +7/7 each, won the game.. miss this feeling, Reminds me of 2014 eldrazi deck :D

Thanks for testing my "backbone" for me. I'm on Xbox One so don't have the game yet.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:29 am 
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NP gemini, it is definitely on the right track. I don't know whether you saw through the card pool / meta like a savant, or just decided you'd make a fat ramp deck haha.

When playing such a deck it honestly makes me, and possibly my opponents.. realise you don't need red / green for the same effect.

As you know red green ramp is the unstoppable force at the moment in the meta. I feel this deck simplifies the goal of the red green deck by having just one colour. I can even mess up their mana with my acid moss, and they can't mess mine up much with theirs - blister pod works wonders to push me over the edge after losing a land. Since I'm one colour, acid vs acid fights mean green has advantage.

After having a large win ratio tonight and having at least 3 red green ramp decks quit against me, I really do think it is a tier one deck response to the red green one

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:33 am 
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beeswax wrote:
NP gemini, it is definitely on the right track. I don't know whether you saw through the card pool / meta like a savant, or just decided you'd make a fat ramp deck haha.

When playing such a deck it honestly makes me, and possibly my opponents.. realise you don't need red / green for the same effect.

As you know red green ramp is the unstoppable force at the moment in the meta. I feel this deck simplifies the goal of the red green deck by having just one colour. I can even mess up their mana with my acid moss, and they can't mess mine up much with theirs - blister pod works wonders to push me over the edge after losing a land. Since I'm one colour, acid vs acid fights mean green has advantage.

After having a large win ratio tonight and having at least 3 red green ramp decks quit against me, I really do think it is a tier one deck response to the red green one

The problem then occurs in that you have less response and reliability vs RDW and other aggro, it's a trade-off really. You do Ramps job better and more consistently, but I think vs a W/G Ramp deck you might struggle. Red does better vs aggro, but worse against a mirror. White does worse vs aggro (although still has board wipes) and MUCH better in a Ramp mirror. I'd like to test the mono green vs it's R/G and W/G counterparts to see if it can truly beat both as a tier one counter.

^ NGA's resident embodiment of "Poe's Law".

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:39 am 
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beeswax wrote:
NP gemini, it is definitely on the right track. I don't know whether you saw through the card pool / meta like a savant, or just decided you'd make a fat ramp deck haha.

When playing such a deck it honestly makes me, and possibly my opponents.. realise you don't need red / green for the same effect.

As you know red green ramp is the unstoppable force at the moment in the meta. I feel this deck simplifies the goal of the red green deck by having just one colour. I can even mess up their mana with my acid moss, and they can't mess mine up much with theirs - blister pod works wonders to push me over the edge after losing a land. Since I'm one colour, acid vs acid fights mean green has advantage.

After having a large win ratio tonight and having at least 3 red green ramp decks quit against me, I really do think it is a tier one deck response to the red green one

The problem then occurs in that you have less response and reliability vs RDW and other aggro, it's a trade-off really. You do Ramps job better and more consistently, but I think vs a W/G Ramp deck you might struggle. Red does better vs aggro, but worse against a mirror. White does worse vs aggro (although still has board wipes) and MUCH better in a Ramp mirror. I'd like to test the mono green vs it's R/G and W/G counterparts to see if it can truly beat both as a tier one counter.

I'm beginning not to like Blisterpod as I used to. Jatti Offshoot would be better and Greenwarden would be better? Nissa's Renewal instead of Revelation?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:40 am 
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Agree with those points bounce. I enjoy the deck's subtle differences such as primal bellow, which can act as a saver pump to defend against some beefy aggro mage ring bully and turn the tide against aggro. If that doesn't work, I've probaly got a blister pod I'll let pop against aggro and it'll ramp me towards some untargettable fatty - gaea or crusher.

Then the other advantage I've been enjoying is more room in mono green deck to pack fatties in. Gaea, crusher, eldrazi, etc.. plus anything can be a scary fatty left unblocked with primal bellow. If I can get 10+ damage in with primal bellow on a blister pod or something, it has a severe psychological effect on my opponent, and they often defend a lot more readily rather than go for my throat - all the better for me, as more stalling time seems to only help this deck.

I've been doing well vs aggro and very, very well against red green, haven't come across white green ramp yet I don't think. More testing tomorrow

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:42 am 
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No no no, blisterpod is just awesome in this deck. So is revelation because it usually gains me 6-10 life and a whole bunch of winning cards. Just my opinion though :D

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:29 am 
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I initially thought Aggro would make up a huge percent of the Meta. In that case, I'd still suggest +3 Jaddi Offshoot + 1 Oblivion Sower -4 Blisterpod.

Question. How does this interaction work out? Fertile Thicket says you MAY look at the top 5 cards of your library. If you choose to look and place a land on the top, you shove the rest to the bottom. What happens when there aren't any lands in the top 5 and there's only fatties? Are you forced to shove them to the bottom still? Can you look and Nissa's Revelation safely and say...draw 10 gain 10 life? Or, do you look, even if there isn't any land you ship them to the bottom, shuffle with a ramp and use Nissa's Revelation?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:37 am 
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that is a good question, I guess now I have to build something with 4 copies of it and find out
kryder is correct, just checked

Hakeem928 wrote:
Never tell a hungry person that you're yummy.


Last edited by chile125 on Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:47 am 
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ok beeswax, I'll totally try out that deck. Love mono-green when done right. If acid moss is as prevalent as people say, you could really be onto something here.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:50 am 
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Question. How does this interaction work out? Fertile Thicket says you MAY look at the top 5 cards of your library. If you choose to look and place a land on the top, you shove the rest to the bottom. What happens when there aren't any lands in the top 5 and there's only fatties? Are you forced to shove them to the bottom still? Can you look and Nissa's Revelation safely and say...draw 10 gain 10 life? Or, do you look, even if there isn't any land you ship them to the bottom, shuffle with a ramp and use Nissa's Revelation?

The way the card is written, you do not have to look. But, if you do, you are looking at the top 5 cards, you can choose to reveal a basic land and put it on top, then put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.

Basically, if you chose to look, you are putting at least 4 cards on the bottom, period. If you don't put a basic on top, it would be 5 cards on the bottom.

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