Alright, I got a toughie for youse guys.
Write a story featuring the voices in Huinn's head that paints him in a sympathetic light.
Alright, I think this is something I can play around with...
Echoes of Darkness
[Enter HUINN behind the WARLORD, unnoticed.]
continuing). And they call us barbarians! Ten thousand slaughtered under the boots of the fat king’s soldiers! And how many more to the blades of those damned Darkwings?
OFFICER. No way to tell. Too many.
[The Voices begin, speaking from offstage. Only HUINN seems to notice.]
a whispering, paranoid voice). They’re onto us.
a small, frightened voice). Oh, no!
a booming, authoritative voice). You have failed. What worth are you to his majesty?
a visceral, oozing voice, partially muffled). Free me! I boil over! Let me dance on your blade, let me embrace the ground! Free me! Free me! Free me!
CHILD. We have to help him, don’t we?
a proud, confident voice). The Liege has ordered his death. We must obey.
spiteful and sarcastic). His most noble majesty has grown paranoid of us out here.
[HUINN moves closer.]
[HUINN stops and moves back. OFFICER turns around to face where HUINN had just been.]
MASTER. Nearly caught again. Worthless. Worthless!
OFFICER. Should we prepare for trouble?
BLOOD. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Trouble, freedom, air! Free me!
WARLORD. Always be prepared for trouble. [
He pauses, thinking.] I supported the king when no one else would. He embraced me on the day of his coronation. He said I was like a son to him. And then…
CHILD. Oh, no…
WARLORD. He would never…the dishonor…
SOLDIER. There is no honor in disobedience.
WARLORD. Double the guard. There is something…foul…on the wind.
SHADOW. He’s detected us!
MASTER. Worthless.
OFFICER. Yes, sir. No one will get through.
MASTER. Now, you worthless fool!
SHADOW. He suspects! Hurry!
SOLDIER. The king commands!
CHILD. Do we have to?
BLOOD. Yes! Yes, you must! Free me! End my confinement! Where is your mercy?
MASTER. Strike!
[WARLORD begins to turn toward HUINN.]
SHADOW. He is turning!
CHILD. He’ll see! Run!
MASTER. Coward! Worthless coward! Fulfill your purpose!
SOLDIER. Your duty!
BLOOD. Your mercy! Free me!
[HUINN closes the distance, kills WARLORD brutally.]
CHILD. Why? (
sobs loudly)[/p]
MASTER. About time.
louder than before). Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Find me! I am trapped in others! Free me! Free me! Free me!
SHADOW. Someone will have heard! Hide!
MASTER and SOLDIER together. Coward.
CHILD. Where are the others? Please, I need the others!
[HUINN begins to grow agitated.]
HUINN. Please…I can’t…too many…
SOLDIER. Return to the king.
MASTER. Fulfill your duty!
CHILD. Where are they?
SHADOW. Lost… lost…
wails). No!
SOLDIER. Return first, then the others.
MASTER. You are weakness itself!
SHADOW. You must not speak! They will hear!
CHILD. The others!
SOLDIER. Return!
many cacophonous voices and flapping wings) No!
CHILD. What happened?
SHADOW. Another was found!
SOLDIER. Another was lost!
MASTER. Another has failed.
CHILD. No! Which? Who was it? Brother?
SHADOW. They heard you! Flee!
MASTER. Pathetic. Do you wish to die? To fail like your fallen brothers?
SOLDIER. Return! The king commands it!
[A large, black feather falls to the stage from above. Huinn stoops to pick it up, but cannot grasp it.]
CHILD. Who? Who? Who?
FLOCK. We are dying. The king…he cares nothing for our brothers.
SOLDIER. The king commands. The Darkwings obey. Nothing else matters.
MASTER. Do not question. Do not fail. You are worthless.
Echoes of Darkness
MASTER. Captured. Tortured. Defeated. You are worthless. Worthless! How did you outlive the rest?
SHADOW. Except for Muinn.
crying). Where is Muinn? Please, I need you! Brother!
SOLDIER. Die with honor.
CHILD. I don’t want to die!
MASTER. Pathetic. What good are you?
now only one voice, MUINN’s). Brother? Where are you?
CHILD. Brother!
FLOCK. Brother? Can you hear me?
SHADOW. No one must ever hear us.
CHILD. Brother! Answer me!
FLOCK. Brother? Are you there? Where are you?
SOLDIER. Fulfill your purpose.
SHADOW. Someone’s coming!
CHILD. There’s nowhere to hide!
EXECUTIONER. You murdered my lord, Darkwing.
CHILD. I had no choice! Please…
EXECUTIONER. As you and your kind have murdered many before.
SOLDIER. We were commanded. Disobedience means death, to us and our brothers.
EXECUTIONER. But now you have been caught.
MASTER. Worthless! How did you allow this? Death is better than you deserve!
EXECUTIONER. And you will die, like all the rest of your kind.
CHILD. All? No…
SHADOW. Not all…
CHILD. What? No!
EXECUTIONER. Have you any last words, vile one?
FLOCK. We are done.
CHILD. No! Brother! Muinn!
MASTER. Die. And end the misery you bring to all.
BLOOD. Yes! Release me! Free me! Free me from your wretched veins!
CHILD. No, please, no!
EXECUTIONER. Well? Your last word?
HUINN. Muinn!
FLOCK. Huinn!
BLOOD. Free me!
CHILD. Please, no! Please!
EXECUTIONER. Very well. Whatever that means…
CHILD. Brother…
BLOOD. Release me!
a distant, echoing voice). Come to me.
