Is anything below row 8 supposed to change if I select a different deck in row 1? Nothing changes for me, and I have no idea how to make it change. Sorry, but this thing is incomprehensible in its current state. Has a lot of potential though.
Also, you should mention that one is supposed to log in with their Google account, otherwise "Make Copy" is unavailable.
The rows below column 8 will not change by itself. You have to manually delete and key in the files you want.
Would an auto-delete function work for you?
honestly I think the reason the one during 2015 was so prolific is because it was simple, no menus just select your color click the card build the deck, this has multiple pages and multiple drop down bars and is overly complex compared to what I'm used to
reward has to be equal or greater then effort for something like this to be used. the amount of effort needed for this is way to much for a little bit more organization.
I even made a deck and i timed how long it took, it took me 5 mins longer then it took me to write out the deck list by hand and write the explanation on what the deck does
Thanks for the comments. I understand that it is unnecessarily complex
I'm still working to figure out the various scripts and formulas in G! Sheets and having everything in sight helps me to keep track and prevent screw-ups. In future versions, I'll tidy up and try keep complexity out.
I'll appreciate more inputs on which area you are stuck in so that I can improve on it:
Is it how to even get started? Would a step-by-step guide help?
Is it you're not sure what cards are available to fill in?
I've fired up my secret lab and working to make the entire process smoother, also create the ability to save and retrieve decks. Also will build on Auunj's guide and work on one incorporated in the file itself. Hopefully will get it all out before BFZ hits Duels.