Novince Engineer, as a 1/2, would not see play today. You have to remember that that was back in a meta where the origianl
Nat Pagle was overpowered, and where you had a reasonable chance of
Alarm-o-bot working.
So a card that was considered overpowered would now be worthless? Sure, the meta is slower, but I don't buy that.
A) the meta is faster, which is the problem and B) Cairne Bloodhoof is a good example of an "overpowered" card that now sees almost no play. I fail to see why giving a novice engineer 1 more health would make it any more playable. The paladin's hero power is repeatable, has positive guaranteed synergy with parts of their deck most likely, and does not consume a draw.
Curator replaces itself, so it doesn't consume a draw either, and idk what you mean with "positive synergies". When did Priest lose their buffs? If its stats for 2 mana is useless, then the paladin hero power also makes useless creatures. Doing a useless thing several times doesn't make it useful. Of course, the Paladin hero power is far from useless, so paying 2 mana for a 1/2 has some value.
Curator does consume a draw. You have to put it in your deck, and draw it instead of something else that WILL be better on that turn if you don't have the ability to play Curator and the card it discovers simultaneously (it will be often the case that it will be better anyways).You are also observing the best case.
They're not that crazy. If you just want value later in the game, then you have Cairne, Sylvanas, Sneed's, Toshley, Sky Golem, Belcher, Dark Cultist, Mechanical Yeti and Shredder, which is almost a third of the pool, and you get three options. More if you are less greedy. Aggro has lower quality, but there are 10 decent options costing 3 or less.
Even if you want 1/3 of the pool, you have about an 8/27 chance of getting nothing useful. Consistency is kind, unless the rng is overpowered enough on average to be worth the consistency.Discover does not let you get cards from other classes, so there isn't any crazy synergy involved there.
Would have loved a Highmane or Tirion, but I know.
And you are paying 2 mana for a 1/2 plus some random card, likely to be worse than something in your deck on average, that you still have to pay more mana to cast.
The 1/2 is free card advantage though. And I believe the flexibility could easily make it better than a card in my deck on average. Quite a lot of deathrattles are already pretty good as it is.
2 mana and a tempo hit, by definition, is not "free", and in this case it's a very reasonable possibility that whatever you get AND your 1/2 will both get taken out by the same creature.Something you generally cannot afford to do in most games early on.
Traditional control priest often has nothing to do on turn 2.
This does not mean you should put a bad 2 drop in your deck so you suddenly have a play.In fact, it's almost useless in an aggro deck because they already know their plan and what they want to be doing.
Who plays aggro priest?
People on ladder actually. However, I am talking about the game as a whole. Not everything is seen through the eyes of a priest, which IS probably going to be one of the worse classes to try this in.In a control deck, there are meta-dependent choices you can make that will make it a 99% chance it's just better to include a card that DEFINITELY improves your matchups over a card that is "flexible" but unreliable and a tempo hit.
Must be nice to have a meta game consisting of one deck. Most cards aren't objectively better against every single matchup though, especially not as a priest.
You play the odds, based on what you are seeing. The meta generally consists of 2 or 3 decks, leaning towards aggro or control. If you see a lot of aggro, you are better off straight-up putting Deathlord in over this tempo hit, while if you are seeing a lot of control you are better off straight up putting another anti-control card in. Possibly something really good that doesn't even have to have a deathratle. Jack of all trades by definition means it's unlikely to be the perfect card for any situation, assuming we say it's going to be good in a lot of situations and I wasn't convinced it was a relatively bad card.
@Ragnarokia, it might draw one extra card, but it's not going to survive for multiple turns, which was the reason it used to be "overpowered" back in the day. It was hard to remove before turn 4.