SOLDIER. No. Die in honor.
SHADOW. Join your brothers in darkness.
MASTER. The only thing you deserve less than death is life.
SPARK. Come quickly.
CHILD. I’m frightened. Please, please, help me!
BLOOD. No! Let me out!
FLOCK. Goodbye, brother. All we had was each other.
[As the EXECUTIONER’s axe descends, SPARK enters quickly as a black spectre, and pulls HUINN away.]
SPARK. You may not die.
BLOOD. NO! How could you!
CHILD. Thank you!
SOLDIER. Dishonor. Terrible dishonor.
MASTER. A failure, even in death.
BLOOD. Release me! I command it!
MASTER. Or will you fail yet again?
CHILD. Where are we?
SHADOW. Darkness. We should stay.
SPARK. No. You cannot stay.
now with more voices than ever). Where did you fly to, Brother? Why did you leave us in death?
SOLDIER. Return to the king.
MASTER. He will judge you unworthy.
CHILD. He will yell. We should flee.
SOLDIER. We must obey.
SHADOW. We must hide.
as EXECUTIONER’s voice). You escaped from me once. Return to your Liege, so that I can catch you again.
Echoes of Darkness
HUINN. Where is he?
CHILD. Where is he?
SHADOW. Where is he?
MASTER. You lost him.
SOLDIER. He is the king! Do not question him!
KING. We do not know. We have seen nothing of him since We sent him to kill Our enemy.
CHILD. Why does he lie to us?
SOLDIER. How dare you question…
voice slightly muffled). Free me! The King holds me captive!
MASTER. His death is your failure.
HUINN. Not mine!
CHILD. Not ours!
KING. Not your what?
BLOOD. Strike now!
SOLDIER. Answer him!
DEATH. Strike him down! Then I will strike you!
FLOCK. Why did you not follow us into death, Brother?
HUINN. All dead?
KING. We fear so.
KING. We feared for your death, as well, when you did not return.
DEATH. He is mine now, King, no longer yours.
SOLDIER. Lies! We are always his.
MASTER. Or so it should have been. But he is worthless, beneath notice.
SHADOW. Beyond notice. The best place to strike.
BLOOD. Strike! Strike now! Free me!
DEATH. Strike, and fall to me!
HUINN. I will not die!
KING. Of course. But, We feared, with the death of the others…
CHILD. No! They can’t be dead!
BLOOD. I escaped from all of them!
MASTER. All failures, like you.
HUINN. Lies!
KING. What? How dare you! Have you forgotten who I am?
SOLDIER. You question the king?
BLOOD. You thirst for me, yes?
DEATH. Have you given into me, then?
HUINN. No! Be silent!
KING. Silent? You impudent… (
he pauses and collects himself). Your life belongs to Us. It has belonged to Us since your hatching, and it will belong to Us until you are buried along with your brothers.
CHILD. Why does he yell so much?
SPARK. Come to me. There is nothing for you there.
BLOOD. It grows hot in here. Release me!
DEATH. You do not belong to him. You belong to me. I will claim you!
HUINN. You cannot have me!
KING. You rebellious buzzard!
[MUINN enters as an apparition. HUINN notices him.]
HUINN. Muinn!
KING. We told you, We know nothing about him. Now…
CHILD. Brother?
[MUINN’s apparition moves awkwardly toward the KING. The KING continues to speak, but we can no longer hear him, and HUINN is no longer looking at him. MUINN walks up to the KING and puts his own neck in the KING’s hands, although the KING seems not to notice.]
HUINN. MUINN? In your hands…
KING. We have had enough of this. Get out of Our sight.
BLOOD. Strike! You must strike now!
CHILD. Brother?
FLOCK. We were all like Muinn once. We are all like Muinn now.
KING. How dare you disobey…
SOLDIER. How dare you disobey!
MASTER. Pitiful! What has your life been?
SPARK. There is nothing for you here.
BLOOD. Let me out!
CHILD. Brother? Why do you writhe?
DEATH. I have claimed them all! Only you remain.
HUINN. I am not yours!
KING. You would turn your blade toward Us?
MUINN. Come to me, Brother.
HUINN. Yes. Yes, Brother.
[HUINN advances a step. The KING takes two steps back, bringing back his hands. As he does, MUINN vanishes.]
CHILD. Brother! No!
[Huinn becomes agitated. The KING panics and stumbles. HUINN closes the distance and mounts the KING.]
HUINN. Where is he! What have you done with my brother!
CHILD. My Brother!
MASTER. Failure. Utter failure.
SOLDIER. Treason! Treason!
SPARK. Fly. There is nothing here.
DEATH. You will never hide from me!
SHADOW. Flee. It is the only way.
BLOOD. Release me! You must release me!
HUINN. What have you done with my Brother!
FLOCK. Traitor! Traitor! The King is a traitor! You are a Traitor!
[All voices now start talking at once, each one growing louder and louder to try to speak over the others. HUINN becomes increasingly agitated and the voices get louder again. They build to a cacophonous din until, in a crescendo, HUINN stabs the KING through the chest. The moment he does, all voices go silent. HUINN stays there for a long moment.]
HUINN. Silence.
[SPARK enters as a black spectre, one ghostly arm around the apparition of MUINN. HUINN looks up to see them.]
HUINN. Brother? Brother?
[SPARK and MUINN exit. HUINN stands and slowly moves after them. As he moves, the voices slowly start up again, all at once, and build as HUINN exits.]